28 research outputs found

    Robust Machine Learning-Based Correction on Automatic Segmentation of the Cerebellum and Brainstem.

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    Automated segmentation is a useful method for studying large brain structures such as the cerebellum and brainstem. However, automated segmentation may lead to inaccuracy and/or undesirable boundary. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether SegAdapter, a machine learning-based method, is useful for automatically correcting large segmentation errors and disagreement in anatomical definition. We further assessed the robustness of the method in handling size of training set, differences in head coil usage, and amount of brain atrophy. High resolution T1-weighted images were acquired from 30 healthy controls scanned with either an 8-channel or 32-channel head coil. Ten patients, who suffered from brain atrophy because of fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome, were scanned using the 32-channel head coil. The initial segmentations of the cerebellum and brainstem were generated automatically using Freesurfer. Subsequently, Freesurfer's segmentations were both manually corrected to serve as the gold standard and automatically corrected by SegAdapter. Using only 5 scans in the training set, spatial overlap with manual segmentation in Dice coefficient improved significantly from 0.956 (for Freesurfer segmentation) to 0.978 (for SegAdapter-corrected segmentation) for the cerebellum and from 0.821 to 0.954 for the brainstem. Reducing the training set size to 2 scans only decreased the Dice coefficient ≤0.002 for the cerebellum and ≤ 0.005 for the brainstem compared to the use of training set size of 5 scans in corrective learning. The method was also robust in handling differences between the training set and the test set in head coil usage and the amount of brain atrophy, which reduced spatial overlap only by <0.01. These results suggest that the combination of automated segmentation and corrective learning provides a valuable method for accurate and efficient segmentation of the cerebellum and brainstem, particularly in large-scale neuroimaging studies, and potentially for segmenting other neural regions as well

    An open, multi-vendor, multi-field-strength brain MR dataset and analysis of publicly available skull stripping methods agreement

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    This paper presents an open, multi-vendor, multi-field strength magnetic resonance (MR) T1-weighted volumetric brain imaging dataset, named Calgary-Campinas-359 (CC-359). The dataset is composed of images of older healthy adults (29-80 years) acquired on scanners from three vendors (Siemens, Philips and General Electric) at both 1.5 T and 3 T. CC-359 is comprised of 359 datasets, approximately 60 subjects per vendor and magnetic field strength. The dataset is approximately age and gender balanced, subject to the constraints of the available images. It provides consensus brain extraction masks for all volumes generated using supervised classification. Manual segmentation results for twelve randomly selected subjects performed by an expert are also provided. The CC-359 dataset allows investigation of 1) the influences of both vendor and magnetic field strength on quantitative analysis of brain MR; 2) parameter optimization for automatic segmentation methods; and potentially 3) machine learning classifiers with big data, specifically those based on deep learning methods, as these approaches require a large amount of data. To illustrate the utility of this dataset, we compared to the results of a supervised classifier, the results of eight publicly available skull stripping methods and one publicly available consensus algorithm. A linear mixed effects model analysis indicated that vendor (p - value < 0.001) and magnetic field strength (p - value < 0.001) have statistically significant impacts on skull stripping results170482494CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP311228/2014-3; 157534/2015-488881.062158/2014-012013/07559-3; 2013/23514-0; 2016/18332-

    Brain segmentation based on multi-atlas guided 3D fully convolutional network ensembles

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    In this study, we proposed and validated a multi-atlas guided 3D fully convolutional network (FCN) ensemble model (M-FCN) for segmenting brain regions of interest (ROIs) from structural magnetic resonance images (MRIs). One major limitation of existing state-of-the-art 3D FCN segmentation models is that they often apply image patches of fixed size throughout training and testing, which may miss some complex tissue appearance patterns of different brain ROIs. To address this limitation, we trained a 3D FCN model for each ROI using patches of adaptive size and embedded outputs of the convolutional layers in the deconvolutional layers to further capture the local and global context patterns. In addition, with an introduction of multi-atlas based guidance in M-FCN, our segmentation was generated by combining the information of images and labels, which is highly robust. To reduce over-fitting of the FCN model on the training data, we adopted an ensemble strategy in the learning procedure. Evaluation was performed on two brain MRI datasets, aiming respectively at segmenting 14 subcortical and ventricular structures and 54 brain ROIs. The segmentation results of the proposed method were compared with those of a state-of-the-art multi-atlas based segmentation method and an existing 3D FCN segmentation model. Our results suggested that the proposed method had a superior segmentation performance

    Connectivity precedes function in the development of the visual word form area

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    What determines the cortical location at which a given functionally specific region will arise in development? We tested the hypothesis that functionally specific regions develop in their characteristic locations because of pre-existing differences in the extrinsic connectivity of that region to the rest of the brain. We exploited the visual word form area (VWFA) as a test case, scanning children with diffusion and functional imaging at age 5, before they learned to read, and at age 8, after they learned to read. We found the VWFA developed functionally in this interval and that its location in a particular child at age 8 could be predicted from that child's connectivity fingerprints (but not functional responses) at age 5. These results suggest that early connectivity instructs the functional development of the VWFA, possibly reflecting a general mechanism of cortical development.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32HD079169)Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.) (Grant F32HD079169)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01HD067312)Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.) (Grant R01HD067312