6 research outputs found

    Multi-scale pixel-based image fusion using multivariate empirical mode decomposition.

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    A novel scheme to perform the fusion of multiple images using the multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) algorithm is proposed. Standard multi-scale fusion techniques make a priori assumptions regarding input data, whereas standard univariate empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based fusion techniques suffer from inherent mode mixing and mode misalignment issues, characterized respectively by either a single intrinsic mode function (IMF) containing multiple scales or the same indexed IMFs corresponding to multiple input images carrying different frequency information. We show that MEMD overcomes these problems by being fully data adaptive and by aligning common frequency scales from multiple channels, thus enabling their comparison at a pixel level and subsequent fusion at multiple data scales. We then demonstrate the potential of the proposed scheme on a large dataset of real-world multi-exposure and multi-focus images and compare the results against those obtained from standard fusion algorithms, including the principal component analysis (PCA), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and non-subsampled contourlet transform (NCT). A variety of image fusion quality measures are employed for the objective evaluation of the proposed method. We also report the results of a hypothesis testing approach on our large image dataset to identify statistically-significant performance differences

    Data-driven Signal Decomposition Approaches: A Comparative Analysis

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    Signal decomposition (SD) approaches aim to decompose non-stationary signals into their constituent amplitude- and frequency-modulated components. This represents an important preprocessing step in many practical signal processing pipelines, providing useful knowledge and insight into the data and relevant underlying system(s) while also facilitating tasks such as noise or artefact removal and feature extraction. The popular SD methods are mostly data-driven, striving to obtain inherent well-behaved signal components without making many prior assumptions on input data. Among those methods include empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and variants, variational mode decomposition (VMD) and variants, synchrosqueezed transform (SST) and variants and sliding singular spectrum analysis (SSA). With the increasing popularity and utility of these methods in wide-ranging application, it is imperative to gain a better understanding and insight into the operation of these algorithms, evaluate their accuracy with and without noise in input data and gauge their sensitivity against algorithmic parameter changes. In this work, we achieve those tasks through extensive experiments involving carefully designed synthetic and real-life signals. Based on our experimental observations, we comment on the pros and cons of the considered SD algorithms as well as highlighting the best practices, in terms of parameter selection, for the their successful operation. The SD algorithms for both single- and multi-channel (multivariate) data fall within the scope of our work. For multivariate signals, we evaluate the performance of the popular algorithms in terms of fulfilling the mode-alignment property, especially in the presence of noise.Comment: Resubmission with changes in the reference lis

    Multi-Scale Pixel-Based Image Fusion Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    A novel scheme to perform the fusion of multiple images using the multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) algorithm is proposed. Standard multi-scale fusion techniques make a priori assumptions regarding input data, whereas standard univariate empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based fusion techniques suffer from inherent mode mixing and mode misalignment issues, characterized respectively by either a single intrinsic mode function (IMF) containing multiple scales or the same indexed IMFs corresponding to multiple input images carrying different frequency information. We show that MEMD overcomes these problems by being fully data adaptive and by aligning common frequency scales from multiple channels, thus enabling their comparison at a pixel level and subsequent fusion at multiple data scales. We then demonstrate the potential of the proposed scheme on a large dataset of real-world multi-exposure and multi-focus images and compare the results against those obtained from standard fusion algorithms, including the principal component analysis (PCA), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and non-subsampled contourlet transform (NCT). A variety of image fusion quality measures are employed for the objective evaluation of the proposed method. We also report the results of a hypothesis testing approach on our large image dataset to identify statistically-significant performance differences

    High Performance Video Stream Analytics System for Object Detection and Classification

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    Due to the recent advances in cameras, cell phones and camcorders, particularly the resolution at which they can record an image/video, large amounts of data are generated daily. This video data is often so large that manually inspecting it for object detection and classification can be time consuming and error prone, thereby it requires automated analysis to extract useful information and meta-data. The automated analysis from video streams also comes with numerous challenges such as blur content and variation in illumination conditions and poses. We investigate an automated video analytics system in this thesis which takes into account the characteristics from both shallow and deep learning domains. We propose fusion of features from spatial frequency domain to perform highly accurate blur and illumination invariant object classification using deep learning networks. We also propose the tuning of hyper-parameters associated with the deep learning network through a mathematical model. The mathematical model used to support hyper-parameter tuning improved the performance of the proposed system during training. The outcomes of various hyper-parameters on system's performance are compared. The parameters that contribute towards the most optimal performance are selected for the video object classification. The proposed video analytics system has been demonstrated to process a large number of video streams and the underlying infrastructure is able to scale based on the number and size of the video stream(s) being processed. The extensive experimentation on publicly available image and video datasets reveal that the proposed system is significantly more accurate and scalable and can be used as a general purpose video analytics system.N/

    An谩lisis de la variabilidad intraespec铆fica en Trypanosoma cruzi: susceptibilidad a la combinaci贸n de benznidazol y clomipramina durante la infecci贸n aguda experimental.

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    Tesis (Grado Doctor en Ciencias Biol贸gicas)--Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, F铆sicas y Naturales. Lugar de Trabajo: Centro de Estudios e Investigaci贸n de la Enfermedad de Chagas y Leishmaniasis. C谩tedra de F铆sica Biom茅dica, Facultad de Ciencias M茅dicas. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud - INICSA -CONICET - Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. 2016 . 117 h. + CD. tabls.; grafs.; figuras. Contiene Referencia Bibliogr谩fica y Publicaciones Derivadas de la Tesis. Abstract en espa帽ol e ingl茅s.La especie Trypanosoma cruzi, causante de la enfermedad de Chagas, est谩 compuesta por diversas subpoblaciones que exhiben un alto grado de polimorfismo cuando son analizadas por m茅todos bioqu铆micos y moleculares, presentando distintas caracter铆sticas biol贸gicas y comportamiento frente a la acci贸n de f谩rmacos. Estas subpoblaciones, han sido agrupadas en seis unidades discretas de tipificaci贸n (UDT) o linajes denominados TcI - VI. La variabilidad gen茅tica del par谩sito en un mismo hu茅sped podr铆a presentar un tropismo diferencial a los distintos 贸rganos del mismo. En el presente trabajo se determinaron los linajes presentes en tres aislamientos de T. cruzi (dos obtenidos de individuos con infecci贸n con T. cruzi cong茅nito, Casibla y Lucky; y uno a partir de un Triatoma infestans de Santiago del Estero, SGO-Z12). Como as铆 tambi茅n se evalu贸, el efecto de la combinaci贸n de f谩rmacos (benznidazol [Bz] y clomipramina [Clo]) in vitro e in vivo sobre los linajes de T. cruzi pertenecientes a los 3 aislamientos. Se realizaron diferentes m茅todos de tipificaci贸n previamente descriptos, utilizando la reacci贸n en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), PCR en tiempo real y enzimas de restricci贸n. Para determinar el efecto combinado de las drogas in vitro se incubaron tripomastigotes de T. cruzi pertenecientes a los 3 aislamientos, administrando las drogas en forma individual y asociadas. Para el estudio in vivo se infectaron 108 ratones separados en tres grupos con cada aislamiento y se los dividi贸 en distintos esquemas de tratamiento que incluyeron la combinaci贸n de Bz+Clo. La eficacia de la f谩rmacoterapia se evalu贸 a trav茅s de la sobrevida de los ratones hasta los 35 d铆as post infecci贸n, cuantificaci贸n de par谩sitos en sangre y tipificaci贸n de los linajes presentes en sangre, m煤sculo card铆aco y esquel茅tico. Se determin贸 que los tres aislamientos naturales de T. cruzi est谩n compuestos por una mezcla de linajes TcII y TcVI. La distribuci贸n de los linajes en los tejidos infectados no fue homog茅nea, encontr谩ndose variaciones entre los animales analizados. La combinaci贸n de Bz+Clo in vitro, present贸 un efecto sin茅rgico sobre los tres aislamientos de T. cruzi. El tratamiento in vivo con Bz+Clo disminuy贸 la carga parasitaria en relaci贸n al grupo infectado no tratado (p<0,05), presentando menos efectos adversos (alteraciones histol贸gicas en h铆gado y ri帽贸n) que aquellos tratados con Bz. Con respecto al efecto del tratamiento sobre la distribuci贸n de los linajes de T. cruzi, se observ贸 diferente sensibilidad de los mismos, ya que algunos no fueron detectados. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se reafirma la complejidad en el abordaje del tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas. Nuestros resultados demuestran que para valorar la efectividad de la terap茅utica se deber铆a tener en cuenta la variabilidad que posee el T. cruzi y sus diferentes susceptibilidades frente al tratamiento. Por otro lado, la combinaci贸n de f谩rmacos con diferentes mecanismos de acci贸n y acci贸n sin茅rgica, podr铆a provocar menos efectos adversos en el hu茅sped al disminuir las dosis y a su vez aumentar su efectividad.Fil: Strauss, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, F铆sicas y Naturales. Escuela de Biolog铆a, Argentina