1,229 research outputs found

    Viewing the personality traits through a cerebellar lens. A focus on the constructs of novelty seeking, harm avoidance, and alexithymia

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    The variance in the range of personality trait expression appears to be linked to structural variance in specific brain regions. In evidencing associations between personality factors and neurobiological measures, it seems evident that the cerebellum has not been up to now thought as having a key role in personality. This paper will review the most recent structural and functional neuroimaging literature that engages the cerebellum in personality traits, as novelty seeking and harm avoidance, and it will discuss the findings in the context of contemporary theories of affective and cognitive cerebellar function. By using region of interest (ROI)- and voxel-based approaches, we recently evidenced that the cerebellar volumes correlate positively with novelty seeking scores and negatively with harm avoidance scores. Subjects who search for new situations as a novelty seeker does (and a harm avoiding does not do) show a different engagement of their cerebellar circuitries in order to rapidly adapt to changing environments. The emerging model of cerebellar functionality may explain how the cerebellar abilities in planning, controlling, and putting into action the behavior are associated to normal or abnormal personality constructs. In this framework, it is worth reporting that increased cerebellar volumes are even associated with high scores in alexithymia, construct of personality characterized by impairment in cognitive, emotional, and affective processing. On such a basis, it seems necessary to go over the traditional cortico-centric view of personality constructs and to address the function of the cerebellar system in sustaining aspects of motivational network that characterizes the different temperamental trait

    Making sense: dopamine activates conscious self-monitoring through medial prefrontal cortex

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    When experiences become meaningful to the self, they are linked to synchronous activity in a paralimbic network of self-awareness and dopaminergic activity. This network includes medial prefrontal and medial parietal/posterior cingulate cortices, where transcranial magnetic stimulation may transiently impair self-awareness. Conversely, we hypothesize that dopaminergic stimulation may improve self-awareness and metacognition (i.e., the ability of the brain to consciously monitor its own cognitive processes). Here, we demonstrate improved noetic (conscious) metacognition by oral administration of 100 mg dopamine in minimal self-awareness. In a separate experiment with extended self-awareness dopamine improved the retrieval accuracy of memories of self-judgment (autonoetic, i.e., explicitly self-conscious) metacognition. Concomitantly, magnetoencephalography (MEG) showed increased amplitudes of oscillations (power) preferentially in the medial prefrontal cortex. Given that electromagnetic activity in this region is instrumental in self-awareness, this explains the specific effect of dopamine on explicit self-awareness and autonoetic metacognition

    Large-scale functional neural network correlates of response inhibition: an fMRI meta-analysis

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    Individual differences in human path integration abilities correlate with gray matter volume in retrosplenial cortex, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex

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    Humans differ in their individual navigational abilities. These individual differences may exist in part because successful navigation relies on several disparate abilities, which rely on different brain structures. One such navigational capability is path integration, the updating of position and orientation, in which navigators track distances, directions, and locations in space during movement. Although structural differences related to landmark-based navigation have been examined, gray matter volume related to path integration ability has not yet been tested. Here, we examined individual differences in two path integration paradigms: (1) a location tracking task and (2) a task tracking translational and rotational self-motion. Using voxel-based morphometry, we related differences in performance in these path integration tasks to variation in brain morphology in 26 healthy young adults. Performance in the location tracking task positively correlated with individual differences in gray matter volume in three areas critical for path integration: the hippocampus, the retrosplenial cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex. These regions are consistent with the path integration system known from computational and animal models and provide novel evidence that morphological variability in retrosplenial and medial prefrontal cortices underlies individual differences in human path integration ability. The results for tracking rotational self-motion-but not translation or location-demonstrated that cerebellum gray matter volume correlated with individual performance. Our findings also suggest that these three aspects of path integration are largely independent. Together, the results of this study provide a link between individual abilities and the functional correlates, computational models, and animal models of path integration

    Dealing with heterogeneity in the prediction of clinical diagnosis

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    Le diagnostic assisté par ordinateur est un domaine de recherche en émergence et se situe à l’intersection de l’imagerie médicale et de l’apprentissage machine. Les données médi- cales sont de nature très hétérogène et nécessitent une attention particulière lorsque l’on veut entraîner des modèles de prédiction. Dans cette thèse, j’ai exploré deux sources d’hétérogénéité, soit l’agrégation multisites et l’hétérogénéité des étiquettes cliniques dans le contexte de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) pour le diagnostic de la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA). La première partie de ce travail consiste en une introduction générale sur la MA, l’IRM et les défis de l’apprentissage machine en imagerie médicale. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, je présente les trois articles composant la thèse. Enfin, la troisième partie porte sur une discussion des contributions et perspectives fu- tures de ce travail de recherche. Le premier article de cette thèse montre que l’agrégation des données sur plusieurs sites d’acquisition entraîne une certaine perte, comparative- ment à l’analyse sur un seul site, qui tend à diminuer plus la taille de l’échantillon aug- mente. Le deuxième article de cette thèse examine la généralisabilité des modèles de prédiction à l’aide de divers schémas de validation croisée. Les résultats montrent que la formation et les essais sur le même ensemble de sites surestiment la précision du modèle, comparativement aux essais sur des nouveaux sites. J’ai également montré que l’entraînement sur un grand nombre de sites améliore la précision sur des nouveaux sites. Le troisième et dernier article porte sur l’hétérogénéité des étiquettes cliniques et pro- pose un nouveau cadre dans lequel il est possible d’identifier un sous-groupe d’individus qui partagent une signature homogène hautement prédictive de la démence liée à la MA. Cette signature se retrouve également chez les patients présentant des symptômes mod- érés. Les résultats montrent que 90% des sujets portant la signature ont progressé vers la démence en trois ans. Les travaux de cette thèse apportent ainsi de nouvelles con- tributions à la manière dont nous approchons l’hétérogénéité en diagnostic médical et proposent des pistes de solution pour tirer profit de cette hétérogénéité.Computer assisted diagnosis has emerged as a popular area of research at the intersection of medical imaging and machine learning. Medical data are very heterogeneous in nature and therefore require careful attention when one wants to train prediction models. In this thesis, I explored two sources of heterogeneity, multisite aggregation and clinical label heterogeneity, in an application of magnetic resonance imaging to the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. In the process, I learned about the feasibility of multisite data aggregation and how to leverage that heterogeneity in order to improve generalizability of prediction models. Part one of the document is a general context introduction to Alzheimer’s disease, magnetic resonance imaging, and machine learning challenges in medical imaging. In part two, I present my research through three articles (two published and one in preparation). Finally, part three provides a discussion of my contributions and hints to possible future developments. The first article shows that data aggregation across multiple acquisition sites incurs some loss, compared to single site analysis, that tends to diminish as the sample size increase. These results were obtained through semisynthetic Monte-Carlo simulations based on real data. The second article investigates the generalizability of prediction models with various cross-validation schemes. I showed that training and testing on the same batch of sites over-estimates the accuracy of the model, compared to testing on unseen sites. However, I also showed that training on a large number of sites improves the accuracy on unseen sites. The third article, on clinical label heterogeneity, proposes a new framework where we can identify a subgroup of individuals that share a homogeneous signature highly predictive of AD dementia. That signature could also be found in patients with mild symptoms, 90% of whom progressed to dementia within three years. The thesis thus makes new contributions to dealing with heterogeneity in medical diagnostic applications and proposes ways to leverage that heterogeneity to our benefit

    Toward a semi-self-paced EEG brain computer interface: decoding initiation state from non-initiation state in dedicated time slots.

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    Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) offer a broad class of neurologically impaired individuals an alternative means to interact with the environment. Many BCIs are "synchronous" systems, in which the system sets the timing of the interaction and tries to infer what control command the subject is issuing at each prompting. In contrast, in "asynchronous" BCIs subjects pace the interaction and the system must determine when the subject's control command occurs. In this paper we propose a new idea for BCI which draws upon the strengths of both approaches. The subjects are externally paced and the BCI is able to determine when control commands are issued by decoding the subject's intention for initiating control in dedicated time slots. A single task with randomly interleaved trials was designed to test whether it can be used as stimulus for inducing initiation and non-initiation states when the sensory and motor requirements for the two types of trials are very nearly identical. Further, the essential problem on the discrimination between initiation state and non-initiation state was studied. We tested the ability of EEG spectral power to distinguish between these two states. Among the four standard EEG frequency bands, beta band power recorded over parietal-occipital cortices provided the best performance, achieving an average accuracy of 86% for the correct classification of initiation and non-initiation states. Moreover, delta band power recorded over parietal and motor areas yielded a good performance and thus could also be used as an alternative feature to discriminate these two mental states. The results demonstrate the viability of our proposed idea for a BCI design based on conventional EEG features. Our proposal offers the potential to mitigate the signal detection challenges of fully asynchronous BCIs, while providing greater flexibility to the subject than traditional synchronous BCIs
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