33,864 research outputs found

    Predicting Slice-to-Volume Transformation in Presence of Arbitrary Subject Motion

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    This paper aims to solve a fundamental problem in intensity-based 2D/3D registration, which concerns the limited capture range and need for very good initialization of state-of-the-art image registration methods. We propose a regression approach that learns to predict rotation and translations of arbitrary 2D image slices from 3D volumes, with respect to a learned canonical atlas co-ordinate system. To this end, we utilize Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to learn the highly complex regression function that maps 2D image slices into their correct position and orientation in 3D space. Our approach is attractive in challenging imaging scenarios, where significant subject motion complicates reconstruction performance of 3D volumes from 2D slice data. We extensively evaluate the effectiveness of our approach quantitatively on simulated MRI brain data with extreme random motion. We further demonstrate qualitative results on fetal MRI where our method is integrated into a full reconstruction and motion compensation pipeline. With our CNN regression approach we obtain an average prediction error of 7mm on simulated data, and convincing reconstruction quality of images of very young fetuses where previous methods fail. We further discuss applications to Computed Tomography and X-ray projections. Our approach is a general solution to the 2D/3D initialization problem. It is computationally efficient, with prediction times per slice of a few milliseconds, making it suitable for real-time scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 6 pages supplemental material, currently under review for MICCAI 201

    Robust automatic target tracking based on a Bayesian ego-motion compensation framework for airborne FLIR imagery

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    Automatic target tracking in airborne FLIR imagery is currently a challenge due to the camera ego-motion. This phenomenon distorts the spatio-temporal correlation of the video sequence, which dramatically reduces the tracking performance. Several works address this problem using ego-motion compensation strategies. They use a deterministic approach to compensate the camera motion assuming a specific model of geometric transformation. However, in real sequences a specific geometric transformation can not accurately describe the camera ego-motion for the whole sequence, and as consequence of this, the performance of the tracking stage can significantly decrease, even completely fail. The optimum transformation for each pair of consecutive frames depends on the relative depth of the elements that compose the scene, and their degree of texturization. In this work, a novel Particle Filter framework is proposed to efficiently manage several hypothesis of geometric transformations: Euclidean, affine, and projective. Each type of transformation is used to compute candidate locations of the object in the current frame. Then, each candidate is evaluated by the measurement model of the Particle Filter using the appearance information. This approach is able to adapt to different camera ego-motion conditions, and thus to satisfactorily perform the tracking. The proposed strategy has been tested on the AMCOM FLIR dataset, showing a high efficiency in the tracking of different types of targets in real working conditions

    Interior maps in posterior pareital cortex

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    The posterior parietal cortex (PPC), historically believed to be a sensory structure, is now viewed as an area important for sensory-motor integration. Among its functions is the forming of intentions, that is, high-level cognitive plans for movement. There is a map of intentions within the PPC, with different subregions dedicated to the planning of eye movements, reaching movements, and grasping movements. These areas appear to be specialized for the multisensory integration and coordinate transformations required to convert sensory input to motor output. In several subregions of the PPC, these operations are facilitated by the use of a common distributed space representation that is independent of both sensory input and motor output. Attention and learning effects are also evident in the PPC. However, these effects may be general to cortex and operate in the PPC in the context of sensory-motor transformations

    Visual Importance-Biased Image Synthesis Animation

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    Present ray tracing algorithms are computationally intensive, requiring hours of computing time for complex scenes. Our previous work has dealt with the development of an overall approach to the application of visual attention to progressive and adaptive ray-tracing techniques. The approach facilitates large computational savings by modulating the supersampling rates in an image by the visual importance of the region being rendered. This paper extends the approach by incorporating temporal changes into the models and techniques developed, as it is expected that further efficiency savings can be reaped for animated scenes. Applications for this approach include entertainment, visualisation and simulation

    Object Tracking from Unstabilized Platforms by Particle Filtering with Embedded Camera Ego Motion

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    Visual tracking with moving cameras is a challenging task. The global motion induced by the moving camera moves the target object outside the expected search area, according to the object dynamics. The typical approach is to use a registration algorithm to compensate the camera motion. However, in situations involving several moving objects, and backgrounds highly affected by the aperture problem, image registration quality may be very low, decreasing dramatically the performance of the tracking. In this work, a novel approach is proposed to successfully tackle the tracking with moving cameras in complex situations, which involve several independent moving objects. The key idea is to compute several hypotheses for the camera motion, instead of estimating deterministically only one. These hypotheses are combined with the object dynamics in a Particle Filter framework to predict the most probable object locations. Then, each hypothetical object location is evaluated by the measurement model using a spatiogram, which is a region descriptor based on color and spatial distributions. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy allows to accurately track an object in complex situations affected by strong ego motion

    RLFC: Random Access Light Field Compression using Key Views and Bounded Integer Encoding

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    We present a new hierarchical compression scheme for encoding light field images (LFI) that is suitable for interactive rendering. Our method (RLFC) exploits redundancies in the light field images by constructing a tree structure. The top level (root) of the tree captures the common high-level details across the LFI, and other levels (children) of the tree capture specific low-level details of the LFI. Our decompressing algorithm corresponds to tree traversal operations and gathers the values stored at different levels of the tree. Furthermore, we use bounded integer sequence encoding which provides random access and fast hardware decoding for compressing the blocks of children of the tree. We have evaluated our method for 4D two-plane parameterized light fields. The compression rates vary from 0.08 - 2.5 bits per pixel (bpp), resulting in compression ratios of around 200:1 to 20:1 for a PSNR quality of 40 to 50 dB. The decompression times for decoding the blocks of LFI are 1 - 3 microseconds per channel on an NVIDIA GTX-960 and we can render new views with a resolution of 512X512 at 200 fps. Our overall scheme is simple to implement and involves only bit manipulations and integer arithmetic operations.Comment: Accepted for publication at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D '19

    A spatial impedance controller for robotic manipulation

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    Mechanical impedance is the dynamic generalization of stiffness, and determines interactive behavior by definition. Although the argument for explicitly controlling impedance is strong, impedance control has had only a modest impact on robotic manipulator control practice. This is due in part to the fact that it is difficult to select suitable impedances given tasks. A spatial impedance controller is presented that simplifies impedance selection. Impedance is characterized using ¿spatially affine¿ families of compliance and damping, which are characterized by nonspatial and spatial parameters. Nonspatial parameters are selected independently of configuration of the object with which the robot must interact. Spatial parameters depend on object configurations, but transform in an intuitive, well-defined way. Control laws corresponding to these compliance and damping families are derived assuming a commonly used robot model. While the compliance control law was implemented in simulation and on a real robot, this paper emphasizes the underlying theor

    A Network for Learning Kinematics with Application to Human Reaching Models

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    A model for self-organization of the coordinate transformations required for spatial reaching is presented. During a motor babbling phase, a mapping from spatial coordinate directions to joint motion directions is learned. After learning, the model is able to produce straight-line spatial velocity trajectories with characteristic bell-shaped spatial velocity profiles, as observed in human reaches. Simulation results are presented for transverse plane reaching using a two degree-of-freedom arm.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309