17 research outputs found


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    Model-Based Software Debugging

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    The complexity and size of software systems have rapidly increased in recent years, with software engineers facing ever-growing challenges in building and maintaining such systems. In particular, testing and debugging, that is, finding, isolating, and eliminating defects in software systems still constitute a major challenge in practiceMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-RFundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) UID/EEA/50014/2013European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961 (COMPETE 2020

    A Review of Metrics and Modeling Techniques in Software Fault Prediction Model Development

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    This paper surveys different software fault predictions progressed through different data analytic techniques reported in the software engineering literature. This study split in three broad areas; (a) The description of software metrics suites reported and validated in the literature. (b) A brief outline of previous research published in the development of software fault prediction model based on various analytic techniques. This utilizes the taxonomy of analytic techniques while summarizing published research. (c) A review of the advantages of using the combination of metrics. Though, this area is comparatively new and needs more research efforts

    Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing

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    An early step for most black-box testing methods is to identify a set of categories and choices (or their equivalents) from the specification. The identification is often performed in an ad hoc manner, thus the quality of categories and choices is in doubt. Poorly identified categories and choices will affect the comprehensiveness of test cases. In this paper, we describe several comparative studies using three commercial specifications and discuss the major results. The objectives of our studies are (a) to investigate the differences in the types and amounts of mistakes made between inexperienced and experienced software testers in an ad hoc identification approach and (b) to determine the extent of mistake reduction after discussing the mistakes with the software testers and providing them with an identification checklist. © 2010 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 31 May 201

    Experiences from Teaching Automated Testing with CrowdSorcerer

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    Software testing is an important process when ensuring a program's quality. However, testing has not traditionally been a very substantial part of computer science education. Some attempts to integrate it into the curriculum has been made but best practices still prove to be an open question. This thesis discusses multiple attempts of teaching software testing during the years. It also introduces CrowdSorcerer, a system for gathering programming assignments with tests from students. It has been used in introductory programming courses in University of Helsinki. To study if the students benefit from creating assignments with CrowdSorcerer, we analysed the number of assignments and tests they created and if they correlate with their performance in a testing-related question in the course exam. We also gathered feedback from the students on their experiences from using CrowdSorcerer. Looking at the results, it seems that more research on how to teach testing would be beneficial. Improving CrowdSorcerer would also be a good idea

    Implications of integrating test-driven development into CS1/CS2 curricula

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    Aim. To determine if the factors: prematurity of the newborn, history of hypertensive disorders, obesity and pregestational or gestational diabetes; associated with preeclampsia, are related to Postpartum hypertension. Materials and Methods. 60 preeclamptic patients who deliver at the Hospital Belén de Trujillo were included in this propective cohort study. We obtained data such as age, severity of preeclampsia, exposure to factors such as: preterm newborn, preeclampsia history / family history of hypertension, obesity and pregestational or gestational diabetes. Blood pressure levels were then evaluated in the Postpartum period. Results. The mean age of the total series was 27,95 ± 7,973 years (range: 15 - 45 years). The frequency of mild preeclampsia was 2 (11,8%) and 15 (88,2%) cases, and severe preeclampsia was 28 (65,1%) and 15 (34,9%) cases, for the groups exposed and not exposed respectively (p < 0,05). The group of preeclamptic patients with associated factors presented a highr frequency of Postpartum hypertension compared to preeclamptic without associated factors (70,6% vs 29,4% respectively; p = 0,045) Conclusion. Preeclamptic women who suffered from any of the four associated factors investigated were 2.4 times more likely to suffer from postpartum hypertension than the nonexposed group. "Objetivo. Determinar si los factores: prematuridad del recién nacido, antecedentes de trastornos hipertensivos, obesidad y diabetes pregestacional o gestacional; asociados a preeclampsia, están relacionados con Hipertensión postparto. Materiales y Métodos. 60 pacientes preeclámpticas que dieron a luz en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo fueron incluidas en este estudio de cohortes prospectivo. Se obtuvieron sus datos como edad, severidad de la preeclampsia, exposición o no a factores como: recién nacido prematuro, antecedente de preeclampsia / historia familiar de hipertensión arterial, obesidad y diabetes pregestacional o gestacional. Luego se evaluaron los niveles de presión arterial en el puerperio. Resultados. La edad promedio de la serie total fue 27,95 ± 7,973 años (rango: 15 - 45 años). La frecuencia de preeclampsia leve fue 2 (11,8%) y 15 (88,2%) casos, y de preeclampsia severa fue 28 (65,1%) y 15 (34,9%) casos, para los grupos expuestos y no expuesto respectivamente (p < 0,05). El grupo de pacientes preeclámpticas con factores asociados presentó una mayor frecuencia de hipertensión postparto comparada con aquellas preeclámpticas sin factores asociados (70,6% vs 29,4% respectivamente; p = 0,045). Conclusiones. Las gestantes preeclámpticas que padecieron además con alguno de los cuatro factores asociados investigados, tuvieron 2,4 veces más riesgo de padecer hipertensión postparto, respecto del grupo no expuesto

    Proceedings of the Resolve Workshop 2006

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    The aim of the RESOLVE Workshop 2006 was to bring together researchers and educators interested in: Refining formal approaches to software engineering, especially component-based systems, and introducing them into the classroom. The workshop served as a forum for participants to present and discuss recent advances, trends, and concerns in these areas, as well as formulate a common understanding of emerging research issues and possible solution paths

    Technological Due Process

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    Distinct and complementary procedures for adjudication and rulemaking lie at the heart of twentieth-century administrative law. Due process requires agencies to provide individuals notice and an opportunity to be heard. Through public rulemaking, agencies can foreclose policy issues that individuals might otherwise raise in adjudication. One system allows for focused advocacy; the other features broad participation. Each procedural regime compensates for the normative limits of the other. Both depend on clear statements of reason. The dichotomy between these procedural regimes is rapidly becoming outmoded. This century’s automated decision making systems combine individual adjudications with rulemaking while adhering to the procedural safeguards of neither. Automated systems jeopardize due process norms. Hearings are devalued by the lack of meaningful notice and by the hearing officer’s tendency to presume a computer system’s infallibility. The Mathews v. Eldridge cost-benefit analysis is ill-equipped to compare the high fixed cost of deciphering a computer system’s logic with the accumulating variable benefit of correcting myriad inaccurate decisions made based on this logic. Automation also defeats participatory rulemaking. Code, not rules, determines the outcomes of adjudications. Programmers inevitably alter established rules when embedding them into code in ways the public, elected officials, and the courts cannot review. Last century’s procedures cannot repair these accountability deficits. A new concept of technological due process is essential to vindicate the norms underlying last century’s procedural protections. This Article will demonstrate how a carefully structured inquisitorial model of quality control can partially replace aspects of adversarial justice that automation renders ineffectual. It also provides a framework of mechanisms capable of enhancing the transparency, accountability, and accuracy of rules embedded in automated decision-making systems