2,001 research outputs found

    Exploiting multi-agent system technology within an autonomous regional active network management system

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    This paper describes the proposed application of multi-agent system (MAS) technology within AuRA-NMS, an autonomous regional network management system currently being developed in the UK through a partnership between several UK universities, distribution network operators (DNO) and a major equipment manufacturer. The paper begins by describing the challenges facing utilities and why those challenges have led the utilities, a major manufacturer and the UK government to invest in the development of a flexible and extensible active network management system. The requirements the utilities have for a network automation system they wish to deploy on their distribution networks are discussed in detail. With those requirements in mind the rationale behind the use of multi-agent systems (MAS) within AuRA-NMS is presented and the inherent research and design challenges highlighted including: the issues associated with robustness of distributed MAS platforms; the arbitration of different control functions; and the relationship between the ontological requirements of Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agent (FIPA) compliant multi-agent systems, legacy protocols and standards such as IEC 61850 and the common information model (CIM)

    Practical applications of multi-agent systems in electric power systems

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    The transformation of energy networks from passive to active systems requires the embedding of intelligence within the network. One suitable approach to integrating distributed intelligent systems is multi-agent systems technology, where components of functionality run as autonomous agents capable of interaction through messaging. This provides loose coupling between components that can benefit the complex systems envisioned for the smart grid. This paper reviews the key milestones of demonstrated agent systems in the power industry and considers which aspects of agent design must still be addressed for widespread application of agent technology to occur

    Application of multi-agents to power distribution systems

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    The electric power system has become a very complicated network at present because of re-structuring and the penetration of distributed energy resources. In addition, due to increasing demand for power, issues such as transmission congestion have made the power system stressed. A single fault can lead to massive cascading effects, affecting the power supply and power quality. An overall solution for these issues can be obtained by a new artificial intelligent mechanism called the multi-agent system. A multi-agent system is a collection of agents, which senses the environmental changes and acts diligently on the environment in order to achieve its objectives. Due to the increasing speed and decreasing cost in communication and computation of complex matrices, multi-agent system promise to be a viable solution for today\u27s intrinsic network problems.;A multi-agent system model for fault detection and reconfiguration is presented in this thesis. These models are developed based on graph theory and mathematical programming. A mathematical model is developed to specify the objective function and the constraints.;The multi-agent models are simulated in Java Agent Development Framework and MatlabRTM and are applied to the power system model designed in the commercial software, Distributed Engineering Workstation(c) . The circuit that is used to model the power distribution system is the Circuit of the Future, developed by Southern California Edison.;The multi-agent system model can precisely detect the fault location and according to the type of fault, it reconfigures the system to supply as much load as possible by satisfying the power balance and line capacity constraints. The model is also capable of handling the assignment of load priorities.;All possible fault cases were tested and a few critical test scenarios are presented in this thesis. The results obtained were promising and were as expected

    Agent based modeling of power distribution systems

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    The electric power system is a very vast network and becoming more complex each day. The traditional vertically monopolistic structure has been deregulated and replaced by gencos, transcos and, discos; increasing the power system intricacy. During the past few decades there has been remarkable development in software and hardware technologies for the analysis and design activities in power system planning, operation, and control. However, much still depends on the judgment of human experts. A single fault in power system can lead to multiple faults and can collapse the whole system. Power System needs a more decentralized control mechanism for solving these problems. One novel solution would be Multi-agent Systems. A Multi-agent system is a collection of agents, which perceives the system changes and acts on the system in order to achieve its goals. Recent technology developments in the area of Multi-agent systems making it a viable solution for today\u27s complicated power network.;A Multi-agent system model is developed for fault detection and reconfiguration in this thesis work. These models are developed based on graph theory tree models and mathematical models. A set of objective functions are specified in the mathematical model for the restoration of the network.;The agent platform for the fault detection is developed by Java Agent Development Framework. The restoration algorithm is programmed in MATLAB and applied to the distribution system modeled in the commercial software, Distributed Engineering Workstation and Power World Simulator. The test system in this thesis is, a distribution system developed by Southern California Edison called Circuit of the Future.;The Multi-agent system can detect the fault precisely and reconfigures the circuit using the reconfiguration algorithm. The reconfiguration will happen in a way that it always try to supply all the critical loads in the network. When there are multiple solutions available for reconfiguration, the one with good voltage profile and less power loss is selected as the solution. The algorithm makes use of shunt compensation and priority based load shedding in order to control the voltage across the network. Agents make use of learning to speed up the reconfiguration process

    Uma revisão da literatura Sobre Técnicas de Inteligência Artificial Aplicadas a Redes Inteligentes de Autocura/ A Review of Literature on Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied to Self-Healing Smart Grids

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    The development of self-healing in smart grids is an attractive research topic. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for this purpose has been studied recently, and works published in this area show the effectiveness of AI. This article's purpose is to conduct a literature review of research articles published in recent years between 2014 and 2019, with the main theme related directly to self-healing and AI. Compared to the total number of articles published in smart grids, there is a small number of papers with this specific theme, mostly concentrated in Multi-Agent System (MAS). Performing an attribute agreement analysis, it is possible to look for relations between common characteristics of the articles and the chosen AI technique option. The methodology is applicable for educational and research purposes to facilitate the learning and investigation process.

    Multi-agent systems for power engineering applications - part 1 : Concepts, approaches and technical challenges

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    This is the first part of a 2-part paper that has arisen from the work of the IEEE Power Engineering Society's Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Working Group. Part 1 of the paper examines the potential value of MAS technology to the power industry. In terms of contribution, it describes fundamental concepts and approaches within the field of multi-agent systems that are appropriate to power engineering applications. As well as presenting a comprehensive review of the meaningful power engineering applications for which MAS are being investigated, it also defines the technical issues which must be addressed in order to accelerate and facilitate the uptake of the technology within the power and energy sector. Part 2 of the paper explores the decisions inherent in engineering multi-agent systems for applications in the power and energy sector and offers guidance and recommendations on how MAS can be designed and implemented

    Immune System Based Control and Intelligent Agent Design for Power System Applications

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    The National Academy of Engineering has selected the US Electric Power Grid as the supreme engineering achievement of the 20th century. Yet, this same grid is struggling to keep up with the increasing demand for electricity, its quality and cost. A growing recognition of the need to modernize the grid to meet future challenges has found articulation in the vision of a Smart Grid in using new control strategies that are intelligent, distributed, and adaptive. The objective of this work is to develop smart control systems inspired from the biological Human Immune System to better manage the power grid at the both generation and distribution levels. The work is divided into three main sections. In the first section, we addressed the problem of Automatic Generation Control design. The Clonal Selection theory is successfully applied as an optimization technique to obtain decentralized control gains that minimize a performance index based on Area Control Errors. Then the Immune Network theory is used to design adaptive controllers in order to diminish the excess maneuvering of the units and help the control areas comply with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation\u27s standards set to insure good quality of service and equitable mutual assistance by the interconnected energy balancing areas. The second section of this work addresses the design and deployment of Multi Agent Systems on both terrestrial and shipboard power systems self-healing using a novel approach based on the Immune Multi-Agent System (IMAS). The Immune System is viewed as a highly organized and distributed Multi-Cell System that strives to heal the body by working together and communicating to get rid of the pathogens. In this work both simulation and hardware design and deployment of the MAS are addressed. The third section of this work consists in developing a small scale smart circuit by modifying and upgrading the existing Analog Power Simulator to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed technologies. We showed how to develop smart Agents hardware along with a wireless communication platform and the electronic switches. After putting together the different designed pieces, the resulting Multi Agent System is integrated into the Power Simulator Hardware. The multi Agent System developed is tested for fault isolation, reconfiguration, and restoration problems by simulating a permanent three phase fault on one of the feeder lines. The experimental results show that the Multi Agent System hardware developed performed effectively and in a timely manner which confirms that this technology is very promising and a very good candidate for Smart Grid control applications

    A reconfigurable distributed multiagent system optimized for scalability

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    This thesis proposes a novel solution for optimizing the size and communication overhead of a distributed multiagent system without compromising the performance. The proposed approach addresses the challenges of scalability especially when the multiagent system is large. A modified spectral clustering technique is used to partition a large network into logically related clusters. Agents are assigned to monitor dedicated clusters rather than monitor each device or node. The proposed scalable multiagent system is implemented using JADE (Java Agent Development Environment) for a large power system. The performance of the proposed topology-independent decentralized multiagent system and the scalable multiagent system is compared by comprehensively simulating different fault scenarios. The time taken for reconfiguration, the overall computational complexity, and the communication overhead incurred are computed. The results of these simulations show that the proposed scalable multiagent system uses fewer agents efficiently, makes faster decisions to reconfigure when a fault occurs, and incurs significantly less communication overhead. The proposed scalable multiagent system has been coupled with a scalable reconfiguration algorithm for an electric power system attempting to minimize the number of switch combination explored for reconfiguration. The reconfiguration algorithm reconfigures a power system while maintaining bus voltages within limits specified by constraints