9,977 research outputs found

    Participatory GIS in Mapping Ecosystem Services: Two Case Studies from High-Biodiversity Regions in Italy and Peru

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    Assessing ecosystem services (ES) and mapping their values are of paramount importance. Here we present two case studies where the participatory mapping of social values of landscape ecosystem services is used in territories with high levels of cultural and biological diversity (Adamello Brenta Natural Park in Italy and the Alto Mayo basin in the Western Amazon, Peru). A mixed-method approach combining social geography fieldwork (participatory mapping) and desk work (GIS analyses) is adopted to improve ES mapping by including multiple actors and to increase awareness. Mapping ecosystem services is not just a technical task; it also highlights social implications of the cartographic process, a key issue in human geography. By taking into account the controversial and multiple roles of maps, and by involving actors in attributing values and mapping their spatial relations to landscape and ES, it is possible to enrich technical knowledge with local knowledge

    Payments for Ecosystem Services: Legal and Institutional Frameworks

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    Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and institutional frameworks that have the potential to promote or hinder the development of payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, as well as the complex legal considerations that affect ecosystem services projects. In response, the IUCN Environmental Law Centre and The Katoomba Group have worked on a joint initiative to analyze the legal and institutional frameworks of water-related PES schemes and projects in four Andean countries: South America (Northeastern)-Brazil; Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. It has resulted in this report. Country-based analysts with experience in ecosystem services transactions have developed country and project assessments to define existing and recommend future regulatory and institutional frameworks that enable equitable and long-lasting ecosystem services transactions. Partners from North America (Central America)-Costa Rica; North America-Mexico; Ecuador and the North America-United States provided feedback on the assessments. The country assessments yielded lessons which were used to develop a set of recommendations on legal frameworks, property rights, enabling institutions, PES contracts, and governance issues supporting the future development of PES schemes

    Mecanismo de pago por servicio ambientales en la ciudad de Moyobamba

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    Water pollution is one of the most significant problems in modero cities and the main pollutant is the people themselves through domestic and agricultura! waste. In the Municipal Conservation Area Rumiyacu - Mishquiyacu, located in the high jungle San Martín region in Peru, <loes not escape that reality. This thesis was entitled "DETERMINING THE QUALITY OF WATER FOR DOMESTIC USE OF THE RUMIY ACU BROKEN IN MISHQUIY ACU RUMIY ACU CONSERVATION AREA MUNICIPAL-." The focus of research is to monitor the physical parameters, chemical and bacteriological and then a comparison of results with reference values recommended by the legal regulations of the Environmental Quality Standards for drinking water according to the category A-1 which are those waters that are drinkable with disinfection. The work was performed in the Microbasin -Rumiyacu Misquiyaquillo Moyobamba district, Moyobamba province and San Martín department. 04 stations were determined. Station 1 (E-1): Micro-Header, Station 2 (E-2): Middle part of the watershed, Station 3 (E-3): Entrance to the water treatment plant of the EPS Moyobamba, Station 4 (E-4): Rumiyacu Creek Mouth. The water quality was conducted through 4 months of samples at intervals of one month which all samples were taken to the company providing the services (EPS-Moyobamba). Field was analyzed physical and chemical parameters, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, turbidity, pH, Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Color, Total Hardness, Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrate, Jron, Manganese, Sodium, Copper, Zinc, and Arsenic. The Seasons (E): E 01, E 02, E 03, E 04, analyzed, are found within the physical, chemical and bacteriological standards by category are: Category 01: population and recreation, in reference to the Water Resources Act DL 29338. Classification according to the use. The Micro-Rumiyacu - Misquiyacu is considered protective zone found in the Municipal Conservation Area (MCA), so it intends to implement measures to conserve the environmental quality of this water resource as well as establish ongoing surveillance measures in the area to prevent human population settlement that deteriorate environmental quality of the water. Key words: protective zone, environmental qualityLa contaminación Hídrica es uno de los problemas de mayor trascendencia en las ciudades modernas y su principal agente contaminador es la propia gente a través de los desechos domésticos y agrícolas. F.o el área de Conservación Municipal Rurniyacu Mishquiyacu, ubicada en la Selva Alta de la región San Martín en el Perú, no es esquiva a esa realidad. El presente trabajo de tesis ha sido titulado "DETERMINACION DE LA CALIDAD DEL AGUA PARA USO DOMESTICO DE LA QUEBRADA RUMIYACU, EN EL AREA DE CONSERVACION MUNICIPAL RUMIYACU-MISHQUIYACU". El aspecto central de la investigación consiste en monitorear los parámetros fisicos químico y biológicos y luego establecer una comparación de los resultados con los valores de referencia recomendados por las normas legales de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental para agua de consumo humano según la categoría A-1 que son aquellas aguas que pueden ser potabilizadas con desinfección. El trabajo se realizó en la Microcuenca Rurniyacu Misquiyacu distrito de Moyobamba, provincia de Moyobamba y departamento de San Martín, durante los meses de Junio, Julio, Agosto y Setiembre. Se determinaron 04 Estaciones de Muestreo. Estación 1 (E-1): Cabecera de la quebrada, Estación 2 (E-2): Parte media de la quebrada, Estación 3 (E-3): Entrada a la planta de tratamiento de agua de la EPS-Moyobamba, Estación 4 (E-4): Parte Baja de la quebrada Rumiyacu. Se realizaron muestreos de la calidad del agua mensualmente durante cuatro meses, las muestras fueron llevadas a la Empresa Prestadora de Servicios (EPS - Moyobamba), para su respectivo análisis. Se analizaron los parámetros: Coliformes Totales, Coliformes Termotolerantes, Turbiedad, pH, Conductividad, Sólidos Totales Disueltos, Color, Dureza Total, Cloruros, Sulfatos, Nitratos, Hierro, Manganeso, Sodio, Cobre, Zinc, Arsénico. En las estaciones (E): E 01, E 02, E 03, E 04 analizados, el agua se encuentra dentro de los Estándares fisico químicos y bacteriológicos según su categoría que son: Categoría 01: población y recreación; en referencia a la Ley de Recursos Hídricos, al DL 29338. Clasificación de acuerdo a su uso. La microcuenca Rumiyacu - Misquiyacu se considera como zona de protección por encontrarse en el Área de Conservación Municipal (ACM), por lo que se propone aplicar medidas de conservación de la calidad ambiental de este recurso hídrico así como: Establecer medidas de vigilancia permanente en el área a fin de evitar el asentamiento de población humanas que deterioren la calidad ambiental del agua. Palabras claves: Zona de protección, calidad ambiental.Tesi


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThis paper has the aim to contribute to the Public Policies definition to the sustainable management of the environment hydrological services in watershed. Due to the freshness of the theme we show a particular methodology for the diagnostic phase of an ecosystem service based on the failure institutional framework merger (transaction, empowerment and government) of J. Opschoor (1992) theory and the methodology of analyses towards a tree of problems. This proposal was applied in a case study which was development in Peru, in 2009. The results were: An analyze of what happened in Andinos Countries and in Peru regarding the payments of environment hydrological services. The payment of environment hydrological services constitutes a strategy to transform the sustainable management of environment hydrological services in watershed, in a dynamic management. Then, it creates an acknowledgement to the families who are in these service areas, making them more sensitive to the need to protect these services. More than a real appreciation of the environmental services, it is a consensual means of economic resources generation which permits to make the society more sensitive, compensating the committed to environmental protection, promoting understanding actions of others ecosystem services and putting them in the market with value. The diagnostic methodology constitutes in an instrument of integral character, even the possibility to use in other environmental management researches, due to its integral character. There are elements to the definition of regulatory public policy to the hydrological environmental services in a logical sustainable management of the area (watershed

    Diseño de una estructura de costos por ruta en la Empresa de servicios de Transporte de Carga Disaa EIRL para fijar el margen de rentabilidad, Lambayeque 2016-2017

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    En la actualidad las empresas que prestan servicios de transporte de carga fijan el precio de flete de manera empírica, sin tener en cuenta los costos incurridos. Esto no les permite conocer cuál es la ruta que genera mayor rentabilidad. La competencia entre las empresas del sector ha generado que muchas de ellas fijen un flete más bajo respecto al precio de mercado, sin tener en cuenta un sistema de costos, porque solo se preocupan en hacer crecer su cartera de clientes sin ser conscientes de que podrían tener pérdidas. El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con la finalidad de tener conocimiento de cómo la empresa obtiene el costo de su servicio ante el flete que ofrece a sus clientes, determinar los costos que intervienen en el servicio y diseñar una estructura de costos que sirva de apoyo para que dicha entidad ofrezca un precio adecuado que le permita cubrir sus gastos y obtener rentabilidad, asimismo se pretende que los dueños conozcan realmente cuál es su rentabilidad. Al diseñar una estructura de costos para el servicio brindado, observamos que la empresa tiene un precio de flete estándar para las distintas rutas, como si fuera un servicio directo, lo que no permite conocer la rentabilidad real

    Vivencia del sacramento de la eucaristía en los estudiantes de 5° de secundaria de la I.E. Germán Tejada Vela-Moyobamba 2018

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    El Sacramento de la Eucaristía es un encuentro fraterno con Dios, consigo mismo y con los demás. La Eucaristía vivida plenamente con caridad, nos conducirá a enfrentar los principales problemas contemporáneos de la fe. Es hora de contemplar la belleza Eucarística, para que los humanos recuperen su identidad y encuentren su vocación. Por ello la gran importancia de aprender a descubrir en ella a Cristo. La presente investigación de paradigma positivista, con enfoque cuantitativo, tipo descriptiva, tuvo como objetivo principal describir las características de la vivencia del Sacramento de la Eucaristía en los estudiantes de 5° de secundaria de la I.E. Germán tejada Vela-Moyobamba 2018. Para ello, se aplicó como instrumento, a una muestra de 69 estudiantes, una encuesta con escala Tipo Likert. Dicha encuesta estuvo conformada por 12 ítems y presentó dos niveles: nivel de conocimiento y nivel de vivencia práctica de los adolescentes en relación al sacramento de la Eucaristía. El instrumento se ha elaborado y para calcular la fiabilidad, confiabilidad, estabilidad y consistencia interna se ha validado con el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Luego de su aplicación, se analizaron los resultados de manera estadística revelando que existe un 55.1% de estudiantes que desconocen la doctrina sobre el Sacramento; mientras que un 43% no comulga, 40% no se confiesa, 78.26% se distrae al comulgar, el 59.42% no realiza la acción de gracias y 65.22% no participa de la adoración Eucarística

    Programa didáctico para mejorar la vivencia del sacramento de la penitencia en los estudiantes del 4° grado de secundaria de la I.E. “Ignacia Velásquez” - Moyobamba, en el año 2015

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    El sacramento de la reconciliación o confesión al ser un signo sensible de salvación se convierte en uno de los pilares de la vida cristiana; sin embargo, muchos cristianos en la vida diaria han descuidado la vivencia y la práctica de este sacramento. Esta investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo descriptiva con propuesta educativa, tuvo como objetivo el diseño de un programa didáctico para mejorar la vivencia del sacramento de la penitencia en los estudiantes del 4º año de secundaria de la I.E. Ignacia Velásquez – Moyobamba, en el año 2015, para ello, se aplicó como instrumento a 193 estudiantes una encuesta con escala tipo Likert donde se consideró dos dimensiones: conocimiento del sacramento de la penitencia y su práctica. Después de aplicarse el test se recogió y analizó los resultados de manera estadística, lo cual orientó a la elaboración de un diagnóstico y posteriormente se planteó el diseño de un programa pedagógico con sesiones estratégicas orientadas a la mejora de la vivencia del sacramento de la penitencia

    Mycorrhizal effects on glomalin-related soil protein and chlorophyll contents in coffee plants in the Peruvian Amazon

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    The inoculation of vegetatively propagated coffee plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) prior to field establishment may positively influence the plant growth and physiology. This study aimed to evaluate the AMF effects on the glomalin-related soil protein and chlorophyll contents in vegetatively propagated coffee plants inoculated in a greenhouse and transplanted to an open field, in the Peruvian Amazon. The experiment consisted of eight treatments, in a 2 × 4 factorial design, being two coffee varieties (Caturra and Pache) and four AMF inocula (control, Moyobamba, El Dorado and Huallaga). The inocula were collected from organic coffee crops and named according to the province from which they were collected. The mycorrhizal colonization and chlorophyll content were statistically higher in the plants inoculated with AMF, if compared to the non-inoculated plants, while the glomalin-related soil protein content ranged from 61.6 to 69.1 mg g-1 and showed no statistically significant differences among the inocula, although the Moyobamba inoculum showed to be numerically superior. The effect of the coffee variety was not statistically significant among the variables under study.Campus Lima Centr

    Access to health care in relation to socioeconomic status in the Amazonian area of Peru

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Access to affordable health care is limited in many low and middle income countries and health systems are often inequitable, providing less health services to the poor who need it most. The aim of this study was to investigate health seeking behavior and utilization of drugs in relation to household socioeconomic status for children in two small Amazonian urban communities of Peru; Yurimaguas, Department of Loreto and Moyobamba, Department of San Martin, Peru.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross-sectional study design included household interviews. Caregivers of 780 children aged 6–72 months in Yurimaguas and 793 children of the same age in Moyobamba were included in the study. Caregivers were interviewed on health care seeking strategies (public/private sectors; formal/informal providers), and medication for their children in relation to reported symptoms and socio-economic status. Self-reported symptoms were classified into illnesses based on the IMCI algorithm (Integrated Management of Childhood Ilness). Wealth was used as a proxy indicator for the economic status. Wealth values were generated by Principal Component Analysis using household assets and characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significantly more caregivers from the least poor stratum consulted health professionals for cough/cold (p < 0.05: OR = 4.30) than the poorest stratum. The poorest stratum used fewer antibiotics for cough/cold and for cough/cold + diarrhoea (16%, 38%, respectively) than the least poor stratum (31%, 52%, respectively). For pneumonia and/or dysentery, the poorest used significantly fewer antibiotics (16%) than the least poor (80%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The poorest seek less care from health professionals for non-severe illnesses as well as for severe illnesses; and treatment with antibiotics is lacking for illnesses where it would be indicated. Caregivers frequently paid for health services as well as antibiotics, even though all children in the study qualified for free health care and medicines. The implementation of the Seguro Integral de Salud health insurance must be improved.</p