27 research outputs found

    Tractography-guided surgery of brain tumours: what is the best method to outline the corticospinal tract?

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    Background: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is the imaging technique used in vivo to visualise white matter pathways. The cortico-spinal tract (CST) belongs to one of the most often delineated tracts preoperatively, although the optimal DTI method has not been established yet. Considering that various regions of interests (ROIs) could be selected, the reproducibility of CST tracking among different centres is low. We aimed to select the most reliable tractography method for outlining the CST for neurosurgeons. Materials and methods: Our prospective study consisted of 32 patients (11 males, 21 females) with a brain tumour of various locations. DTI and T1-weighed image series were acquired prior to the surgery. To draw the CST, the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) and the cerebral peduncle (CP) were defined as two main ROIs. Together with these main ROIs, another four cortical endpoints were selected: the frontal lobe (FL), the supplementary motor area (SMA), the precentral gyrus (PCG) and the postcentral gyrus (POCG). Based on these ROIs, we composed ten virtual CSTs in DSI Studio. The fractional anisotropy, the mean diffusivity, the tracts’ volume, the length and the number were compared between all the CSTs. The degree of the CST infiltration, tumour size, the patients’ sex and age were examined. Results: Significant differences in the number of tracts and their volume were observed when the PLIC or the CP stood as a single ROI comparing with the two- ROI method (all p < 0.05). The mean CST volume was 40054U (SD ± 12874) and the number of fibres was 259.3 (SD ± 87.3) when the PLIC was a single ROI. When the CP was a single ROI, almost a half of fibres (147.6; SD ± 64.0) and half of the CST volume (26664U; SD ± 10059U) was obtained (all p < 0.05). There were no differences between the various CSTs in terms of fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, the apparent diffusion coefficient, radial diffusivity and the tract length (p > 0.05). The CST was infiltrated by a growing tumour or oedema in 17 of 32 patients; in these cases, the mean and apparent diffusion of the infiltrated CST was significantly higher than in uncompromised CSTs (p = 0.04). CST infiltration did not alter the other analysed parameters (all p > 0.05). Conclusions: A universal method of DTI of the CST was not developed. However, we found that the CP or the PLIC (with or without FL as the second ROI) should be used to outline the CST

    Language-Eloquent White Matter Pathway Tractography and the Course of Language Function in Glioma Patients

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    Object: As various recent studies show, damage to white matter pathways leads to permanent functional deficits in a high percentage of patients. Particularly the subcortical language network is complex, and its visualization has a tremendous relevance for neurosurgeons. This pilot study aims to correlate language-eloquent white matter pathways with the course of language function after the resection of left-sided perisylvian gliomas.Methods: We included 10 patients who underwent resection of highly language-eloquent high- (9 pts) and low-grade gliomas (1 pts). We performed navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (nrTMS)-based tractography via diffusion tensor imaging fiber trackings (DTI FT) preoperatively (PRE-1), postoperatively (POST-1), and at long-term follow up or tumor recurrence (PRE-2). We separately tracked the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF), the frontal aslant tract (FAT), and the superior longitudinal (SLF), and arcuate fascicle (AF), and correlated the amount of visualized fibers to the patients' language function at each date.Results: The changes of nrTMS-based DTI FTs of single white matter pathways correlated with the according status of language function for any of the pathways in 80% of patients and in 19 of 30 (63%) single pathway comparisons between PRE-1 and POST-1. Between POST-1 and PRE-2 the nrTMS-based DTI FTs correlated with the status of language function for any of the pathways in all patients and in 24 of 30 (80%) single pathway comparisons. Single FT results correlated with the according status of language function at POST-1 in 60, 70, and 60% of cases, and with the according status of language function at PRE-2 in 60, 90, and 90% of cases for the tracking of the IFOF, FAT, and SLF/AF, respectively.Conclusion: By the present results we were able to show that nrTMS-based DTI FT of the IFOF, FAT, and SLF/AF mainly correlates with the according status of language function preoperatively, postoperatively, and at long-term follow up after the resection of left-sided perisylvian gliomas

    Impact of Gradient Number and Voxel Size on Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography for Resective Brain Surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore quantitatively and qualitatively how the number of gradient directions (NGD) and spatial resolution (SR) affect diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography in patients planned for brain tumor surgery, using routine clinical magnetic resonance imaging protocols. METHODS: Of 67 patients with intracerebral lesions who had 2 different DTI scans, 3 DTI series were reconstructed to compare the effects of NGD and SR. Tractographies for 4 clinically relevant tracts (corticospinal tract, superior longitudinal fasciculus, optic radiation, and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus) were constructed with a probabilistic tracking algorithm and automated region of interest placement and compared for 3 quantitative measurements: tract volume, median fiber density, and mean fractional anisotropy, using linear mixed-effects models. The mean tractography volume and intersubject reliability were visually compared across scanning protocols, to assess the clinical relevance of the quantitative differences. RESULTS: Both NGD and SR significantly influenced tract volume, median fiber density, and mean fractional anisotropy, but not to the same extent. In particular, higher NGD increased tract volume and median fiber density. More importantly, these effects further increased when tracts were affected by disease. The effects were tract specific, but not dependent on threshold. The superior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus showed the most significant differences. Qualitative assessment showed larger tract volumes given a fixed confidence level, and better intersubject reliability for the higher NGD protocol. SR in the range we considered seemed less relevant than NGD. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that, under time constraints of clinical imaging, a higher number of diffusion gradients is more important than spatial resolution for superior DTI probabilistic tractography in patients undergoing brain tumor surgery

    Current Applications of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography in Intracranial Tumor Resection

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    In the treatment of brain tumors, surgical intervention remains a common and effective therapeutic option. Recent advances in neuroimaging have provided neurosurgeons with new tools to overcome the challenge of differentiating healthy tissue from tumor-infiltrated tissue, with the aim of increasing the likelihood of maximizing the extent of resection volume while minimizing injury to functionally important regions. Novel applications of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and DTI-derived tractography (DDT) have demonstrated that preoperative, non-invasive mapping of eloquent cortical regions and functionally relevant white matter tracts (WMT) is critical during surgical planning to reduce postoperative deficits, which can decrease quality of life and overall survival. In this review, we summarize the latest developments of applying DTI and tractography in the context of resective surgery and highlight its utility within each stage of the neurosurgical workflow: preoperative planning and intraoperative management to improve postoperative outcomes

    fMRI-Targeted High-Angular Resolution Diffusion MR Tractography to Identify Functional Language Tracts in Healthy Controls and Glioma Patients

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    Background MR Tractography enables non-invasive preoperative depiction of language subcortical tracts, which is crucial for the presurgical work-up of brain tumors; however, it cannot evaluate the exact function of the fibers. Purpose A systematic pipeline was developed to combine tractography reconstruction of language fiber bundles, based on anatomical landmarks (Anatomical-T), with language fMRI cortical activations. A fMRI-targeted Tractography (fMRI-T) was thus obtained, depicting the subsets of the anatomical tracts whose endpoints are located inside a fMRI activation. We hypothesized that fMRI-T could provide additional functional information regarding the subcortical structures, better reflecting the eloquent white matter structures identified intraoperatively. Methods Both Anatomical-T and fMRI-T of language fiber tracts were performed on 16 controls and preoperatively on 16 patients with left-hemisphere brain tumors, using a q-ball residual bootstrap algorithm based on High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) datasets (b = 3000 s/mm(2); 60 directions); fMRI ROIs were obtained using picture naming, verbal fluency, and auditory verb generation tasks. In healthy controls, normalized MNI atlases of fMRI-T and Anatomical-T were obtained. In patients, the surgical resection of the tumor was pursued by identifying eloquent structures with intraoperative direct electrical stimulation mapping and extending surgery to the functional boundaries. Post-surgical MRI allowed to identify Anatomical-T and fMRI-T non-eloquent portions removed during the procedure. Results MNI Atlases showed that fMRI-T is a subset of Anatomical-T, and that different task-specific fMRI-T involve both shared subsets and task-specific subsets - e.g., verbal fluency fMRI-T strongly involves dorsal frontal tracts, consistently with the phonogical-articulatory features of this task. A quantitative analysis in patients revealed that Anatomical-T removed portions of AF-SLF and IFOF were significantly greater than verbal fluency fMRI-T ones, suggesting that fMRI-T is a more specific approach. In addition, qualitative analyses showed that fMRI-T AF-SLF and IFOF predict the exact functional limits of resection with increased specificity when compared to Anatomical-T counterparts, especially the superior frontal portion of IFOF, in a subcohort of patients. Conclusion These results suggest that performing fMRI-T in addition to the 'classic' Anatomical-T may be useful in a preoperative setting to identify the 'high-risk subsets' that should be spared during the surgical procedure