317 research outputs found

    Robot Autonomy for Surgery

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    Autonomous surgery involves having surgical tasks performed by a robot operating under its own will, with partial or no human involvement. There are several important advantages of automation in surgery, which include increasing precision of care due to sub-millimeter robot control, real-time utilization of biosignals for interventional care, improvements to surgical efficiency and execution, and computer-aided guidance under various medical imaging and sensing modalities. While these methods may displace some tasks of surgical teams and individual surgeons, they also present new capabilities in interventions that are too difficult or go beyond the skills of a human. In this chapter, we provide an overview of robot autonomy in commercial use and in research, and present some of the challenges faced in developing autonomous surgical robots

    Role of robotic arm assistance in computed tomography guided bone biopsy

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    Background: Use of robotic assistance technique has significant benefits over conventional techniques. The present study looks at the recent technological developments in image guidance for bone biopsy procedures.Methods: Patients who were referred to the department of radiodiagnosis, Bharti Hospital and Dot3d scanning center, Sangli, Maharashtra, India from July 2017 till December 2018 with suspected bone lesions were included in the study. These patients underwent robotic arm CT guided bone biopsy of their lesions.Results: In the present study, 47 patients were included. Authors observed that 93.6% had a positive diagnosis based on CT guided bone biopsy. Metastatic lesions were diagnosed in 8 cases. Inflammatory lesions and tuberculosis were other commonly observed diagnosis.Conclusions: Further growth and development of medical imaging devices have allowed more interventional procedures to be performed and more patients to benefit from them. Radiologists needs to develop a thorough understanding of the anatomical structure involved and need to acquire both solid grounding in technology and the practical skills to visualize a nerve structure

    Robot-Assisted Image-Guided Interventions

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    Image guidance is a common methodology of minimally invasive procedures. Depending on the type of intervention, various imaging modalities are available. Common imaging modalities are computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, and ultrasound. Robotic systems have been developed to enable and improve the procedures using these imaging techniques. Spatial and technological constraints limit the development of versatile robotic systems. This paper offers a brief overview of the developments of robotic systems for image-guided interventions since 2015 and includes samples of our current research in this field

    Robot-Assisted Image-Guided Interventions

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    Image guidance is a common methodology of minimally invasive procedures. Depending on the type of intervention, various imaging modalities are available. Common imaging modalities are computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, and ultrasound. Robotic systems have been developed to enable and improve the procedures using these imaging techniques. Spatial and technological constraints limit the development of versatile robotic systems. This paper offers a brief overview of the developments of robotic systems for image-guided interventions since 2015 and includes samples of our current research in this field

    Kidney targeting and puncturing during percutaneous nephrolithotomy: recent advances and future perspectives

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    Background and Purpose: Precise needle puncture of the kidney is a challenging and essential step for successful percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Many devices and surgical techniques have been developed to easily achieve suitable renal access. This article presents a critical review to address the methodologies and techniques for conducting kidney targeting and the puncture step during PCNL. Based on this study, research paths are also provided for PCNL procedure improvement. METHODS: Most relevant works concerning PCNL puncture were identified by a search of Medline/PubMed, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus databases from 2007 to December 2012. Two authors independently reviewed the studies. RESULTS: A total of 911 abstracts and 346 full-text articles were assessed and discussed; 52 were included in this review as a summary of the main contributions to kidney targeting and puncturing. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple paths and technologic advances have been proposed in the field of urology and minimally invasive surgery to improve PCNL puncture. The most relevant contributions, however, have been provided by the application of medical imaging guidance, new surgical tools, motion tracking systems, robotics, and image processing and computer graphics. Despite the multiple research paths for PCNL puncture guidance, no widely acceptable solution has yet been reached, and it remains an active and challenging research field. Future developments should focus on real-time methods, robust and accurate algorithms, and radiation free imaging techniques.The authors acknowledge Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the fellowships references: SFRH/BPD/46851/2008 and SFRH/BD/74276/2010

    Toward a Versatile Robotic Platform for Fluoroscopy and MRI-Guided Endovascular Interventions:A Pre-Clinical Study

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. Remotely manipulated robotic systems are utilized to perform minimally invasive endovascular interventions. The main benefits of this methodology are reduced recovery time, improvement of clinical skills and procedural facilitation. Currently, robotic assistance, precision, and stability of instrument manipulation are compensated by the lack of haptic feedback and an excessive amount of radiation to the patient. This paper proposes a novel master-slave robotic platform that aims to bring the haptic feedback benefit on the master side, providing an intuitive user interface, and clinical familiar workflow. The slave robot is capable of manipulating conventional catheters and guidewires in multi-modal imaging environments. The system has been initially tested in a phantom cannulation study under fluoroscopic guidance, evaluating its reliability and procedural protocol. As the slave robot has been entirely produced by additive manufacturing and using pneumatic actuation, MR compatibility is enabled and was evaluated in a preliminary study. Results of both studies strongly support the applicability of the robot in different imaging environments and prospective clinical translation

    Robot-assistive minimally invasive surgery:trends and future directions

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    The evolution of medical technologies—such as surgical devices and imaging techniques—has transformed all aspects of surgery. A key area of development is robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This review paper provides an overview of the evolution of robotic MIS, from its infancy to our days, and envisioned future challenges. It provides an outlook of breakthrough surgical robotic platforms, their clinical applications, and their evolution over the years. It discusses how the integration of robotic, imaging, and sensing technologies has contributed to create novel surgical platforms that can provide the surgeons with enhanced dexterity, precision, and surgical navigation while reducing the invasiveness and efficacy of the intervention. Finally, this review provides an outlook on the future of robotic MIS discussing opportunities and challenges that the scientific community will have to address in the coming decade. We hope that this review serves to provide a quick and accessible way to introduce the readers to this exciting and fast-evolving area of research, and to inspire future research in this field


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    Robot-assisted surgery offers improved accuracy, precision, safety, and workflow for a variety of surgical procedures spanning different surgical contexts (e.g., neurosurgery, pulmonary interventions, orthopaedics). These systems can assist with implant placement, drilling, bone resection, and biopsy while reducing human errors (e.g., hand tremors and limited dexterity) and easing the workflow of such tasks. Furthermore, such systems can reduce radiation dose to the clinician in fluoroscopically-guided procedures since many robots can perform their task in the imaging field-of-view (FOV) without the surgeon. Robot-assisted surgery requires (1) a preoperative plan defined relative to the patient that instructs the robot to perform a task, (2) intraoperative registration of the patient to transform the planning data into the intraoperative space, and (3) intraoperative registration of the robot to the patient to guide the robot to execute the plan. However, despite the operational improvements achieved using robot-assisted surgery, there are geometric inaccuracies and significant challenges to workflow associated with (1-3) that impact widespread adoption. This thesis aims to address these challenges by using image registration to plan and guide robot- assisted surgical (RAS) systems to encourage greater adoption of robotic-assistance across surgical contexts (in this work, spinal neurosurgery, pulmonary interventions, and orthopaedic trauma). The proposed methods will also be compatible with diverse imaging and robotic platforms (including low-cost systems) to improve the accessibility of RAS systems for a wide range of hospital and use settings. This dissertation advances important components of image-guided, robot-assisted surgery, including: (1) automatic target planning using statistical models and surgeon-specific atlases for application in spinal neurosurgery; (2) intraoperative registration and guidance of a robot to the planning data using 3D-2D image registration (i.e., an “image-guided robot”) for assisting pelvic orthopaedic trauma; (3) advanced methods for intraoperative registration of planning data in deformable anatomy for guiding pulmonary interventions; and (4) extension of image-guided robotics in a piecewise rigid, multi-body context in which the robot directly manipulates anatomy for assisting ankle orthopaedic trauma

    Robotic Applications in Neurosurgery

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