6,780 research outputs found

    Autonomous crater detection on asteroids using a fully-convolutional neural network

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    This paper shows the application of autonomous Crater Detection using the U-Net, a Fully-Convolutional Neural Network, on Ceres. The U-Net is trained on optical images of the Moon Global Morphology Mosaic based on data collected by the LRO and manual crater catalogues. The Moon-trained network will be tested on Dawn optical images of Ceres: this task is accomplished by means of a Transfer Learning (TL) approach. The trained model has been fine-tuned using 100, 500 and 1000 additional images of Ceres. The test performance was measured on 350 never before seen images, reaching a testing accuracy of 96.24%, 96.95% and 97.19%, respectively. This means that despite the intrinsic differences between the Moon and Ceres, TL works with encouraging results. The output of the U-Net contains predicted craters: it will be post-processed applying global thresholding for image binarization and a template matching algorithm to extract craters positions and radii in the pixel space. Post-processed craters will be counted and compared to the ground truth data in order to compute image segmentation metrics: precision, recall and F1 score. These indices will be computed, and their effect will be discussed for tasks such as automated crater cataloguing and optical navigation

    Mo.Se.: Segmentación de mosaico de imágenes basado en aprendizaje profundo en cascada

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    [EN] Mosaic is an ancient type of art used to create decorative images or patterns combining small components. A digital version of a mosaic can be useful for archaeologists, scholars and restorers who are interested in studying, comparing and preserving mosaics. Nowadays, archaeologists base their studies mainly on manual operation and visual observation that, although still fundamental, should be supported by an automatized procedure of information extraction. In this context, this research explains improvements which can change the manual and time-consuming procedure of mosaic tesserae drawing. More specifically, this paper analyses the advantages of using Mo.Se. (Mosaic Segmentation), an algorithm that exploits deep learning and image segmentation techniques; the methodology combines U-Net 3 Network with the Watershed algorithm. The final purpose is to define a workflow which establishes the steps to perform a robust segmentation and obtain a digital (vector) representation of a mosaic. The detailed approach is presented, and theoretical justifications are provided, building various connections with other models, thus making the workflow both theoretically valuable and practically scalable for medium or large datasets. The automatic segmentation process was tested with the high-resolution orthoimage of an ancient mosaic by following a close-range photogrammetry procedure. Our approach has been tested in the pavement of St. Stephen's Church in Umm ar-Rasas, a Jordan archaeological site, located 30 km southeast of the city of Madaba (Jordan). Experimental results show that this generalized framework yields good performances, obtaining higher accuracy compared with other state-of-the-art approaches. Mo.Se. has been validated using publicly available datasets as a benchmark, demonstrating that the combination of learning-based methods with procedural ones enhances segmentation performance in terms of overall accuracy, which is almost 10% higher. This study’s ambitious aim is to provide archaeologists with a tool which accelerates their work of automatically extracting ancient geometric mosaics.Highlights:A Mo.Se. (Mosaic Segmentation) algorithm is described with the purpose to perform robust image segmentation to automatically detect tesserae in ancient mosaics.This research aims to overcome manual and time-consuming procedure of tesserae segmentation by proposing an approach that uses deep learning and image processing techniques, obtaining a digital replica of a mosaic.Extensive experiments show that the proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods with higher accuracy, even compared with publicly available datasets.[ES] El mosaico es un tipo de arte antiguo utilizado para crear imágenes decorativas o patrones de pequeños componentes. Una versión digital de un mosaico puede ser útil a los arqueólogos, estudiosos y restauradores que están interesados en el estudio, la comparación y la preservación de los mosaicos. Hoy en día, los arqueólogos basan sus estudios principalmente en la operación manual y la observación visual que, aunque sigue siendo fundamental, debe ser apoyada con la ayuda de un procedimiento automatizado de extracción de la información. En este contexto, esta investigación tiene la intención de superar el procedimiento manual y lento del dibujo de teselas en mosaico proponiendo Mo.Se. (Mosaic Segmentation), un algoritmo que explota técnicas de aprendizaje profundo y segmentación de imagen; específicamente, la metodología combina la red U-Net 3 con el algoritmo Watershed. El propósito final es definir un flujo de trabajo que establezca los pasos para realizar una segmentación robusta y obtener una representación digital (vectorial) de un mosaico. Se presenta el procedimiento detallado y se proporcionan justificaciones teóricas, construyendo varias conexiones con otros modelos, haciendo que el flujo de trabajo sea teóricamente valioso y prácticamente escalable en conjuntos de datos medianos o grandes. El proceso de segmentación automática se probó con la ortoimagen de alta resolución de un mosaico antiguo, siguiendo un procedimiento de fotogrametría de objeto cercano. Nuestro enfoque se ha probado en el pavimento de la Iglesia de San Esteban en Umm ar-Rasas, un sitio arqueológico de Jordania, ubicado a 30 km al sureste de la ciudad de Madaba (Jordania). Los resultados experimentales muestran que este marco generalizado produce buenos rendimientos, obteniendo una mayor precisión en comparación con otros enfoques de vanguardia. Mo.Se. se ha validado utilizando conjuntos de datos disponibles públicamente como punto de referencia, lo que demuestra que la combinación de métodos basadosen el aprendizaje con métodos procedimentales mejora el rendimiento de la segmentación en casi un 10% en términos de exactitud en general. El ambicioso objetivo de este estudio es proporcionar a los arqueólogos una herramienta que acelere su trabajo de extracción automática de mosaicos geométricos antiguos.This work was partially found within the framework of the project Innovative technologies and training activities for the conservation and enhancement of the archaeological site of Umm er-Rasas (Jordan) funded by Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the ISPC CNR and in particular to Dott. Roberto Gabrielli (project leader) and Alessandra Albiero for providing the dataset.Felicetti, A.; Paolanti, M.; Zingaretti, P.; Pierdicca, R.; Malinverni, ES. 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    A Self-Organizing Neural System for Learning to Recognize Textured Scenes

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    A self-organizing ARTEX model is developed to categorize and classify textured image regions. ARTEX specializes the FACADE model of how the visual cortex sees, and the ART model of how temporal and prefrontal cortices interact with the hippocampal system to learn visual recognition categories and their names. FACADE processing generates a vector of boundary and surface properties, notably texture and brightness properties, by utilizing multi-scale filtering, competition, and diffusive filling-in. Its context-sensitive local measures of textured scenes can be used to recognize scenic properties that gradually change across space, as well a.s abrupt texture boundaries. ART incrementally learns recognition categories that classify FACADE output vectors, class names of these categories, and their probabilities. Top-down expectations within ART encode learned prototypes that pay attention to expected visual features. When novel visual information creates a poor match with the best existing category prototype, a memory search selects a new category with which classify the novel data. ARTEX is compared with psychophysical data, and is benchmarked on classification of natural textures and synthetic aperture radar images. It outperforms state-of-the-art systems that use rule-based, backpropagation, and K-nearest neighbor classifiers.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-1-0657

    Deep U band and R imaging of GOODS-South: Observations,data reduction and first results

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    We present deep imaging in the {\em U} band covering an area of 630 arcmin2^{2} centered on the southern field of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). The data were obtained with the VIMOS instrument at the ESO Very Large Telescope. The final images reach a magnitude limit Ulim29.8U_{lim} \approx 29.8 (AB, 1σ\sigma, in a 1\arcsec radius aperture), and have good image quality, with full width at half maximum \approx 0.8\arcsec. They are significantly deeper than previous U--band images available for the GOODS fields, and better match the sensitivity of other multi--wavelength GOODS photometry. The deeper U--band data yield significantly improved photometric redshifts, especially in key redshift ranges such as 2<z<42<z<4, and deeper color--selected galaxy samples, e.g., Lyman--break galaxies at z3z\approx 3. We also present the coaddition of archival ESO VIMOS R band data, with Rlim29R_{lim} \approx 29 (AB, 1σ\sigma, 1\arcsec radius aperture), and image quality \approx 0.75 \arcsec. We discuss the strategies for the observations and data reduction, and present the first results from the analysis of the coadded images.Comment: Accepted for publication ApJS, 54 pages, 27 figures. Released data and full-quality paper version available at http://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data/data-packages/goods-vimos-imaging-data-release-version-1.

    A Self-Organizing System for Classifying Complex Images: Natural Textures and Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    A self-organizing architecture is developed for image region classification. The system consists of a preprocessor that utilizes multi-scale filtering, competition, cooperation, and diffusion to compute a vector of image boundary and surface properties, notably texture and brightness properties. This vector inputs to a system that incrementally learns noisy multidimensional mappings and their probabilities. The architecture is applied to difficult real-world image classification problems, including classification of synthetic aperture radar and natural texture images, and outperforms a recent state-of-the-art system at classifying natural texturns.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-1-0657, N00014-91-J-4100); Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-92-J-4015); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225, F49620-92-J-0334); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530, IRI-90-24877

    A Self-Organizing System for Classifying Complex Images: Natural Textures and Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    A self-organizing architecture is developed for image region classification. The system consists of a preprocessor that utilizes multi-scale filtering, competition, cooperation, and diffusion to compute a vector of image boundary and surface properties, notably texture and brightness properties. This vector inputs to a system that incrementally learns noisy multidimensional mappings and their probabilities. The architecture is applied to difficult real-world image classification problems, including classification of synthetic aperture radar and natural texture images, and outperforms a recent state-of-the-art system at classifying natural texturns.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-1-0657, N00014-91-J-4100); Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-92-J-4015); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225, F49620-92-J-0334); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530, IRI-90-24877