8,469 research outputs found

    A snapshot on crowdfunding

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    This article addresses crowdfunding, a relatively new form of informal financing of pro-jects and ventures. It describes its principle characteristics and the range of players in this market. The different business models of crowdfunding intermediaries are explored and illustrated. A first attempt is made to classify the different forms of funding and business models of crowdfunding intermediaries. Based on the available empirical data the paper discusses the economic relevance of crowdfunding and its applicability to start-up financing and funding creative ventures and research projects. --

    New forms of collaborative innovation and production on the internet : an interdisciplinary perspective

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    Contents Introduction 1 New forms of collaborative innovation and production on the Internet : Volker Wittke and Heidemarie Hanekop Interdisciplinary perspectives on collaborative innovation and production: Conceptual debates 2 Customer Co-Creation: Open Innovation with Customers : Frank Piller, Christoph Ihl and Alexander Vossen 3 Governing Social Production : Niva Elkin-Koren 4 Trust Management in Online Communities : Audun Jøsang 5 Building a reputation system for Wikipedia : Christian Damsgaard Jensen 6 Cooperation in Wikipedia from a Network Perspective : Christian Stegbauer Firm driven collaborative innovation and production: Case studies 7 Managing a New Consumer Culture: “Working Consumers” in Web 2.0 as a Source of Corporate Feedback : Sabine Hornung, Frank Kleemann and G. Günter Voß 8 Prosuming, or when customers turn collaborators: coordination and motivation of customer contribution : Birgit Blättel-Mink, Raphael Menez, Dirk Dalichau, Daniel Kahnert 9 Role Confusion in Open Innovation Intermediary Arenas : Tobias Fredberg, Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström List of Contributor

    New forms of collaborative innovation and production on the internet

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    The Internet has enabled new forms of large-scale collaboration. Voluntary contributions by large numbers of users and co-producers lead to new forms of production and innovation, as seen in Wikipedia, open source software development, in social networks or on user-generated content platforms as well as in many firm-driven Web 2.0 services. Large-scale collaboration on the Internet is an intriguing phenomenon for scholarly debate because it challenges well established insights into the governance of economic action, the sources of innovation, the possibilities of collective action and the social, legal and technical preconditions for successful collaboration. Although contributions to the debate from various disciplines and fine-grained empirical studies already exist, there still is a lack of an interdisciplinary approach

    Design elements that influence the participation of solvers in innovation contests

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    This study analyzes all of the innovation contests, also known as crowdsourcing contests, posted on the Inocrowd platform. Inocrowd is an open innovation intermediary firm, based in Portugal, that hosts crowdsourcing contests for firms, called “seekers” looking to solve innovation challenges. The main aim of this study is to examine to what extent some design elements of crowdsourcing contests can influence the participation of “solvers” in these contests. The design elements considered in this study are the monetary award amount, the project type, the platform maturity and the anonymity of “seeker” firms. We then created a mathematical model that can be used to predict the participation of “solvers” in crowdsourcing contests, based on the design elements examined. This paper contributes to the growing research field of open innovation, particularly crowdsourcing contests hosted by intermediary firms, and will provide managers with a framework for designing innovation contests with more participation.Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar todos os concursos de inovação, ou concursos de crowdsourcing, colocados na plataforma Inocrowd. A Inocrowd e um intermediário de inovação aberta, sediada em Portugal, que coloca concursos de crowdsourcing para empresas, conhecidas como ”seekers”, que procuram resolver desafios de inovação. O objetivo primário deste estudo é examinar até que ponto alguns elementos de design destes concursos de inovação influenciam a participação de investigadores, de nome “solvers”, nestes concursos. Os elementos de design considerados nesta investigação são a valor do prémio monetário, o tipo de projeto, a maturidade da plataforma e o anonimato dos “seekers”. Um modelo matemático foi desenvolvido no âmbito de prever a participação dos “solvers” nos concursos de crowdsourcing colocados na plataforma Inocrowd, baseado nos elementos de design examinados. Este estudo contribui para área de pesquisa crescente que e a Inovação aberta, particularmente na área dos concursos de crowdsourcing colocados por intermediários de inovação, tendo como objetivo fornecer aos gestores uma estrutura para criar concursos de inovação com mais participação

    New forms of collaborative innovation and production on the internet - an interdisciplinary perspective

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    The Internet has enabled new forms of large-scale collaboration. Voluntary contributions by large numbers of users and co-producers lead to new forms of production and innovation, as seen in Wikipedia, open source software development, in social networks or on user-generated content platforms as well as in many firm-driven Web 2.0 services. Large-scale collaboration on the Internet is an intriguing phenomenon for scholarly debate because it challenges well established insights into the governance of economic action, the sources of innovation, the possibilities of collective action and the social, legal and technical preconditions for successful collaboration. Although contributions to the debate from various disciplines and fine-grained empirical studies already exist, there still is a lack of an interdisciplinary approach

    New forms of collaborative innovation and production on the internet

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    The Internet has enabled new forms of large-scale collaboration. Voluntary contributions by large numbers of users and co-producers lead to new forms of production and innovation, as seen in Wikipedia, open source software development, in social networks or on user-generated content platforms as well as in many firm-driven Web 2.0 services. Large-scale collaboration on the Internet is an intriguing phenomenon for scholarly debate because it challenges well established insights into the governance of economic action, the sources of innovation, the possibilities of collective action and the social, legal and technical preconditions for successful collaboration. Although contributions to the debate from various disciplines and fine-grained empirical studies already exist, there still is a lack of an interdisciplinary approach

    Drive of Open Source Idea Generation for Innovation

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    The aim of the thesis is to introduce the source of idea generation for innovation. The scope is limited to provide general knowledge about relevant issues of the co-creation of products which play significant role for innovation. In product innovation, it is necessary to consider external valuable work and talent. Firms increasingly use open source models to collect external ideas for innovation, for instance, by means of websites where customers, suppliers and other external parties can submit ideas for innovations. Identifying, assessing, refining and developing an idea into a business concept are crucial and management weakness is more at the initial stage of an innovation process. Studying issues of the project is to find the different motives of contributors on the quantity, quality and innovativeness of their shared ideas and the effects of different types of rewards on this relationship for measuring innovation value (innovation benefits/innovation costs). Moreover, this project will make several contributions to the literature. First, it is contributing to the literature on open source innovation. This project adds to this literature by performing a more thorough empirical study of the effects of different motives which is not just the quantity, but also the quality and innovativeness of contributions. Second, it is contributing to literature how user driven innovation is organized, managed, and screened from large number of contributors as well as how innovation value measured

    Crowdsourcing as a way to access external knowledge for innovation

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    This paper focuses on “crowdsourcing” as a significant trend in the new paradigm of open innovation (Chesbrough 2006; Chesbrough & Appleyard 2007). Crowdsourcing conveys the idea of opening the R&D processes to “the crowd” through a web 2.0 infrastructure. Based on two cases studies of crowdsourcing webstartups (Wilogo and CrowdSpirit), the paper aims to build a framework to characterize and interpret the tension between value creation by a community and value capture by a private economic actor. Contributing to the discussions on “hybrid organizational forms” in organizational studies (Bruce & Jordan 2007), the analysis examines how theses new models combine various forms of relationships and exchanges (market or non market). It describes how crowdsourcing conveys new patterns of control, incentives and co-ordination mechanisms.communauté ; crowdsourcing ; innovation ; formes organisationnelles hybrides ; plateforme ; web 2.0
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