13 research outputs found

    Decentralized multi-agent path finding for UAV traffic management

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    The development of a real-world Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) system to ensure the safe integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in low altitude airspace, has recently generated novel research challenges. A key problem is the development of Pre-Flight Conflict Detection and Resolution (CDR) methods that provide collision-free flight paths to all UAVs before their takeoff. Such problem can be represented as a Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem. Currently, most MAPF methods assume that the UTM system is a centralized entity in charge of CDR. However, recent discussions on UTM suggest that such centralized control might not be practical or desirable. Therefore, we explore Pre-Flight CDR methods where independent UAS Service Providers (UASSPs) with their own interests, communicate with each other to resolve conflicts among their UAV operations--without centralized UTM directives. We propose a novel MAPF model that supports the decentralized resolution of conflicts, whereby different `agents', here UASSPs, manage their UAV operations. We present two approaches: (1) a prioritization approach and (2) a simple yet practical pairwise negotiation approach where UASSPs agents determine an agreement to solve conflicts between their UAV operations. We evaluate the performance of our proposed approaches with simulation scenarios based on a consultancy study of predicted UAV traffic for delivery services in Sendai, Japan, 2030. We demonstrate that our negotiation approach improves the ``fairness'' between UASSPs, i.e. the distribution of costs between UASSPs in terms of total delays and rejected operations due to replanning is more balanced when compared to the prioritization approach

    Solving Multi-Agent Target Assignment and Path Finding with a Single Constraint Tree

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    Combined Target-Assignment and Path-Finding problem (TAPF) requires simultaneously assigning targets to agents and planning collision-free paths for agents from their start locations to their assigned targets. As a leading approach to address TAPF, Conflict-Based Search with Target Assignment (CBS-TA) leverages both K-best target assignments to create multiple search trees and Conflict-Based Search (CBS) to resolve collisions in each search tree. While being able to find an optimal solution, CBS-TA suffers from scalability due to the duplicated collision resolution in multiple trees and the expensive computation of K-best assignments. We therefore develop Incremental Target Assignment CBS (ITA-CBS) to bypass these two computational bottlenecks. ITA-CBS generates only a single search tree and avoids computing K-best assignments by incrementally computing new 1-best assignments during the search. We show that, in theory, ITA-CBS is guaranteed to find an optimal solution and, in practice, is computationally efficient

    EECBS: A Bounded-Suboptimal Search for Multi-Agent Path Finding

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    Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF), i.e., finding collision-free paths for multiple robots, is important for many applications where small runtimes are necessary, including the kind of automated warehouses operated by Amazon. CBS is a leading two-level search algorithm for solving MAPF optimally. ECBS is a bounded-suboptimal variant of CBS that uses focal search to speed up CBS by sacrificing optimality and instead guaranteeing that the costs of its solutions are within a given factor of optimal. In this paper, we study how to decrease its runtime even further using inadmissible heuristics. Motivated by Explicit Estimation Search (EES), we propose Explicit Estimation CBS (EECBS), a new bounded-suboptimal variant of CBS, that uses online learning to obtain inadmissible estimates of the cost of the solution of each high-level node and uses EES to choose which high-level node to expand next. We also investigate recent improvements of CBS and adapt them to EECBS. We find that EECBS with the improvements runs significantly faster than the state-of-the-art bounded-suboptimal MAPF algorithms ECBS, BCP-7, and eMDD-SAT on a variety of MAPF instances. We hope that the scalability of EECBS enables additional applications for bounded-suboptimal MAPF algorithms.Comment: Published at AAAI 202

    A Competitive Analysis of Online Multi-Agent Path Finding

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    We study online Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF), where new agents are constantly revealed over time and all agents must find collision-free paths to their given goal locations. We generalize existing complexity results of (offline) MAPF to online MAPF. We classify online MAPF algorithms into different categories based on (1) controllability (the set of agents that they can plan paths for at each time) and (2) rationality (the quality of paths they plan) and study the relationships between them. We perform a competitive analysis for each category of online MAPF algorithms with respect to commonly-used objective functions. We show that a naive algorithm that routes newly-revealed agents one at a time in sequence achieves a competitive ratio that is asymptotically bounded from both below and above by the number of agents with respect to flowtime and makespan. We then show a counter-intuitive result that, if rerouting of previously-revealed agents is not allowed, any rational online MAPF algorithms, including ones that plan optimal paths for all newly-revealed agents, have the same asymptotic competitive ratio as the naive algorithm, even on 2D 4-neighbor grids. We also derive constant lower bounds on the competitive ratio of any rational online MAPF algorithms that allow rerouting. The results thus provide theoretical insights into the effectiveness of using MAPF algorithms in an online setting for the first time.Comment: Published at ICAPS 202

    Multi-agent pathfinding for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, have become more and more prevalent in recent years. In particular, governmental organizations and companies around the world are starting to research how UAVs can be used to perform tasks such as package deliver, disaster investigation and surveillance of key assets such as pipelines, railroads and bridges. NASA is currently in the early stages of developing an air traffic control system specifically designed to manage UAV operations in low-altitude airspace. Companies such as Amazon and Rakuten are testing large-scale drone deliver services in the USA and Japan. To perform these tasks, safe and conflict-free routes for concurrently operating UAVs must be found. This can be done using multi-agent pathfinding (mapf) algorithms, although the correct choice of algorithms is not clear. This is because many state of the art mapf algorithms have only been tested in 2D space in maps with many obstacles, while UAVs operate in 3D space in open maps with few obstacles. In addition, when an unexpected event occurs in the airspace and UAVs are forced to deviate from their original routes while inflight, new conflict-free routes must be found. Planning for these unexpected events is commonly known as contingency planning. With manned aircraft, contingency plans can be created in advance or on a case-by-case basis while inflight. The scale at which UAVs operate, combined with the fact that unexpected events may occur anywhere at any time make both advanced planning and planning on a case-by-case basis impossible. Thus, a new approach is needed. Online multi-agent pathfinding (online mapf) looks to be a promising solution. Online mapf utilizes traditional mapf algorithms to perform path planning in real-time. That is, new routes for UAVs are found while inflight. The primary contribution of this thesis is to present one possible approach to UAV contingency planning using online multi-agent pathfinding algorithms, which can be used as a baseline for future research and development. It also provides an in-depth overview and analysis of offline mapf algorithms with the goal of determining which ones are likely to perform best when applied to UAVs. Finally, to further this same goal, a few different mapf algorithms are experimentally tested and analyzed

    Rule-based conflict management for unmanned traffic management scenarios

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    The growing use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) operations will require effective conflict management to keep the shared airspace safe and avoid conflicts among airspace users. Conflicts pose high risk and hazard to human lives and assets as they ma may result in financial and human loss. The proposed rule-based conflict management model consists of three main stages. The first stage includes strategic deconfliction during the flight plan generation. The second stage, pre-tactical deconfliction, applies a ground delay to the agent to resolve the conflict. The third stage corresponds to the tactical deconfliction, where the drone hovers or loiter in the last waypoint before the conflict area until the conflict time window passes. The proposed method differs from most existing conflict management approaches in that it applies deconfliction methods sequentially using a rule-based strategy. Furthermore, a high number of published studies do not consider realistic airspace constraints and potential airspace modernization concepts such as dynamic flight restrictions Assessment and validation are performed in three simulation scenarios that consider different patterns of the airspace availability in the areas where flights may be restricted, such as airfields, recreational areas, and prisons. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm was used for drone path planning. For the simulated scenarios all of the conflicts were resolved after implementation of the proposed method. The implemented method is simple, flexible and suitable for the management of more complex and dense airspaces

    White shark optimizer with optimal deep learning based effective unmanned aerial vehicles communication and scene classification.

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) become a promising enabler for the next generation of wireless networks with the tremendous growth in electronics and communications. The application of UAV communications comprises messages relying on coverage extension for transmission networks after disasters, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and dispatching distress messages from the device positioned within the coverage hole to the emergency centre. But there are some problems in enhancing UAV clustering and scene classification using deep learning approaches for enhancing performance. This article presents a new White Shark Optimizer with Optimal Deep Learning based Effective Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Communication and Scene Classification (WSOODL-UAVCSC) technique. UAV clustering and scene categorization present many deep learning challenges in disaster management: scene understanding complexity, data variability and abundance, visual data feature extraction, nonlinear and high-dimensional data, adaptability and generalization, real-time decision making, UAV clustering optimization, sparse and incomplete data. the need to handle complex, high-dimensional data, adapt to changing environments, and make quick, correct decisions in critical situations drives deep learning in UAV clustering and scene categorization. The purpose of the WSOODL-UAVCSC technique is to cluster the UAVs for effective communication and scene classification. The WSO algorithm is utilized for the optimization of the UAV clustering process and enables to accomplish effective communication and interaction in the network. With dynamic adjustment of the clustering, the WSO algorithm improves the performance and robustness of the UAV system. For the scene classification process, the WSOODL-UAVCSC technique involves capsule network (CapsNet) feature extraction, marine predators algorithm (MPA) based hyperparameter tuning, and echo state network (ESN) classification. A wide-ranging simulation analysis was conducted to validate the enriched performance of the WSOODL-UAVCSC approach. Extensive result analysis pointed out the enhanced performance of the WSOODL-UAVCSC method over other existing techniques. The WSOODL-UAVCSC method achieved an accuracy of 99.12%, precision of 97.45%, recall of 98.90%, and F1-score of 98.10% when compared to other existing techniques