46 research outputs found

    MATHNECT: Mathematics Motion Based Learning for Primary School

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    Courseware is now widely used in the process of learning and teaching, particularly at the primary school level and in mathematics classes. Students become less interested in learning mathematics because it involves abstract and complex concepts. Difficulty learning math is a profound and acknowledged difficulty among students throughout the generations. The way of teaching and learning mathematics has remained relatively the same in our education system. Students are unable to provide their entire focus in class because of the current educational system, which is sometimes boring and relies solely on the whiteboard as a medium of instruction. However, with today's technological advancements, this problem may be overcome. It can be used to enhance the current educational system by utilizing current technology. One of them is Kinect, this device is a motion-tracking technology that allows users to interact with applications by moving their bodies. The main objective of this Mathnect is to develop a motion-based learning environment by utilizing Kinect technology as a learning aid to improve student concentration and attention in mathematics class. This project is developed using a methodology ADDIE. The methodology of analysis employed in this phase, which includes content analysis, should be focused on the compatibility of the content and the target users. The game will be focusing on teaching simple mathematics number, which it will cover on basic numbers among primary school students. Thus, by implementing this project in primary schools, our educational environment can be improved to produce new adaptive learning methods. This Mathnect is beneficial for educators, students, and parents to be used in the classroom and can also be used for self-based learning. As a result, students will not be bored in the classroom at any time

    Motion Based Learning for Preschools Mathematics via Kinect (Counting Number)

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    Kids start learning numbers since they in preschools. Every kids have difficulties to start learn about mathematics. They do not recognize and might be difficult for them to remember the numbers at first. Teacher will help them to teach and assist them to solve this problem and it usually happens after some stages and time. The only problem is education system use currently is not helping much in increasing the speed of children's learning. With current education system that sometime bored and only use whiteboard as medium of teaching, kids cannot give their full commitment in class. In Malaysia, traditional and conventional teaching still widely being practiced. However, with the advancement of technology nowadays, it can help to overcome this problem. By using current technology, it can help to complement current education system. Education system can utilize the advancement of technology to overcome problem such as boring and not interactive learning. Example of technology that can be use is Kinect. Kinect is a device that can track human body to interact with an application. It can help make learning become active, interactive and at it also involving all body parts. The objective of introducing kinect in education is to develop a motion based learning application for preschools' mathematics. To achieve this objective, the author has decided to test the application for preschools kid age from 3 to 6 years old. It will focus on teaching simple numbers. Kinect in mathematic will cover on basic numbers among preschool kids. Since the time given to develop this project is very limited, the methodology chosen for this development is throwaway prototype methodology. By using throwaway prototyping methodology this project have improved and increase user involvement. Results showing that kids enjoy the kinect technology in mathematics and teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching. From data collected and analyzed, results showed that kids enjoy this kinect technology in mathematics and at same time teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching

    Motion Based Learning for Preschools Mathematics via Kinect (Counting Number)

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    Kids start learning numbers since they in preschools. Every kids have difficulties to start learn about mathematics. They do not recognize and might be difficult for them to remember the numbers at first. Teacher will help them to teach and assist them to solve this problem and it usually happens after some stages and time. The only problem is education system use currently is not helping much in increasing the speed of children's learning. With current education system that sometime bored and only use whiteboard as medium of teaching, kids cannot give their full commitment in class. In Malaysia, traditional and conventional teaching still widely being practiced. However, with the advancement of technology nowadays, it can help to overcome this problem. By using current technology, it can help to complement current education system. Education system can utilize the advancement of technology to overcome problem such as boring and not interactive learning. Example of technology that can be use is Kinect. Kinect is a device that can track human body to interact with an application. It can help make learning become active, interactive and at it also involving all body parts. The objective of introducing kinect in education is to develop a motion based learning application for preschools' mathematics. To achieve this objective, the author has decided to test the application for preschools kid age from 3 to 6 years old. It will focus on teaching simple numbers. Kinect in mathematic will cover on basic numbers among preschool kids. Since the time given to develop this project is very limited, the methodology chosen for this development is throwaway prototype methodology. By using throwaway prototyping methodology this project have improved and increase user involvement. Results showing that kids enjoy the kinect technology in mathematics and teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching. From data collected and analyzed, results showed that kids enjoy this kinect technology in mathematics and at same time teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching


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    The purpose of this research are; (1) develop fundamental movement based learning using water games for children 5-6 years and (2) obtain empirical data on the effectiveness of the results of model development fundamental movement based learning using water games for children aged 5-6 years. Subjects in this study were children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. Place of research conducted in the city of Palembang. This study is the development of the Research and Development of Borg and Gall. Product results of the research is a fundamental movement guidebook using water games. Research shows that: (1) the development of fundamental movement based learning using water games for children aged 5-6 years have been declared invalid by a motor learning, physical activity experts and practitioners of early childhood education, (2) fundamental movement based learning using water games proved 85% can improve fundamental skills and helps to build a sense of confidence and courage.Keywords: fundamental movement, water games, children aged 5-6 years


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    Abstrak Permainan kecil merupakan salah satu media dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan (PJOK), dalam permainan kecil terdapat nilai sikap kerjasama. Kerjasama merupakan sikap yang dibutuhkan dalam berbagai materi dalam pembelajaran PJOK, dengan bekerjasama siswa siswa akan belajar menyelesaikan masalah secara bersama-sama, rasa toleransi, pertemanan, dan kekeluargaan siswa juga akan bertambah, dengan tumbuhnya kerjasama maka diharapkan dapat menekan berbagai sikap negatif. PJOK merupakan pembelajaran berbasis gerak yang berarti siswa belajar berbagai pengetahuan, keterampilan gerak dan pembentukan karakter melalui berbagai aktivitas fisik dan olahraga. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan wawancara, dalam pembelajaran PJOK siswa kelas X MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Taman merupakan siswa yang pandai dan aktif, tetapi kurang dalam bekerjasama. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penerapan permainan kecil terhadap kerjasama siswa dalam pembelajaran PJOK pada siswa kelas X MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Taman. Jika ada, seberapa besar pengaruh penerapan permainan kecil terhadap kerjasama siswa dalam pembelajaran PJOK pada siswa kelas X MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Taman Sidoarjo. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh penerapan permainan kecil terhadap kerjasama siswa pada pembelajaran PJOK siswa kelas X MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Taman Sidoarjo, dibuktikan dengan nilai Thitung 10,19 lebih besar dari Ttabel 1,6905 dengan persentase pengaruh sebesar 10,23%. Kata Kunci: Permainan Kecil, Kerjasama Siswa. Abstract Small games are one of the media in the learning of physical education (PE). There is a value of cooperation and attitude in small games. Cooperation is a necessary attitude in various materials in PE learning. It could be reflected by working together, solve problems, a sense of tolerance, friendship, and togetherness. PE is a motion-based learning. It means students learn a variety of knowledge, motion skills and character building through various physical activities and sports. Based on the results of observation and interviews, in PE learning of grade X students MIPA 6 State Senior High School 1 Taman are good and active student, but lack of cooperation. This research was conducted to find out if there is any influence on the application of small game to students cooperation in PE learning. Furthermore, Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that there is influence of the application of small games to students cooperation. The evidence is the significant value of Tcount is 10.19 or greater than Ttable 1.6905 with a percentage influence is 10.23%.. Keywords: Small Games, Student Cooperation

    Grade 3 students at Kebayoran Lama Elementary School 19: Game-Based Model for Throwing and Catching Movements

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    Objectives. The objective of the research is to develop a game-based model for fundamental manipulative movements like throwing and catching. The model can be used in physical education classes in elementary schools to assist teachers in teaching these fundamental movements. The created model is expected to be an effective tool in enhancing the learning process of basic manipulative movements in students. Materials and methods. The ADDIE model was utilized in this research which involved five stages - analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research resulted in the development of a validated model for basic manipulative throwing and catching movements. The model underwent revision by basic movement expert lecturers, game experts, and elementary school physical education teachers, resulting in a total of 15 lessons. The data collection process consisted of documentation and observation, while data analysis was carried out descriptively. Results. At SD Negeri 19 Kebayoran Lama, a game-based model has been developed to teach third-grade students the fundamental skills of throwing and catching. The purpose of this research is to enhance the basic manipulative abilities of elementary school students through immersive and interactive gameplay. By utilizing a game-based approach, students are motivated to learn and practice the essential skills of throwing and catching. The game-based model provides a fun and engaging way to teach the students, which can lead to improved learning outcomes. This research seeks to contribute to the development of effective teaching methods that can enhance the learning experience of young students while promoting their physical development. Conclusion. The implementation of basic movement models in physical education is a valuable tool for teachers, particularly in the instruction of basic manipulative movements such as throwing and catching. This study examines a game-based manipulative throwing and catching basic movement model for Grade 3 students at SD Negeri 19 Kebayoran. The aim of this model is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of manipulative movements, while simultaneously engaging them in a fun and interactive manner. By employing this approach, educators can facilitate the acquisition of essential motor skills, improve hand-eye coordination, and promote physical fitness among students.Objectives. The objective of the research is to develop a game-based model for fundamental manipulative movements like throwing and catching. The model can be used in physical education classes in elementary schools to assist teachers in teaching these fundamental movements. The created model is expected to be an effective tool in enhancing the learning process of basic manipulative movements in students. Materials and methods. The ADDIE model was utilized in this research which involved five stages - analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research resulted in the development of a validated model for basic manipulative throwing and catching movements. The model underwent revision by basic movement expert lecturers, game experts, and elementary school physical education teachers, resulting in a total of 15 lessons. The data collection process consisted of documentation and observation, while data analysis was carried out descriptively. Results. At SD Negeri 19 Kebayoran Lama, a game-based model has been developed to teach third-grade students the fundamental skills of throwing and catching. The purpose of this research is to enhance the basic manipulative abilities of elementary school students through immersive and interactive gameplay. By utilizing a game-based approach, students are motivated to learn and practice the essential skills of throwing and catching. The game-based model provides a fun and engaging way to teach the students, which can lead to improved learning outcomes. This research seeks to contribute to the development of effective teaching methods that can enhance the learning experience of young students while promoting their physical development. Conclusion. The implementation of basic movement models in physical education is a valuable tool for teachers, particularly in the instruction of basic manipulative movements such as throwing and catching. This study examines a game-based manipulative throwing and catching basic movement model for Grade 3 students at SD Negeri 19 Kebayoran. The aim of this model is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of manipulative movements, while simultaneously engaging them in a fun and interactive manner. By employing this approach, educators can facilitate the acquisition of essential motor skills, improve hand-eye coordination, and promote physical fitness among students


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    Penelitian yang berjudul Desain Didaktis Hukum Newton tentang gerak berdasarkan hamabatan belajar siswa SMA, dilatarbelakaingi oleh pentingnya pemahaman Hukum Newton tentang gerak yang merupakan landasan semua aspek dalam mekanika klasik dan diperkuat oleh temuan hambatan belajar pada siswa yang telah mempelajari Hukum Newton tentang gerak. Selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan belajar kategori epistomologis dan merancang desain didaktis guna menghilangkan hambatan belajar yang telah ditemukan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Pengambilan data diawali dengan dilakukannya uji hambatan belajar kepada siswa yang telah belajar Hukum Newton tentang gerak yaitu siswa kelas XII Sekolah Indonesia Singapura yang berjumlah 7 orang. Ditemukan beberapa tipe hambatan belajar, yaitu: tipe 1: hambatan belajar terkait kesetimbangan gaya; tipe 2; hambatan belajar terkait menentukan hubungan gaya, massa, dan percepatan; tipe 3: hambatan belajar terkait menentukan besar gaya dengan menganalisis perubahan kecepatan; tipe 4: hambatan belajar terkait menggambarkan diagram benda bebas; tipe 5: hambatan belajar terkait menentukan pasangan gaya aksi-reaksi; tipe 6: hambatan belajar terkait menentukan besar gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada benda. Dari hambatan tersebut dirancang desain didaktis yang selanjutnya diimplementasikan kepada siswa kelas X di sekolah yang sama yang berjumlah 17 orang. Siswa yang mendapat disain didaktis tersebut melakukan uji hambatan belajar untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan belajar kembali sebagai dasar pertimbangan penyusunan desain didaktis akhir. This study titled Didactical Design of Newton's laws of motion based learning obstacle at high school students. This research was conducted on the basis of the importance of understanding Newton's laws of motion which are the foundation for all aspects of classical mechanics and reinforced by the findings of learning obstacle in students who have studied Newton's laws of motion. In addition, this study aims to identify barriers to learning and create didactical design to remove learning obstacle. The method used is qualitative method. Collecting data begins with a test done to students who have studied Newton's laws of motion are students of class XII Indonesian School in Singapore for 7 people. Found some type of barrier to learning, namely: Type 1: barriers to learning related force equilibrium; type 2; barriers to learning related to determining the relationship force, mass, and acceleration; Type 3: barriers to learning related determine the style by analyzing a change of pace; Type 4: barriers to learning related to describe the free-diagram body; Type 5: learning obstacle related determine the style of action-reaction pair; Type 6: learning obstacle related determine the forces acting on the body. Once it is made didactical design, then implemented to class X in the same school, as 17 people. Students who got didactical design test to identify learning obstacle as the basis for consideration of making the final didactical design