67 research outputs found

    Decision Support System for Election of OSIS Chair for Muhammadiyah Schools Using the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Rank (SMARTER) Method

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    OSIS (Organisasi Intra Sekolah) is an official Student Council, which found in every school in Indonesia. The problem to be solved in a school is the need for an OSIS as a forum for students in schools to achieve the goals of coaching and developing students in accordance with the school's vision and mission. The main task of OSIS task is to achieve the goals in accordance with the school's vision and mission, therefore OSIS chair should have competencies and skills. The right decisions are needed for the implementation of the school's vision and mission. This first stage of research is performed by doing interview and survey to determine the criteria of OSIS chair. Based on interview and questionnaire has indicate that the student council member elects the chair based on several criteria consist of managerial ability, responsibility, communication and cooperation as well as discipline. The method proposed in the selection of the OSIS chairperson using simple multi attribute rating technique exploiting rank (SMARTER) approach and using Rank Order Centroid (ROC) weighting. The result of this study indicates that 75% of OSIS coaches and members need a decision-making system that can assist OSIS in making computerized decisions in determining the next OSIS chair candidate

    Выбор зелёных технологий в складской логистике – многокритериальный подход

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    The article presents a new approach to the green technologies' selection in warehouse logistics. The use of multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM) is proposed. The authors have developed an MCDM model, which is based on 15 indicators of logistics flows and 17 green logistics instruments. A computational example of the implementation of the developed MCDM model using 13 methods is presented: DEMATEL, ANP, SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS, MOORA, ARAS, WASPAS, MAIRCA, EDAS, MABAC, CODAS, MARCOS. Comparison of the results of using various MCDM methods showed their high convergence – Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was 0.88.В статье представлен новый подход к выбору зелёных технологий в складской логистике. Предлагается использование многокритериальных методов принятия решений (MCDM). Разработана MCDM модель ранжирования и выбора зелёных технологий, основу которой составляют 15 показателей логистических потоков и 17 инструментов зелёной логистики. Представлен расчётный пример реализации разработанной MCDM модели с использованием 13 методов: DEMATEL, ANP, SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS, MOORA, ARAS, WASPAS, MAIRCA, EDAS, MABAC, CODAS, MARCOS. Сравнение результатов применения различных MCDM методов показало их высокую сходимость – коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена составил 0.88


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    Achievement students are one of the references in the level of success in high school. Students who excel in the Language Class at SMA "EFG" Gresik Regency will receive an award in the form of financial assistance. In language classes at high schools throughout Gresik Regency, every year there will be outstanding students and these students will receive awards from the school. In determining high school students "EFG" so far only rely on student report cards and student test scores based on all subjects in the high school, which becomes an obstacle in determining outstanding students every year, for example if there are students who have high scores. can become outstanding students, even students who have special learning values ​​in the Language Department must become outstanding students. The EDAS method is used in determining student achievement by using predetermined criteria. Based on the final ranking calculation using the EDAS method, the results of the ranking of students who excel in language subjects at SMA "EFG" Gresik Regency are coded SW40 with an AS Final score of 0.50. The EDAS method only has an accuracy rate of 30% so that the results of the study show that only a few students can be categorized as outstanding students. The process of determining outstanding students in this study is not valid because the weight of the criteria used is less effective because it still needs to be added to the value of the weights on the criteria so that the use of the EDAS method in determining outstanding students will produce a higher level of accuracy.Siswa berprestasi merupakan salah satu acuan dalam tingkat keberhasilan pada Sekolah Menengah Atas. Siswa yang berprestasi pada Kelas Bahasa Di SMA “EFG” Kabupaten Gresik akan mendapatkan sebuah penghargaan berupa uang pendanaan. Pada kelas Bahasa di SMA pada pada Kabupaten Gresik disetiap tahunnya akan terdapat siswa berprestasi dan siswa tersebut akan mendapatkan penghargaan dari Sekolah tersebut. Dalam menentukan siswa berprestasi SMA “EFG” selama ini hanya mengandalkan nilai dari raport siswa dan nilai ujian siswa berdasarkan seluruh mata pelajaran yang ada pada SMA, yang dimana menjadi permasalahan dalam penentuan siswa berprestasi pada setiap tahunnya, Contohnya seperti apabila terdapat siswa yang memiliki nilai pelajaran umum tinggi siswa tersebut dapat menjadi siswa berprestasi, pada kenyataannya siswa yang memiliki nilai pelajaran khusus jurusan Bahasa yang seharusnya menjadi siswa berprestasi. Metode EDAS digunakan dalam penentuan siswa berprestasi dengan menggunakan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan perhitungan perangkingan akhir menggunakan metode EDAS didapatkan hasil perangkingan siswa berprestasi pada kelas Bahasa di SMA “EFG” Kabupaten Gresik yaitu kode SW40 dengan nilai Akhir AS sebesar 0,50.  Metode EDAS hanya memiliki nilai tingkat akurasi 30% sehingga hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya beberapa siswa yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai siswa berprestasi. proses penentuan siswa berprestasi pada penelitian ini kurang valid dikarenakan bobot kriteria yang digunakan kurang efektif karena masih perlu ditambahkan nilai bobot pada kriteria sehingga pada penggunaan metode EDAS dalam penentuan Siswa Berprestasi akan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi

    Integrated entropy-EDAS methods for the electrified car selection problem

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    Increasing air pollution affects the environment and life negatively. For a sustainable environment and life, people, voluntary organizations, and governments need to work on the solution of this problem. The biggest sources of air pollution are transportation vehicles. For this reason, many countries in Europe have stated that they will use solely electrified cars to reduce air pollution in the future. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to determine the best electrified car. The result obtained can support consumers that to intend to buy an electrified vehicle in the decision-making process. This problem is a typical multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem and some MCDM techniques are used to solve these problems. Here, the Entropy method was used to determine the weights of the selection criteria. Selection criteria was determined according to comprehensive literature survey and interviews with sales representatives. The EDAS (Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution) method was used to rank the electrified car alternatives that sold in Turkey. As a result of the evaluation, the most important criteria was determined by the price of the vehicle, the net battery capacity, and the electric motor power. According to these criteria, the electrified car manufactured in China was chosen as the best


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    In the logistics world, special attention should be given to warehousing systems, cost rationalization, and improvement of all the factors that affect efficiency and contribute to smooth functioning of logistics subsystems. In real time industrial practice, the issue of evaluating and selecting the most appropriate forklift involves a complex decision-making problem that should be formulated through an efficient analytical model. The forklifts efficiency plays a very important role in the company. The forklifts are being used on a daily basis and no logistical processes could be done without them. Therefore, it has been decided to determine their efficiency, which will contribute to the optimization of the process in this logistics subsystem. This study puts forward an integrated forklift selection model using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) and Measurement Alternatives and Ranking According to the Compromise Solution (MARCOS) methods. Five input parameters (regular servicing costs, fuel costs, exceptional servicing costs, total number of all minor accidents and damage caused by forklifts) and one output parameter (number of operating hours) were first identified to assess efficiency of eight forklifts in a warehousing system of the Natron-Hayat company using the DEA model. This step allows sorting of efficient forklifts which are subsequently evaluated and ranked using FUCOM and MARCOS methods. A sensitivity analysis is also performed in order to check reliability and accuracy of the results. The findings of this research clearly show that the proposed decision-making model can significantly contribute to all spheres of business applications

    Interval valued multi criteria decision making methods for the selection of flexible manufacturing system

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    In real world multi criteria decision making (MCDM) problem, it is tough to solve a decision matrix with vague and imprecise data. The degree of impreciseness depends on the kind of data avail-able. For interval valued data this impreciseness is less and interval-valued MCDM methods can be effectively used to solve the problem. A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) selection prob-lem was taken into consideration to find the best FMS among available alternatives. An interval extension of CODAS method is proposed in this paper which was used to solve the problem along with two other interval-valued decision-making methods i.e. interval-valued TOPSIS, interval-valued EDAS. All the three methods are distance-based approaches and it was found that the interval-valued CODAS method gave the exact same ranking with that of interval-valued TOPSIS and interval-valued EDAS

    An integrated framework for non-traditional machining process technology selection in healthcare applications

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    In spite of continuous progress in technical advancement, the conventional machining process became unsatisfactory in the healthcare field due to its disadvantages. This inadequacy lead researchers to consider using the application of nontraditional machining that can machine extremely hard and brittle materials into complicated shapes such as medical devices and implants in healthcare. In this study, the three most popular nontraditional machining process technologies: Laser Beam Machining, Water Jet Machining, and Electrocautery are evaluated to determine the most appropriate technology using the Health Technology Assessment based Multi-criteria Decision-Making framework. HTA is organized evaluation of effects and properties of health technology that enables the application of systematic skills to solve a health problem. HTA's main goal is to raise awareness of new health technologies among decision makers. For these reasons, the HTA core model that enables the production of HTA-related information was utilized.The comparison of selected technologies was carried out via integrating the HTA core model, Best Worst, and Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution methods. Finally, a comparison was made to find the most suitable technology to create the necessary infrastructure. As a result, evaluation scores were computed as 0,673; 0,538 and 0,500 for WJM, LBM, and EC, respectively.Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SA

    Algorithms for neutrosophic soft decision making based on EDAS and new similarity measure

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    This paper presents two novel single-valued neutrosophic soft set (SVNSS) methods.First, we initiate a new axiomatic definition of single-valued neutrosophic simlarity measure, which is expressed by single-valued neutrosophic number (SVNN) that will reduce the information loss and remain more original information