102,695 research outputs found

    Ökomorphologie : Integration von Form, Funktion und Ökologie bei der Analyse morphologischer Strukturen

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    Organisms are complex entities whose study has necessitated an increasingly reductionistic stance in modern biology (CAPLAN 1987). As a consequence, biology as a science has been split up into numerous sub-disciplines. However, this extremely reductionistic philosophy must not be taken as marking the endpoint of biological research but should be reappraised as the beginning of a new integrative approach encompassing the entire organism (SAUER 1992). This view has been promoted since the second half of the 20th century with the rise of new disciplines such as ecophysiology and ethoecology. Moreover, in morphology, an integrative approach with regard to the form and function of organisms in their relationship to the external environment is becoming increasingly important (e.g. KARR & JAMES 1975, MOTTA & KOTRSCHAL 1992, REILLY & WAINWRIGHT 1994).Aufgrund der enormen KomplexitĂ€t von Organismen ist es in der heutigen Biologie unumgĂ€nglich geworden, mehr und mehr reduktionistische AnsĂ€tze zu verfolgen. Dies kommt in ihrer zunehmenden Zergliederung in Einzeldisziplinen zum Ausdruck. Extrem reduktionistische AnsĂ€tze dĂŒrfen jedoch nicht das Ende biologischer Forschung markieren, sondern sollten zugleich der Anfang fĂŒr einen weiteren integrativen Ansatz sein, der das organismische Niveau berĂŒcksichtigt (vgl. SAUER, 1992). Auch in der Morphologie gewinnt eine integrative Sichtweise, welche die Form und Funktion morphologischer Strukturen in ihrer Beziehung zur externen Umwelt betrachtet, immer stĂ€rker an Bedeutung. Aufbauend auf klassischen morphologischen Disziplinen wie der deskriptiven und funktionellen Morphologie versteht man unter der ökologische Morphologie allgemein die Lehre von der Wechselbeziehung zwischen der Morphologie eines Organismus und seiner natĂŒrlichen Umwelt. WĂ€hrend die Funktionsmorphologie die Analyse exakter Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen zum Inhalt hat, geht es in der Ökomorphologie um die Untersuchung der Funktion von Organismen im ökologischen (Umwelt) und/oder evolutionĂ€ren Kontext (Historie), wodurch eine Förderung des VerstĂ€ndnisses der ökologischen und evolutionĂ€ren Konsequenzen ihres Bauplanes erreicht werden soll. Dieses Forschungskonzept wird im Rahmen dieser Abhandlung anhand von Fallbeispielen vor allem aus der Gruppe der Staphylinoidea erlĂ€utert

    RĂ©flexion sur l'autonomie de la morphologie linguistique

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    Sous les auspices de la grammaire traditionnelle, l’étude des mots que l’on appelle contemporainement la morphologie jouissait incontestablement d’analyse autonome. Or, depuis l’inauguration de la linguistique moderne issue du structuralisme saussurien, le sort de la morphologie n’a cessĂ© de subir des suppressions rĂ©ductionnistes. Par consĂ©quent, la morphologie est aujourd’hui traitĂ©e de deux perspectives plus ou moins opposĂ©es: analyse autonome versus analyse dĂ©pendante. AprĂšs avoir survolĂ© les instanciations linguistiques cherchant Ă  Ă©tablir le statut scientifique de la morphologie l’article confirme modestement le statut autonome scientifique de la morphologie et postule Ă©galement qu’aucune branche de la linguistique, la morphologie y comprise, ne jouit d’un statut autonome total

    Physiological incongruity of the humero-ulnar joint

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    Investigations into the distribution of subchondral bone density in the human elbow have suggested that the geometry of the trochlear notch deviates from a perfect fit with the trochlea, and that the load is transmitted ventrally and dorsally rather than through the centre of the humero-ulnar joint. We therefore decided to make a quantitative assessment of the degree of incongruity between the two components in 15 human specimens (age distribution 60 to 93 years) with different types of joint surface. Polyether casts of the joint cavity were prepared under loads of 10,40,160 and 640 N. The thickness of the casts was then measured at 50 predetermined points, and an area distribution of the width of the joint space represented in a two-dimensional template of the trochlear notch. The reproducibility of this procedure was tested by image analysis. At a load of 10 N, only a narrow space was present ventrally and dorsally in the joint, but in the depths of the trochlear notch a width of 0.5 to 1 mm was recorded in the centre, and up to 3 mm at its medial and lateral edges. Specimens with continuous articular cartilage showed a lower degree of incongruity than those with a divided articular surface. As the load was increased to 640 N, however, the original incongruity between the articular surfaces disappeared almost completely. The joint surfaces became more congruous, probably because of the viscoelastic properties of the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone, and the contact areas merged in the centre of the joint. It is suggested that this physiological incongruity brings about an optimal distribution of stress over the articular surface during the transmission of the load, and it may lead to better nourishment of the articular cartilage by providing intermittent mechanical stimulation and circulation of the synovial fluid

    Verb agreement and epistemic marking : a typological journey from the Himalayas to the Caucasus

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    Epistemische Morphologie registriert manchmal das Wissen ĂŒber spezifische Argumente anstatt ĂŒber Propositionen. Sie steht dann in minimalem Kontrast zu Kongruenzmorphologie, die die IdentitĂ€t von Argumenten registriert. Diese Ähnlichkeit lĂ€sst erwarten, dass die relevante Personenkategorie – der Referent, dessen Wissen in epistemischer Morphologie angezeigt wird bzw. der Referent dessen Merkmale in Kongruenzmorphologie unifiziert werden – der gleichen typologischen Varianz unterliegen. Eine Untersuchung vorwiegend himalajischer und kaukasischer Daten bestĂ€tigt diese Voraussage: in beiden Systemen sind Personenkategorien bald als Sprecher vs. Andere, bald als Adressat vs. Andere, bald als Informant vs. Andere (Sprecher in Aussagen, Adressat in Fragen) definiert. Die einzige Option, die in epistemischen Systemen bisher nicht belegt ist, ist die Dreifachopposition von Sprecher vs. Adressat vs. Andere, die in Kongruenzsystemen gĂ€ngig ist.Studies of the epistemic categories expressed in Tibetan auxiliaries and copulas have mostly compared the phenomena with mirativity marking, and this is no doubt the correct comparandum in diachronic research. However, synchronic descriptions are also often tempted to compare the relevant categories with agreement systems or similar reference-related structures, at least for expository purposes when explaining how the system works (e. g. Denwood 1999, Tournadre 1996, Goldstein et al. 1991)

    Computed tomography-osteoaboorptiometry

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    A method of making a visual display of subchondral mineralization in the major synovial joints is described. Unlike existing procedures, it can be used on the living subject. A modified application of computed tomography-densitometry, computed tomography-osteoabsorptiometry makes it possible to explore the mechanical adaptability to the prevailing mechanical force. This claim is based upon the comparison of information obtained from 20 anatomical specimens with CT-osteoabsorptiometry and x-ray densitometry of sections; both methods yielding virtually identical results. The distribution of the subchondral density was then expressed as a map of the articular surface with the aid of an image analyser. This method can make a useful contribution to basic clinical research, as well as providing a diagnostic technique which can also be used for observing progress after a corrective osteotomy or any other procedure causing a change in mechanical function. Examples of its use on living patients are given

    Influence of incubation temperature on morphology and locomotion performance of Leatherback (<i>Dermochelys coriacea</i>) hatchlings

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    The journey of Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761)) hatchlings from nest to the sea is a vulnerable life-history stage. Studies have shown that nest incubation temperatures influence hatchling morphology and locomotor performance, which may affect hatchling fitness. We obtained incubation temperature profiles from 16 Leatherback nests in Tobago, West Indies, during the 2008 nesting season (March-June). There was significant variation among mean nest incubation temperatures, which had a significant influence on hatchling morphology. Using principal components analysis, we determined the morphological traits that explained the most variation among hatchlings, which allowed investigation of the relationship between hatchling morphology and terrestrial locomotion speed. Hatchlings with a narrower carapace width and longer flipper reach (produced at lower incubation temperatures) had significantly faster terrestrial speed and total run time than those with opposite characteristics (produced at higher incubation temperatures). Our results demonstrate that lower incubation temperatures produce hatchlings with traits that are significantly advantageous to terrestrial locomotion. These findings suggest that nest incubation temperature is important in determining hatchling fitness, as nest incubation temperature significantly influences hatchling morphology and locomotor capabilities. This study supplements related findings in Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas (L., 1758)), but also illustrates some unique features in Leatherbacks

    Ecophysiological models

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    Brain macrophages in human cortical contusions as indicator of survival period

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    The aim of this study was to establish a morphologic time scheme with which cases of cerebral contusion with unknown survival periods can be dated. Our study of 275 cases was limited to qualitative and quantitative changes in macrophages. The appearance of macrophages and their distribution as well as their content of neutral fat, esterified cholesterol, erythrocytes, siderin, hematoidin, and ceroid were correlated with the survival period. For each cytologic criterium, the observation period, distribution-free limits of tolerance, and relative frequency of identification in different survival periods were determined, and the limits of confidence calculated. The findings permit the dating of trauma in cases with unknown survival periods. Moreover, the probability of this dating was calculated
