6 research outputs found

    Multi-agent Manufacturing Execution System (MES):Concept, architecture & ML algorithm for a smart factory case

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    Smart factory of the future is expected to support interoperability on the shop floor, where information systems are pivotal in enabling interconnectivity between its physical assets. In this era of digital transformation, manufacturing execution system (MES) is emerging as a critical software tool to support production planning and control while accessing the shop floor data. However, application of MES as an enterprise information system still lacks the decision support capabilities on the shop floor. As an attempt to design intelligent MES, this paper demonstrates one of the artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the manufacturing domain by presenting a decision support mechanism for MES aimed at production coordination. Machine learning (ML) was used to develop an anomaly detection algorithm for multi-agent based MES to facilitate autonomous production execution and process optimization (in this paper switching the machine off after anomaly detection on the production line). Thus, MES executes the ‘turning off’ of the machine without human intervention. The contribution of the paper includes a concept of next-generation MES that has embedded AI, i.e., a MES system architecture combined with machine learning (ML) technique for multi-agent MES. Future research directions are also put forward in this position paper

    User-Friendly MES Interfaces:Recommendations for an AI-Based Chatbot Assistance in Industry 4.0 Shop Floors

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    The purpose of this paper is to study an Industry 4.0 scenario of ‘technical assistance’ and use manufacturing execution systems (MES) to address the need for easy information extraction on the shop floor. We identify specific requirements for a user-friendly MES interface to develop (and test) an approach for technical assistance and introduce a chatbot with a prediction system as an interface layer for MES. The chatbot is aimed at production coordination by assisting the shop floor workforce and learn from their inputs, thus acting as an intelligent assistant. We programmed a prototype chatbot as a proof of concept, where the new interface layer provided live updates related to production in natural language and added predictive power to MES. The results indicate that the chatbot interface for MES is beneficial to the shop floor workforce and provides easy information extraction, compared to the traditional search techniques. The paper contributes to the manufacturing information systems field and demonstrates a human-AI collaboration system in a factory. In particular, this paper recommends the manner in which MES based technical assistance systems can be developed for the purpose of easy information retrieval

    La oportunidad de desarrollar diseños operativos en la empresa

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    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the opportunities of operational designs in the industry 4.0 from the use of technology in the business sector. From the methodology of documentary analysis, qualitative and descriptive approach, its applications in business organizations of global impact are emphasized. Among the main results, it is evaluated the validity of Amazon and Exscientia in the use of operational designs in the crisis generated by the COVID 19 pandemic through the use of technology in their market operations in contrast, small companies were affected in their cost-benefit in the same period. We conclude by highlighting the benefits of operational designs in business organizational contexts for the benefit of knowledge management, which can be extrapolated to other organizational contexts.El propósito del trabajo es reflexionar sobre las oportunidades de los diseños operativos en la industria - 4.0 desde el uso de la tecnología en el sector empresarial. Desde la metodología del análisis documental, enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo se enfatiza sus aplicaciones en organizaciones empresariales de impacto global. Entre los principales resultados, se evalúa la vigencia de Amazon y Exscientia en uso diseños operativo ante la crisis generada por la pandemia de COVID 19 mediante el uso de tecnología en sus operaciones del mercado en contraparte las empresas pequeñas estuvieron afectadas en su costo beneficio en el mismo periodo. Se concluye en resaltar los beneficios de los diseños operativos en contextos organizacionales empresariales en beneficio de la gestión del conocimiento el cual se puede extrapolar a otros contextos organizacionales

    Integrating maintenance strategies in autonomous production control using a cost-based model

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    Enabling the Smart Factory with Industrial Internet of Things-Connected MES/MOM

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