41,388 research outputs found

    Time Lens++: Event-based Frame Interpolation with Parametric Nonlinear Flow and Multi-scale Fusion

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    Recently, video frame interpolation using a combination of frame- and event-based cameras has surpassed traditional image-based methods both in terms of performance and memory efficiency. However, current methods still suffer from (i) brittle image-level fusion of complementary interpolation results, that fails in the presence of artifacts in the fused image, (ii) potentially temporally inconsistent and inefficient motion estimation procedures, that run for every inserted frame and (iii) low contrast regions that do not trigger events, and thus cause events-only motion estimation to generate artifacts. Moreover, previous methods were only tested on datasets consisting of planar and far-away scenes, which do not capture the full complexity of the real world. In this work, we address the above problems by introducing multi-scale feature-level fusion and computing one-shot non-linear inter-frame motion-which can be efficiently sampled for image warping-from events and images. We also collect the first large-scale events and frames dataset consisting of more than 100 challenging scenes with depth variations, captured with a new experimental setup based on a beamsplitter. We show that our method improves the reconstruction quality by up to 0.2 dB in terms of PSNR and up to 15% in LPIPS score

    Multi-frame scene-flow estimation using a patch model and smooth motion prior

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    This paper addresses the problem of estimating the dense 3D motion of a scene over several frames using a set of calibrated cameras. Most current 3D motion estimation techniques are limited to estimating the motion over a single frame, unless a strong prior model of the scene (such as a skeleton) is introduced. Estimating the 3D motion of a general scene is difficult due to untextured surfaces, complex movements and occlusions. In this paper, we show that it is possible to track the surfaces of a scene over several frames, by introducing an effective prior on the scene motion. Experimental results show that the proposed method estimates the dense scene-flow over multiple frames, without the need for multiple-view reconstructions at every frame. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing the estimated motion against a ground truth

    Planar Object Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark

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    Planar object tracking is an actively studied problem in vision-based robotic applications. While several benchmarks have been constructed for evaluating state-of-the-art algorithms, there is a lack of video sequences captured in the wild rather than in constrained laboratory environment. In this paper, we present a carefully designed planar object tracking benchmark containing 210 videos of 30 planar objects sampled in the natural environment. In particular, for each object, we shoot seven videos involving various challenging factors, namely scale change, rotation, perspective distortion, motion blur, occlusion, out-of-view, and unconstrained. The ground truth is carefully annotated semi-manually to ensure the quality. Moreover, eleven state-of-the-art algorithms are evaluated on the benchmark using two evaluation metrics, with detailed analysis provided for the evaluation results. We expect the proposed benchmark to benefit future studies on planar object tracking.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 201

    3D Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars using a Multi-Camera System: Calibration, Mapping, Localization, and Obstacle Detection

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    Cameras are a crucial exteroceptive sensor for self-driving cars as they are low-cost and small, provide appearance information about the environment, and work in various weather conditions. They can be used for multiple purposes such as visual navigation and obstacle detection. We can use a surround multi-camera system to cover the full 360-degree field-of-view around the car. In this way, we avoid blind spots which can otherwise lead to accidents. To minimize the number of cameras needed for surround perception, we utilize fisheye cameras. Consequently, standard vision pipelines for 3D mapping, visual localization, obstacle detection, etc. need to be adapted to take full advantage of the availability of multiple cameras rather than treat each camera individually. In addition, processing of fisheye images has to be supported. In this paper, we describe the camera calibration and subsequent processing pipeline for multi-fisheye-camera systems developed as part of the V-Charge project. This project seeks to enable automated valet parking for self-driving cars. Our pipeline is able to precisely calibrate multi-camera systems, build sparse 3D maps for visual navigation, visually localize the car with respect to these maps, generate accurate dense maps, as well as detect obstacles based on real-time depth map extraction

    Motion from "X" by Compensating "Y"

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    This paper analyzes the geometry of the visual motion estimation problem in relation to transformations of the input (images) that stabilize particular output functions such as the motion of a point, a line and a plane in the image. By casting the problem within the popular "epipolar geometry", we provide a common framework for including constraints such as point, line of plane fixation by just considering "slices" of the parameter manifold. The models we provide can be used for estimating motion from a batch using the preferred optimization techniques, or for defining dynamic filters that estimate motion from a causal sequence. We discuss methods for performing the necessary compensation by either controlling the support of the camera or by pre-processing the images. The compensation algorithms may be used also for recursively fitting a plane in 3-D both from point-features or directly from brightness. Conversely, they may be used for estimating motion relative to the plane independent of its parameters

    Optical Flow in Mostly Rigid Scenes

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    The optical flow of natural scenes is a combination of the motion of the observer and the independent motion of objects. Existing algorithms typically focus on either recovering motion and structure under the assumption of a purely static world or optical flow for general unconstrained scenes. We combine these approaches in an optical flow algorithm that estimates an explicit segmentation of moving objects from appearance and physical constraints. In static regions we take advantage of strong constraints to jointly estimate the camera motion and the 3D structure of the scene over multiple frames. This allows us to also regularize the structure instead of the motion. Our formulation uses a Plane+Parallax framework, which works even under small baselines, and reduces the motion estimation to a one-dimensional search problem, resulting in more accurate estimation. In moving regions the flow is treated as unconstrained, and computed with an existing optical flow method. The resulting Mostly-Rigid Flow (MR-Flow) method achieves state-of-the-art results on both the MPI-Sintel and KITTI-2015 benchmarks.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication at CVPR 201