74 research outputs found

    Multimedia sensors embedded in smartphones for ambient assisted living and e-health

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.com[EN] Nowadays, it is widely extended the use of smartphones to make human life more comfortable. Moreover, there is a special interest on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and e-Health applications. The sensor technology is growing and amount of embedded sensors in the smartphones can be very useful for AAL and e-Health. While some sensors like the accelerometer, gyroscope or light sensor are very used in applications such as motion detection or light meter, there are other ones, like the microphone and camera which can be used as multimedia sensors. This paper reviews the published papers focused on showing proposals, designs and deployments of that make use of multimedia sensors for AAL and e-health. We have classified them as a function of their main use. They are the sound gathered by the microphone and image recorded by the camera. We also include a comparative table and analyze the gathered information.Parra-Boronat, L.; Sendra, S.; Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J. (2016). Multimedia sensors embedded in smartphones for ambient assisted living and e-health. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 75(21):13271-13297. doi:10.1007/s11042-015-2745-8S13271132977521Acampora G, Cook DJ, Rashidi P, Vasilakos AV (2013) A survey on ambient intelligence in healthcare. Proc IEEE 101(12):2470–2494Al-Attas R, Yassine A, Shirmohammadi S (2012) Tele-Medical Applications in Home-Based Health Care. In proceeding of the 2012 I.E. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW 2012). Jul. 9–13, 2012. Melbourne, Australia. (pp. 441–446)Alemdar H, Ersoy C (2010) Wireless sensor networks for healthcare: a survey. Comput Netw 54(15):2688–2710Alqassim S, Ganesh M, Khoja S, Zaidi M, Aloul F, Sagahyroon A (2012) Sleep apnea monitoring using mobile phones. 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    Conception and Implementation of a Location-based Augmented Reality Kernel

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    The availability of sophisticated mobile applications on many platforms constitutes a challenging task. In order to cover the most relevant mobile operating systems and make the best use of their underlying features, the native development on the target platform still others the most diverse possibilities. Aside from the most widely spread mobile operating systems - namely Android and iOS - the Windows Phone platform oters a unique design language and many developer tools and technologies for building Windows Store apps. Making use of the capabilities of modern smartphones enables the development and use of desktop-like applications. The built-in sensors, cameras and powerful processing units of such a device other a versatile platform to build against. As a result, many mobile applications and technologies have emerged. However, information on profound insight into the development of such an application is hard to find. In this work, the development of AREA on the Windows Phone 8.1 platform is presented. AREA is a location-based mobile Augmented Reality engine and already available on Android and iOS. By porting the engine to yet another mobile platform, more third-party mobile business applications can integrate AREA and make use of its efficient and modular design. This work also points out the differences in implementation between the Windows Phone version and its counterparts on Android and iOS. Insights into the architecture and some references to the mathematical basis are also provided

    Touch-Enhanced Gesture Control Scheme

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    We present an approach for improving gesture control by combining it with touch input to address a key shortcoming of gesture live mic syndrome by using touch- screen commands as a virtual clutch. The touch-enhanced gesture control scheme is designed and developed using a generic smartphone. For performance evaluation, this scheme was compared to the commercially available Myo armband device. Two tasks designed to measure selection accuracy and speed in a within-subject user study (n=30) reveal our touch-enhanced control scheme is faster and more accurate when executing selection commands. Additionally, qualitative results from a post-study questionnaire showed a majority of participants selected the touch-enhanced as easier to use over the Myo.M.S., Digital Media -- Drexel University, 201

    Algorithms for Constructing Vehicle Trajectories in Urban Networks Using Inertial Sensors Data from Mobile Devices

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    Vehicle trajectories are an important source of information for estimating traffic flow characteristics. Lately, several studies have focused on identifying a vehicle’s trajectory in traffic network using data from mobile devices. However, these studies predominantly employed GPS coordinate information for tracking a vehicle’s speed and position in the transportation network. Considering the known limitations of GPS, such as, connectivity issues at urban canyons and underpasses, low precision of localization, high power consumption of device while GPS is in use, this research focuses on developing alternate methods for identifying a vehicle’s trajectory at an intersection and at a urban grid network using sensor data other than GPS in order to minimize GPS dependency. In particular, accelerometer and gyroscope data collected using smartphone’s inertial sensors, and speed data collected using an on-board diagnostics (OBD) device, are utilized to develop algorithms for maneuver (i.e., left/right turn and through), trip direction, and trajectory identification. Different algorithms using threshold of gyroscope and magnetometer readings, and machine learning techniques such as k-medoids clustering and dynamic time warping are developed for maneuver identification and their accuracy is tested on collected field data. It is found that, clustering based on maximum and minimum value of gyroscope readings is effective for maneuver identification. For trip direction identification at an intersection, two different methods are developed and tested. The first method utilizes accelerometer, gyroscope and OBD speed data, and the 2nd method employs magnetometer and acceleration data. The results demonstrate that the developed method using accelerometer, gyroscope and OBD speed data are effective in identifying a vehicle’s direction. An effective algorithm is developed using OBD speed information, maneuver and trip direction identification algorithms to identify vehicle’s trajectory at a grid network. Techniques for noise removal and orientation correction to transfer the raw data from phone’s local coordinate to global coordinate system are also demonstrated. Overall, this research eliminates the need for continuous GPS connectivity for trajectory identification. This research can be incorporated in methods developed by researchers to estimate traffic flow, delays, and queue lengths at intersections. This information can lead to better signal timings, travel recommendations, and traffic updates

    Indoor tracking from multidimensional sensor data

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    Tracking the position of people or vehicles in large indoor settings with high accuracy is still a challenge despite the significant progress observed in indoor positioning technology in the last decade. To date, there is not a clearly dominant indoor positioning solution for general use, and challenges related to seamless indoor-outdoor positioning, reliable floor estimation and indoor maps are still needing more research. In this context, the IPIN 2016 conference is promoting a competition to evaluate a set of competing indoor positioning solutions in a realistic scenario. This paper describes the proposal of the UMINHO team and some of the obtained results.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Road Maintenance through Machine Learning

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    This thesis explores the use of machine learning techniques for road infrastructure maintenance. We propose an innovative machine learning-based approach to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of road maintenance strategies. The focal point of this investigation is the development and implementation of a machine learning framework to enhance road quality monitoring. We use Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to accurately predict future road conditions and identify potential areas requiring maintenance before significant deterioration occurs. This predictive approach is designed to enable a shift from reactive to proactive road maintenance, optimizing the use of limited resources and improving overall road safety. The methodology of the research is structured in three phases: the creation of a prototype system for road condition data collection, the application of LSTM networks for predictive analysis, and the utilization of optimization techniques to guide effective maintenance decisions. By focusing on predictive accuracy and the strategic allocation of maintenance efforts, the study seeks to extend the lifespan of road infrastructure, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance the driving experience. This thesis is a contribution to the field of road infrastructure maintenance by introducing a predictive maintenance model that leverages advanced machine learning techniques. It aims to transform the traditional maintenance approach, providing a scalable and efficient solution to road infrastructure management challenges, with the potential to significantly influence policy and practice in infrastructure maintenance.KEYWORDS: Machine learning; Infrastructure maintenance; Proactive maintenanc

    Walkcompass: Finding Walking Direction Leveraging Smartphone\u27s Inertial Sensors

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    Determining moving direction with smartphone\u27s inertial sensors is a well known problem in the field of location service. Compass alone cannot solve this problem because smartphone\u27s compass cannot achieve high accuracy. Moreover GPS is not suitable in indoor scenario. Another well known approach is dead-reckoning but dead-reckoning needs to know phones initial orientation and over time it keeps accumulating errors and after some time the estimation becomes to noisy to use. To overcome these limitations, we propose a solution called WalkCompass which is specially designed for pedestrians keeping in mind the variation of force during normal human walk. Therefore the algorithm is inherently free from any error generated by the orientation of the phone. However, the performance of the system does not depend on the holding style or location of the phone in the body. The algorithm can work very fast to determine the direction of movement in real time and because of its low complexity the complete system can be implemented on a smartphone. WalkCompass does not need any bootstrapping and can produce results with the granularity of each step of a walk

    Context Mining with Machine Learning Approach: Understanding, Sensing, Categorizing, and Analyzing Context Parameters

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    Context is a vital concept in various fields, such as linguistics, psychology, and computer science. It refers to the background, environment, or situation in which an event, action, or idea occurs or exists. Categorization of context involves grouping contexts into different types or classes based on shared characteristics. Physical context, social context, cultural context, temporal context, and cognitive context are a few categories under which context can be divided. Each type of context plays a significant role in shaping our understanding and interpretation of events or actions. Understanding and categorizing context is essential for many applications, such as natural language processing, human-computer interaction, and communication studies, as it provides valuable information for interpretation, prediction, and decision-making. In this paper, we will provide an overview of the concept of context and its categorization, highlighting the importance of context in various fields and applications. We will discuss each type of context and provide examples of how they are used in different fields. Finally, we will conclude by emphasizing the significance of understanding and categorizing context for interpretation, prediction, and decision-making
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