5,208 research outputs found

    Decision-based genetic algorithms for solving multi-period project scheduling with dynamically experienced workforce

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    The importance of the flexibility of resources increased rapidly with the turbulent changes in the industrial context, to meet the customers’ requirements. Among all resources, the most important and considered as the hardest to manage are human resources, in reasons of availability and/or conventions. In this article, we present an approach to solve project scheduling with multi-period human resources allocation taking into account two flexibility levers. The first is the annual hours and working time regulation, and the second is the actors’ multi-skills. The productivity of each operator was considered as dynamic, developing or degrading depending on the prior allocation decisions. The solving approach mainly uses decision-based genetic algorithms, in which, chromosomes don’t represent directly the problem solution; they simply present three decisions: tasks’ priorities for execution, actors’ priorities for carrying out these tasks, and finally the priority of working time strategy that can be considered during the specified working period. Also the principle of critical skill was taken into account. Based on these decisions and during a serial scheduling generating scheme, one can in a sequential manner introduce the project scheduling and the corresponding workforce allocations

    Fuzzy uncertainty modelling for project planning; application to helicopter maintenance

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    Maintenance is an activity of growing interest specially for critical systems. Particularly, aircraft maintenance costs are becoming an important issue in the aeronautical industry. Managing an aircraft maintenance center is a complex activity. One of the difficulties comes from the numerous uncertainties that affect the activity and disturb the plans at short and medium term. Based on a helicopter maintenance planning and scheduling problem, we study in this paper the integration of uncertainties into tactical and operational multiresource, multi-project planning (respectively Rough Cut Capacity Planning and Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem). Our main contributions are in modelling the periodic workload on tactical level considering uncertainties in macro-tasks work contents, and modelling the continuous workload on operational level considering uncertainties in tasks durations. We model uncertainties by a fuzzy/possibilistic approach instead of a stochastic approach since very limited data are available. We refer to the problems as the Fuzzy RoughCut Capacity Problem (FRCCP) and the Fuzzy Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP).We apply our models to helicopter maintenance activity within the frame of the Helimaintenance project, an industrial project approved by the French Aerospace Valley cluster which aims at building a center for civil helicopter maintenance

    Resource-constrained project scheduling.

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    Abstract: Resource-constrained project scheduling involves the scheduling of project activities subject to precedence and resource constraints in order to meet the objective(s) in the best possible way. The area covers a wide variety of problem types. The objective of this paper is to provide a survey of what we believe are important recent in the area . Our main focus will be on the recent progress made in and the encouraging computational experience gained with the use of optimal solution procedures for the basic resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) and important extensions. The RCPSP involves the scheduling of a project its duration subject to zero-lag finish-start precedence constraints of the PERT/CPM type and constant availability constraints on the required set of renewable resources. We discuss recent striking advances in dealing with this problem using a new depth-first branch-and-bound procedure, elaborating on the effective and efficient branching scheme, bounding calculations and dominance rules, and discuss the potential of using truncated branch-and-bound. We derive a set of conclusions from the research on optimal solution procedures for the basis RCPSP and subsequently illustrate how effective and efficient branching rules and several of the strong dominance and bounding arguments can be extended to a rich and realistic variety of related problems. The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem (PRCPSP) relaxes the nonpreemption condition of the RCPSP, thus allowing activities to be interrupted at integer points in time and resumed later without additional penalty cost. The generalized resource-constrained project scheduling (GRCPSP) extends the RCPSP to the case of precedence diagramming type of precedence constraints (minimal finish-start, start-start, start-finish, finish-finish precedence relations), activity ready times, deadlines and variable resource availability's. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations (RCPSP-GPR) allows for start-start, finish-start and finish-finish constraints with minimal and maximal time lags. The MAX-NPV problem aims at scheduling project activities in order to maximize the net present value of the project in the absence of resource constraints. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows (RCPSP-DC) aims at the same non-regular objective in the presence of resource constraints. The resource availability cost problem (RACP) aims at determining the cheapest resource availability amounts for which a feasible solution exists that does not violate the project deadline. In the discrete time/cost trade-off problem (DTCTP) the duration of an activity is a discrete, non-increasing function of the amount of a single nonrenewable resource committed to it. In the discrete time/resource trade-off problem (DTRTP) the duration of an activity is a discrete, non-increasing function of the amount of a single renewable resource. Each activity must then be scheduled in one of its possible execution modes. In addition to time/resource trade-offs, the multi-mode project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) allows for resource/resource trade-offs and constraints on renewable, nonrenewable and doubly-constrained resources. We report on recent computational results and end with overall conclusions and suggestions for future research.Scheduling; Optimal;

    A greedy heuristic approach for the project scheduling with labour allocation problem

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    Responding to the growing need of generating a robust project scheduling, in this article we present a greedy algorithm to generate the project baseline schedule. The robustness achieved by integrating two dimensions of the human resources flexibilities. The first is the operators’ polyvalence, i.e. each operator has one or more secondary skill(s) beside his principal one, his mastering level being characterized by a factor we call “efficiency”. The second refers to the working time modulation, i.e. the workers have a flexible time-table that may vary on a daily or weekly basis respecting annualized working strategy. Moreover, the activity processing time is a non-increasing function of the number of workforce allocated to create it, also of their heterogynous working efficiencies. This modelling approach has led to a nonlinear optimization model with mixed variables. We present: the problem under study, the greedy algorithm used to solve it, and then results in comparison with those of the genetic algorithms

    Multi-project scheduling with 2-stage decomposition

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    A non-preemptive, zero time lag multi-project scheduling problem with multiple modes and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources is considered. A 2-stage decomposition approach is adopted to formulate the problem as a hierarchy of 0-1 mathematical programming models. At stage one, each project is reduced to a macro-activity with macro-modes resulting in a single project network where the objective is the maximization of the net present value and the cash flows are positive. For setting the time horizon three different methods are developed and tested. A genetic algorithm approach is designed for this problem, which is also employed to generate a starting solution for the exact solution procedure. Using the starting times and the resource profiles obtained in stage one each project is scheduled at stage two for minimum makespan. The result of the first stage is subjected to a post-processing procedure to distribute the remaining resource capacities. Three new test problem sets are generated with 81, 84 and 27 problems each and three different configurations of solution procedures are tested

    Flexible resources allocation techniques: characteristics and modelling

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    At the interface between engineering, economics, social sciences and humanities, industrial engineering aims to provide answers to various sectors of business problems. One of these problems is the adjustment between the workload needed by the work to be realised and the availability of the company resources. The objective of this work is to help to find a methodology for the allocation of flexible human resources in industrial activities planning and scheduling. This model takes into account two levers of flexibility, one related to the working time modulation, and the other to the varieties of tasks that can be performed by a given resource (multi–skilled actor). On the one hand, multi–skilled actors will help to guide the various choices of the allocation to appreciate the impact of these choices on the tasks durations. On the other hand, the working time modulation that allows actors to have a work planning varying according to the workload which the company has to face
