3 research outputs found

    Problems and results on 1-cross intersecting set pair systems

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    The notion of cross intersecting set pair system of size mm, ({Ai}i=1m,{Bi}i=1m)\Big(\{A_i\}_{i=1}^m, \{B_i\}_{i=1}^m\Big) with Ai∩Bi=∅A_i\cap B_i=\emptyset and Ai∩Bj≠∅A_i\cap B_j\ne\emptyset, was introduced by Bollob\'as and it became an important tool of extremal combinatorics. His classical result states that m≤(a+ba)m\le {a+b\choose a} if ∣Ai∣≤a|A_i|\le a and ∣Bi∣≤b|B_i|\le b for each ii. Our central problem is to see how this bound changes with the additional condition ∣Ai∩Bj∣=1|A_i\cap B_j|=1 for i≠ji\ne j. Such a system is called 11-cross intersecting. We show that the maximum size of a 11-cross intersecting set pair system is -- at least 5n/25^{n/2} for nn even, a=b=na=b=n, -- equal to (⌊n2⌋+1)(⌈n2⌉+1)\bigl(\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor+1\bigr)\bigl(\lceil\frac{n}{2}\rceil+1\bigr) if a=2a=2 and b=n≥4b=n\ge 4, -- at most ∣∪i=1mAi∣|\cup_{i=1}^m A_i|, -- asymptotically n2n^2 if {Ai}\{A_i\} is a linear hypergraph (∣Ai∩Aj∣≤1|A_i\cap A_j|\le 1 for i≠ji\ne j), -- asymptotically 12n2{1\over 2}n^2 if {Ai}\{A_i\} and {Bi}\{B_i\} are both linear hypergraphs

    Dominating sets in Kneser graphs

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    This thesis investigates dominating sets in Kneser graphs as well as a selection of other topics related to graph domination. Dominating sets in Kneser graphs, especially those of minimum size, often correspond to interesting combinatorial incidence structures. We begin with background on the dominating set problem and a review of known bounds, focusing on algebraic bounds. We then consider this problem in the Kneser graphs, discussing basic results and previous work. We compute the domination number for a few of the Kneser graphs with the aid of some original results. We also investigate the connections between Kneser graph domination and the theory of combinatorial designs, and introduce a new type of design that generalizes the properties of dominating sets in Kneser graphs. We then consider dominating sets in the vector space analogue of Kneser graphs. We end by highlighting connections between the dominating set problem and other areas of combinatorics. Conjectures and open problems abound

    More on maximal intersecting families of finite sets

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    AbstractNew upper bounds for the size of minimal maximal k-cliques are obtained. We show (i) m(k)⩽k5 for all k; (ii) m(k)⩽34k2 + 32k − 1, if k is a prime power