4 research outputs found

    Descriptive temporal template features for visual motion recognition

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    In this paper, a human action recognition system is proposed. The system is based on new, descriptive `temporal template' features in order to achieve high-speed recognition in real-time, embedded applications. The limitations of the well known `Motion History Image' (MHI) temporal template are addressed and a new `Motion History Histogram' (MHH) feature is proposed to capture more motion information in the video. MHH not only provides rich motion information, but also remains computationally inexpensive. To further improve classification performance, we combine both MHI and MHH into a low dimensional feature vector which is processed by a support vector machine (SVM). Experimental results show that our new representation can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of human action recognition over existing comparable methods, which use 2D temporal template based representations


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    Today, the implementation of machine vision algorithms on embedded platforms or in portable systems is growing rapidly due to the demand for machine vision in daily human life. Among the applications of machine vision, human action and activity recognition has become an active research area, and market demand for providing integrated smart security systems is growing rapidly. Among the available approaches, embedded vision is in the top tier; however, current embedded platforms may not be able to fully exploit the potential performance of machine vision algorithms, especially in terms of low power consumption. Complex algorithms can impose immense computation and communication demands, especially action recognition algorithms, which require various stages of preprocessing, processing and machine learning blocks that need to operate concurrently. The market demands embedded platforms that operate with a power consumption of only a few watts. Attempts have been mad to improve the performance of traditional embedded approaches by adding more powerful processors; this solution may solve the computation problem but increases the power consumption. System-on-a-chip eld-programmable gate arrays (SoC-FPGAs) have emerged as a major architecture approach for improving power eciency while increasing computational performance. In a SoC-FPGA, an embedded processor and an FPGA serving as an accelerator are fabricated in the same die to simultaneously improve power consumption and performance. Still, current SoC-FPGA-based vision implementations either shy away from supporting complex and adaptive vision algorithms or operate at very limited resolutions due to the immense communication and computation demands. The aim of this research is to develop a SoC-based hardware acceleration workflow for the realization of advanced vision algorithms. Hardware acceleration can improve performance for highly complex mathematical calculations or repeated functions. The performance of a SoC system can thus be improved by using hardware acceleration method to accelerate the element that incurs the highest performance overhead. The outcome of this research could be used for the implementation of various vision algorithms, such as face recognition, object detection or object tracking, on embedded platforms. The contributions of SoC-based hardware acceleration for hardware-software codesign platforms include the following: (1) development of frameworks for complex human action recognition in both 2D and 3D; (2) realization of a framework with four main implemented IPs, namely, foreground and background subtraction (foreground probability), human detection, 2D/3D point-of-interest detection and feature extraction, and OS-ELM as a machine learning algorithm for action identication; (3) use of an FPGA-based hardware acceleration method to resolve system bottlenecks and improve system performance; and (4) measurement and analysis of system specications, such as the acceleration factor, power consumption, and resource utilization. Experimental results show that the proposed SoC-based hardware acceleration approach provides better performance in terms of the acceleration factor, resource utilization and power consumption among all recent works. In addition, a comparison of the accuracy of the framework that runs on the proposed embedded platform (SoCFPGA) with the accuracy of other PC-based frameworks shows that the proposed approach outperforms most other approaches

    Robust visual speech recognition using optical flow analysis and rotation invariant features

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    The focus of this thesis is to develop computer vision algorithms for visual speech recognition system to identify the visemes. The majority of existing speech recognition systems is based on audio-visual signals and has been developed for speech enhancement and is prone to acoustic noise. Considering this problem, aim of this research is to investigate and develop a visual only speech recognition system which should be suitable for noisy environments. Potential applications of such a system include the lip-reading mobile phones, human computer interface (HCI) for mobility-impaired users, robotics, surveillance, improvement of speech based computer control in a noisy environment and for the rehabilitation of the persons who have undergone a laryngectomy surgery. In the literature, there are several models and algorithms available for visual feature extraction. These features are extracted from static mouth images and characterized as appearance and shape based features. However, these methods rarely incorporate the time dependent information of mouth dynamics. This dissertation presents two optical flow based approaches of visual feature extraction, which capture the mouth motions in an image sequence. The motivation for using motion features is, because the human perception of lip-reading is concerned with the temporal dynamics of mouth motion. The first approach is based on extraction of features from the optical flow vertical component. The optical flow vertical component is decomposed into multiple non-overlapping fixed scale blocks and statistical features of each block are computed for successive video frames of an utterance. To overcome the issue of large variation in speed of speech, each utterance is normalized using simple linear interpolation method. In the second approach, four directional motion templates based on optical flow are developed, each representing the consolidated motion information in an utterance in four directions (i.e.,up, down, left and right). This approach is an evolution of a view based approach known as motion history image (MHI). One of the main issues with the MHI method is its motion overwriting problem because of self-occlusion. DMHIs seem to solve this issue of overwriting. Two types of image descriptors, Zernike moments and Hu moments are used to represent each image of DMHIs. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier was used to classify the features obtained from the optical flow vertical component, Zernike and Hu moments separately. For identification of visemes, a multiclass SVM approach was employed. A video speech corpus of seven subjects was used for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed methods for lip-reading. The experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of the optical flow based mouth movement representations. Performance comparison between DMHI and MHI based on Zernike moments, shows that the DMHI technique outperforms the MHI technique. A video based adhoc temporal segmentation method is proposed in the thesis for isolated utterances. It has been used to detect the start and the end frame of an utterance from an image sequence. The technique is based on a pair-wise pixel comparison method. The efficiency of the proposed technique was tested on the available data set with short pauses between each utterance