1,029 research outputs found

    Uncertainty in phylogenetic tree estimates

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    Estimating phylogenetic trees is an important problem in evolutionary biology, environmental policy and medicine. Although trees are estimated, their uncertainties are discarded by mathematicians working in tree space. Here we explicitly model the multivariate uncertainty of tree estimates. We consider both the cases where uncertainty information arises extrinsically (through covariate information) and intrinsically (through the tree estimates themselves). The importance of accounting for tree uncertainty in tree space is demonstrated in two case studies. In the first instance, differences between gene trees are small relative to their uncertainties, while in the second, the differences are relatively large. Our main goal is visualization of tree uncertainty, and we demonstrate advantages of our method with respect to reproducibility, speed and preservation of topological differences compared to visualization based on multidimensional scaling. The proposal highlights that phylogenetic trees are estimated in an extremely high-dimensional space, resulting in uncertainty information that cannot be discarded. Most importantly, it is a method that allows biologists to diagnose whether differences between gene trees are biologically meaningful, or due to uncertainty in estimation.Comment: Final version accepted to Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistic

    Time Discrete Geodesic Paths in the Space of Images

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    In this paper the space of images is considered as a Riemannian manifold using the metamorphosis approach, where the underlying Riemannian metric simultaneously measures the cost of image transport and intensity variation. A robust and effective variational time discretization of geodesics paths is proposed. This requires to minimize a discrete path energy consisting of a sum of consecutive image matching functionals over a set of image intensity maps and pairwise matching deformations. For square-integrable input images the existence of discrete, connecting geodesic paths defined as minimizers of this variational problem is shown. Furthermore, Γ\Gamma-convergence of the underlying discrete path energy to the continuous path energy is proved. This includes a diffeomorphism property for the induced transport and the existence of a square-integrable weak material derivative in space and time. A spatial discretization via finite elements combined with an alternating descent scheme in the set of image intensity maps and the set of matching deformations is presented to approximate discrete geodesic paths numerically. Computational results underline the efficiency of the proposed approach and demonstrate important qualitative properties.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Causality and Micro-Causality in Curved Spacetime

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    We consider how causality and micro-causality are realised in QED in curved spacetime. The photon propagator is found to exhibit novel non-analytic behaviour due to vacuum polarization, which invalidates the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation and calls into question the validity of micro-causality in curved spacetime. This non-analyticity is ultimately related to the generic focusing nature of congruences of geodesics in curved spacetime, as implied by the null energy condition, and the existence of conjugate points. These results arise from a calculation of the complete non-perturbative frequency dependence of the vacuum polarization tensor in QED, using novel world-line path integral methods together with the Penrose plane-wave limit of spacetime in the neighbourhood of a null geodesic. The refractive index of curved spacetime is shown to exhibit superluminal phase velocities, dispersion, absorption (due to \gamma \to e^+e^-) and bi-refringence, but we demonstrate that the wavefront velocity (the high-frequency limit of the phase velocity) is indeed c, thereby guaranteeing that causality itself is respected.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, JHEP3, microcausality now shown to be respected even when the Kramers-Kronig relation is violate

    Low-latency compression of mocap data using learned spatial decorrelation transform

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    Due to the growing needs of human motion capture (mocap) in movie, video games, sports, etc., it is highly desired to compress mocap data for efficient storage and transmission. This paper presents two efficient frameworks for compressing human mocap data with low latency. The first framework processes the data in a frame-by-frame manner so that it is ideal for mocap data streaming and time critical applications. The second one is clip-based and provides a flexible tradeoff between latency and compression performance. Since mocap data exhibits some unique spatial characteristics, we propose a very effective transform, namely learned orthogonal transform (LOT), for reducing the spatial redundancy. The LOT problem is formulated as minimizing square error regularized by orthogonality and sparsity and solved via alternating iteration. We also adopt a predictive coding and temporal DCT for temporal decorrelation in the frame- and clip-based frameworks, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed frameworks can produce higher compression performance at lower computational cost and latency than the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Human Motion Capture Data Tailored Transform Coding

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    Human motion capture (mocap) is a widely used technique for digitalizing human movements. With growing usage, compressing mocap data has received increasing attention, since compact data size enables efficient storage and transmission. Our analysis shows that mocap data have some unique characteristics that distinguish themselves from images and videos. Therefore, directly borrowing image or video compression techniques, such as discrete cosine transform, does not work well. In this paper, we propose a novel mocap-tailored transform coding algorithm that takes advantage of these features. Our algorithm segments the input mocap sequences into clips, which are represented in 2D matrices. Then it computes a set of data-dependent orthogonal bases to transform the matrices to frequency domain, in which the transform coefficients have significantly less dependency. Finally, the compression is obtained by entropy coding of the quantized coefficients and the bases. Our method has low computational cost and can be easily extended to compress mocap databases. It also requires neither training nor complicated parameter setting. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of compression performance and speed

    Black hole-neutron star mergers and short GRBs: a relativistic toy model to estimate the mass of the torus

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    The merger of a binary system composed of a black hole and a neutron star may leave behind a torus of hot, dense matter orbiting around the black hole. While numerical-relativity simulations are necessary to simulate this process accurately, they are also computationally expensive and unable at present to cover the large space of possible parameters, which include the relative mass ratio, the stellar compactness, and the black hole spin. To mitigate this and provide a first reasonable coverage of the space of parameters, we have developed a method for estimating the mass of the remnant torus from black hole-neutron star mergers. The toy model makes use of an improved relativistic affine model to describe the tidal deformations of an extended tri-axial ellipsoid orbiting around a Kerr black hole and measures the mass of the remnant torus by considering which of the fluid particles composing the star are on bound orbits at the time of the tidal disruption. We tune the toy model by using the results of fully general-relativistic simulations obtaining relative precisions of a few percent and use it to extensively investigate the space of parameters. In this way we find that the torus mass is largest for systems with highly spinning black holes, small stellar compactnesses, and large mass ratios. As an example, tori as massive as ~1.33 solar masses can be produced for a very extended star with compactness of ~0.1 inspiralling around a black hole with dimensionless spin equal to 0.85 and mass ratio of about 0.3. However, for a more astrophysically reasonable mass ratio of ~0.14 and a canonical value of the stellar compactness of ~0.145, the toy model sets a considerably smaller upper limit to the torus mass of less than ~0.34 solar masses.Comment: Added new figure and new table to confirm agreement with simulations; matches version accepted for publication in Ap
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