137 research outputs found

    Intergrating the Fruin LOS into the Multi-Objective Ant Colony System

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    Building evacuation simulation provides the planners and designers an opportunity to analyse the designs and plan a precise, scenario specific instruction for disaster times. Nevertheless, when disaster strikes, the unexpected may happen and many egress paths may get blocked or the conditions of evacuees may not let the execution of emergency plans go smoothly. During disaster times, effective route-finding methods can help efficient evacuation process, in which the directors are able to react to the sudden changes in the environment. This research tries to integrate the highly accepted human dynamics methods proposed by Fruin into the Ant-Colony optimisation route-finding method. The proposed method is designed as a multi-objective ant colony system, which tries to minimize the congestions in the bottlenecks during evacuations, in addition to the egress time, and total traversed time by evacuees. This method embodies the standard crowd dynamics method in the literature, which are Fruin LOS and pedestrian speed. The proposed method will be tested against a baseline method, that is shortest path, in terms of the objective functions, which are evacuation time and congestion degree. The results of the experiment show that a multi-objective ant colony system performance is able to reduce both egress time and congestion degree in an effective manner, however, the method efficiency drops when the evacuee population is small. The integration of Fruin LOS also produces more meaningful results, as the load responds to the Level of Service, rather than the density of the crowd, and the Level of Service is specifically designed for the sake of measuring the ease of crowd movement

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation

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    During the last few years, information technology and transportation industries, along with automotive manufacturers and academia, are focusing on leveraging intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to improve services related to driver experience, connected cars, Internet data plans for vehicles, traffic infrastructure, urban transportation systems, traffic collaborative management, road traffic accidents analysis, road traffic flow prediction, public transportation service plan, personal travel route plans, and the development of an effective ecosystem for vehicles, drivers, traffic controllers, city planners, and transportation applications. Moreover, the emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have provided unprecedented opportunities for the development and realization of innovative intelligent transportation systems where sensors and mobile devices can gather information and cloud computing, allowing knowledge discovery, information sharing, and supported decision making. However, the development of such data-driven ITS requires the integration, processing, and analysis of plentiful information obtained from millions of vehicles, traffic infrastructures, smartphones, and other collaborative systems like weather stations and road safety and early warning systems. The huge amount of data generated by ITS devices is only of value if utilized in data analytics for decision-making such as accident prevention and detection, controlling road risks, reducing traffic carbon emissions, and other applications which bring big data analytics into the picture

    A smart dynamic crowd evacuation system for exhibition centers

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of finding the safest evacuation route in a multi-exit exhibition center while the fire hazard spreads. We first propose a system composed of sensor nodes to collect pertinent safety data. We present a real-time dynamic evacuation system that considers the changing conditions in the risks associated with each hallway segment in terms of walking distance, heat, two major asphyxiant fire gases and congestion. Our system activates smart panels placed at major junctions of the hallways to guide evacuees towards the appropriate exit by displaying the proper escape direction. This work can pave the way towards the development of next-generation smart exhibition centers, where crowd safety is among the top priorities

    High Rise Building Evacuation Route Model Using DIJKSTRA'S Algorithm

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    Evacuation of high rise building has become an issue nowadays as the modern development has increased tremendously with a very complex structure and design. The complexity and height of the building can affect the successfulness of the evacuation process, especially towards unfamiliar occupants in the building. Generally, they only know the route taken while they enter the building. Moreover, the available evacuation map provided by the building is not showing the shortest and safest path. Subsequently, they are hard to find the optimal route to escape. Furthermore, the shortest path algorithm needed additional features to produce better result. This research aims to assist the evacuees to find the shortest path in a high rise building using a shortest path algorithm. The objective is to design and develop an evacuation route using shortest path algorithm based on the evacuation map of the building. The method involves in this research starts with abstracting the original floor plan of the high rise building into CAD format. The floor plan is an important data to be used in this study, which is to design the evacuation route of the building. However, the original floor plan is visualised into 2D layout to gather the information on nodes and weights. The information then is used to generate a directed graph in order to obtain the shortest path results through the implementation of shortest path algorithm. The main algorithms involve is Dijkstra’s algorithm and then an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is used as hybrid versions of Dijkstra’s algorithm. As a result, the evacuation route model is able to gain the shortest path and safest path consistently between Dijkstra’s algorithms and hybrid version which is Dijkstra-Ant Colony Optimization (DACO). In conclusion, based on the results, the shortest path can be implemented into a computerized evacuation map of the high rise building which can assist evacuees in pre evacuation to find the shortest and safest path to evacuate

    Multimodal-Transport Collaborative Evacuation Strategies for Urban Serious Emergency Incidents Based on Multi-Sources Spatiotemporal Data (Short Paper)

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    When serious emergency events happen in metropolitan cities where pedestrians and vehicles are in high-density, single modal-transport cannot meet the requirements of quick evacuations. Existing mixed modes of transportation lacks spatiotemporal collaborative ability, which cannot work together to accomplish evacuation tasks in a safe and efficient way. It is of great scientific significance and application value for emergency response to adopt multimodal-transport evacuations and improve their spatial-temporal collaboration ability. However, multimodal-transport evacuation strategies for urban serious emergency event are great challenge to be solved. The reasons lie in that: (1) large-scale urban emergency environment are extremely complicated involving many geographical elements (e.g., road, buildings, over-pass, square, hydrographic net, etc.); (2) Evacuated objects are dynamic and hard to be predicted. (3) the distributions of pedestrians and vehicles are unknown. To such issues, this paper reveals both collaborative and competitive mechanisms of multimodal-transport, and further makes global optimal evacuation strategies from the macro-optimization perspective. Considering detailed geographical environment, pedestrian, vehicle and urban rail transit, a multi-objective multi-dynamic-constraints optimization model for multimodal-transport collaborative emergency evacuation is constructed. Take crowd incidents in Shenzhen as example, empirical experiments with real-world data are conducted to evaluate the evacuation strategies and path planning. It is expected to obtain innovative research achievements on theory and method of urban emergency evacuation in serious emergency events. Moreover, this research results provide spatial-temporal decision support for urban emergency response, which is benefit to constructing smart and safe cities


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    In most metropolitan areas, an emergency evacuation may demand a potentially large number of evacuees to use transit systems or to walk over some distance to access their passenger cars. In the process of approaching designated pick-up points for evacuation, the massive number of pedestrians often incurs tremendous burden to vehicles in the roadway network. Hence, one critical issue in a multi-modal evacuation planning is the effective coordination of the vehicle and pedestrian flows by considering their complex interactions. The purpose of this research is to develop an integrated system that is capable of generating the optimal evacuation plan and reflecting the real-world network traffic conditions caused by the conflicts of these two types of flows. The first part of this research is an integer programming model designed to optimize the control plans for massive mixed pedestrian-vehicle flows within the evacuation zone. The proposed model, integrating the pedestrian and vehicle networks, can effectively account for their potential conflicts during the evacuation. The model can generate the optimal routing strategies to guide evacuees moving toward either their pick-up locations or parking areas and can also produce a responsive plan to accommodate the massive pedestrian movements. The second part of this research is a mixed-flow simulation tool that can capture the conflicts between pedestrians, between vehicles, and between pedestrians and vehicles in an evacuation network. The core logic of this simulation model is the Mixed-Cellular Automata (MCA) concept, which, with some embedded components, offers a realistic mechanism to reflect the competing and conflicting interactions between vehicle and pedestrian flows. This study is expected to yield the following contributions * Design of an effective framework for planning a multi-modal evacuation within metropolitan areas; * Development of an integrated mixed-flow optimization model that can overcome various modeling and computing difficulties in capturing the mixed-flow dynamics in urban network evacuation; * Construction and calibration of a new mixed-flow simulation model, based on the Cellular Automaton concept, to reflect various conflicting patterns between vehicle and pedestrian flows in an evacuation network

    Application of Integer Programming for Mine Evacuation Modeling with Multiple Transportation Modes

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    The safe evacuation of miners during an emergency within the shortest possible time is very important for the success of a mine evacuation program. Despite developments in the field of mine evacuation, little research has been done on the use of mine vehicles during evacuation. Current research into mine evacuation has emphasized on miner evacuation by foot. Mathematical formulations such as Minimum Cost Network Flow (MCNF) models, Ant Colony algorithms, and shortest path algorithms including Dijkstra's algorithm and Floyd-Warshall algorithm have been used to achieve this. These models, which concentrate on determining the shortest escape routes during evacuation, have been found to be computationally expensive with expanding problem sizes and parameter ranges or they may not offer the best possible solutions.An ideal evacuation route for each miner must be determined considering the available mine vehicles, locations of miners, safe havens such as refuge chambers, and fresh-air bases. This research sought to minimize the total evacuation cost as a function of the evacuation time required during an emergency while simultaneously helping to reduce the risk of exposure of the miners to harmful conditions during the evacuation by leveraging the use of available mine vehicles. A case study on the Turquoise Ridge Underground Mine (Nevada Gold Mines) was conducted to validate the Integer Programming (IP) model. Statistical analysis of the IP model in comparison with a benchmark MCNF model proved that leveraging the use of mine vehicles during an emergency can further reduce the total evacuation time. A cost-savings analysis was made for the IP model, and it was found that the time saved during evacuation, by utilizing the IP model, increased linearly, with an increase in the number of miners present at the time of evacuation

    BIM-based safety design for emergency evacuation of metro stations

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    Metro stations are the hubs of urban rail transit, and large numbers of people usually gather inside them. Various types of emergency can lead to a need for evacuation. However, there are few studies on proactively reducing emergency evacuation risks through the design for safety (DFS) concept, and these risks pose serious threats to the operational safety of metro stations. Therefore, in this research, fragmented DFS pre-control measures for mitigating emergency evacuation risks were comprehensively identified and classified, and indicators for evaluating the evacuation design effect on reducing emergency evacuation risks in the operation phase were improved. Moreover, through the combination of the DFS application method and BIM platform, intelligent safety design tools were provided for metro station designers so that they may apply the DFS concept to emergency evacuation risk mitigation in real cases

    Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

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    The focus of this study is to evaluate the impact of linguistic preprocessing and similarity functions for clustering Arabic Twitter tweets. The experiments apply an optimized version of the standard K-Means algorithm to assign tweets into positive and negative categories. The results show that root-based stemming has a significant advantage over light stemming in all settings. The Averaged Kullback-Leibler Divergence similarity function clearly outperforms the Cosine, Pearson Correlation, Jaccard Coefficient and Euclidean functions. The combination of the Averaged Kullback-Leibler Divergence and root-based stemming achieved the highest purity of 0.764 while the second-best purity was 0.719. These results are of importance as it is contrary to normal-sized documents where, in many information retrieval applications, light stemming performs better than root-based stemming and the Cosine function is commonly used