10,328 research outputs found

    Detecting complex events in user-generated video using concept classifiers

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    Automatic detection of complex events in user-generated videos (UGV) is a challenging task due to its new characteristics differing from broadcast video. In this work, we firstly summarize the new characteristics of UGV, and then explore how to utilize concept classifiers to recognize complex events in UGV content. The method starts from manually selecting a variety of relevant concepts, followed byconstructing classifiers for these concepts. Finally, complex event detectors are learned by using the concatenated probabilistic scores of these concept classifiers as features. Further, we also compare three different fusion operations of probabilistic scores, namely Maximum, Average and Minimum fusion. Experimental results suggest that our method provides promising results. It also shows that Maximum fusion tends to give better performance for most complex events

    Who's Better? Who's Best? Pairwise Deep Ranking for Skill Determination

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    We present a method for assessing skill from video, applicable to a variety of tasks, ranging from surgery to drawing and rolling pizza dough. We formulate the problem as pairwise (who's better?) and overall (who's best?) ranking of video collections, using supervised deep ranking. We propose a novel loss function that learns discriminative features when a pair of videos exhibit variance in skill, and learns shared features when a pair of videos exhibit comparable skill levels. Results demonstrate our method is applicable across tasks, with the percentage of correctly ordered pairs of videos ranging from 70% to 83% for four datasets. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach via sensitivity analysis of its parameters. We see this work as effort toward the automated organization of how-to video collections and overall, generic skill determination in video.Comment: CVPR 201

    Sparse And Low Rank Decomposition Based Batch Image Alignment for Speckle Reduction of retinal OCT Images

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    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an emerging technique in the field of biomedical imaging, with applications in ophthalmology, dermatology, coronary imaging etc. Due to the underlying physics, OCT images usually suffer from a granular pattern, called speckle noise, which restricts the process of interpretation. Here, a sparse and low rank decomposition based method is used for speckle reduction in retinal OCT images. This technique works on input data that consists of several B-scans of the same location. The next step is the batch alignment of the images using a sparse and low-rank decomposition based technique. Finally the denoised image is created by median filtering of the low-rank component of the processed data. Simultaneous decomposition and alignment of the images result in better performance in comparison to simple registration-based methods that are used in the literature for noise reduction of OCT images.Comment: Accepted for presentation at ISBI'1

    Robust Mobile Object Tracking Based on Multiple Feature Similarity and Trajectory Filtering

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    This paper presents a new algorithm to track mobile objects in different scene conditions. The main idea of the proposed tracker includes estimation, multi-features similarity measures and trajectory filtering. A feature set (distance, area, shape ratio, color histogram) is defined for each tracked object to search for the best matching object. Its best matching object and its state estimated by the Kalman filter are combined to update position and size of the tracked object. However, the mobile object trajectories are usually fragmented because of occlusions and misdetections. Therefore, we also propose a trajectory filtering, named global tracker, aims at removing the noisy trajectories and fusing the fragmented trajectories belonging to a same mobile object. The method has been tested with five videos of different scene conditions. Three of them are provided by the ETISEO benchmarking project (http://www-sop.inria.fr/orion/ETISEO) in which the proposed tracker performance has been compared with other seven tracking algorithms. The advantages of our approach over the existing state of the art ones are: (i) no prior knowledge information is required (e.g. no calibration and no contextual models are needed), (ii) the tracker is more reliable by combining multiple feature similarities, (iii) the tracker can perform in different scene conditions: single/several mobile objects, weak/strong illumination, indoor/outdoor scenes, (iv) a trajectory filtering is defined and applied to improve the tracker performance, (v) the tracker performance outperforms many algorithms of the state of the art

    A robust and efficient video representation for action recognition

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    This paper introduces a state-of-the-art video representation and applies it to efficient action recognition and detection. We first propose to improve the popular dense trajectory features by explicit camera motion estimation. More specifically, we extract feature point matches between frames using SURF descriptors and dense optical flow. The matches are used to estimate a homography with RANSAC. To improve the robustness of homography estimation, a human detector is employed to remove outlier matches from the human body as human motion is not constrained by the camera. Trajectories consistent with the homography are considered as due to camera motion, and thus removed. We also use the homography to cancel out camera motion from the optical flow. This results in significant improvement on motion-based HOF and MBH descriptors. We further explore the recent Fisher vector as an alternative feature encoding approach to the standard bag-of-words histogram, and consider different ways to include spatial layout information in these encodings. We present a large and varied set of evaluations, considering (i) classification of short basic actions on six datasets, (ii) localization of such actions in feature-length movies, and (iii) large-scale recognition of complex events. We find that our improved trajectory features significantly outperform previous dense trajectories, and that Fisher vectors are superior to bag-of-words encodings for video recognition tasks. In all three tasks, we show substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art results

    Meta-Auxiliary Learning for Adaptive Human Pose Prediction

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    Predicting high-fidelity future human poses, from a historically observed sequence, is decisive for intelligent robots to interact with humans. Deep end-to-end learning approaches, which typically train a generic pre-trained model on external datasets and then directly apply it to all test samples, emerge as the dominant solution to solve this issue. Despite encouraging progress, they remain non-optimal, as the unique properties (e.g., motion style, rhythm) of a specific sequence cannot be adapted. More generally, at test-time, once encountering unseen motion categories (out-of-distribution), the predicted poses tend to be unreliable. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel test-time adaptation framework that leverages two self-supervised auxiliary tasks to help the primary forecasting network adapt to the test sequence. In the testing phase, our model can adjust the model parameters by several gradient updates to improve the generation quality. However, due to catastrophic forgetting, both auxiliary tasks typically tend to the low ability to automatically present the desired positive incentives for the final prediction performance. For this reason, we also propose a meta-auxiliary learning scheme for better adaptation. In terms of general setup, our approach obtains higher accuracy, and under two new experimental designs for out-of-distribution data (unseen subjects and categories), achieves significant improvements.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, AAAI 2023 accepte