6 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence in Pursuit-evasion Games, Specifically in the Scotland Yard Game

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    This research provides a heuristic algorithm for the detectives, who try to collectively capture a criminal known as Mr. X, in the Scotland Yard pursuer-evasion game. In Scotland Yard, a team of detectives attempts to converge on and capture a criminal known as Mr. X. The heuristic algorithm developed in this thesis is designed to emulate human strategies when playing the game. The algorithm uses the current state of the board at each time step, including the current positions of the detectives as well as the last known position of Mr. X. The heuristic algorithm then analyses all of the possible options. The heuristic algorithm then uses a process of elimination to detemine the best possible detective moves by running an appropriately constructed minimum cost flow maximum flow instance. The heuristic algorithm was tested in a series of experiments, in which the algorithm achieved a 57 win rate. This win rate was achieved using a random starting position for each of the pursuer detectives as well as for the evader, Mr. X. When Mr. X started at an easily accessible location, namely position 146, the pursuing detectives were able to capture him 62% of the time. These results show promise for this heuristic in pursuer-evader games like Scotland Yard

    Dynamique d'apprentissage pour Monte Carlo Tree Search : applications aux jeux de Go et du Clobber solitaire impartial

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    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) has been initially introduced for the game of Go but has now been applied successfully to other games and opens the way to a range of new methods such as Multiple-MCTS or Nested Monte Carlo. MCTS evaluates game states through thousands of random simulations. As the simulations are carried out, the program guides the search towards the most promising moves. MCTS achieves impressive results by this dynamic, without an extensive need for prior knowledge. In this thesis, we choose to tackle MCTS as a full learning system. As a consequence, each random simulation turns into a simulated experience and its outcome corresponds to the resulting reinforcement observed. Following this perspective, the learning of the system results from the complex interaction of two processes : the incremental acquisition of new representations and their exploitation in the consecutive simulations. From this point of view, we propose two different approaches to enhance both processes. The first approach gathers complementary representations in order to enhance the relevance of the simulations. The second approach focuses the search on local sub-goals in order to improve the quality of the representations acquired. The methods presented in this work have been applied to the games of Go and Impartial Solitaire Clobber. The results obtained in our experiments highlight the significance of these processes in the learning dynamic and draw up new perspectives to enhance further learning systems such as MCTSDepuis son introduction pour le jeu de Go, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) a été appliqué avec succès à d'autres jeux et a ouvert la voie à une famille de nouvelles méthodes comme Mutilple-MCTS ou Nested Monte Carlo. MCTS évalue un ensemble de situations de jeu à partir de milliers de fins de parties générées aléatoirement. À mesure que les simulations sont produites, le programme oriente dynamiquement sa recherche vers les coups les plus prometteurs. En particulier, MCTS a suscité l'intérêt de la communauté car elle obtient de remarquables performances sans avoir pour autant recours à de nombreuses connaissances expertes a priori. Dans cette thèse, nous avons choisi d'aborder MCTS comme un système apprenant à part entière. Les simulations sont alors autant d'expériences vécues par le système et les résultats sont autant de renforcements. L'apprentissage du système résulte alors de la complexe interaction entre deux composantes : l'acquisition progressive de représentations et la mobilisation de celles-ci lors des futures simulations. Dans cette optique, nous proposons deux approches indépendantes agissant sur chacune de ces composantes. La première approche accumule des représentations complémentaires pour améliorer la vraisemblance des simulations. La deuxième approche concentre la recherche autour d'objectifs intermédiaires afin de renforcer la qualité des représentations acquises. Les méthodes proposées ont été appliquées aux jeu de Go et du Clobber solitaire impartial. La dynamique acquise par le système lors des expérimentations illustre la relation entre ces deux composantes-clés de l'apprentissag

    Monte-Carlo tree search enhancements for one-player and two-player domains

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    Monte Carlo Beam Search Decoder For Improving Quality of Automated Generated Stories

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    Automated story generation is among the many challenges under the natural language processing field. In automated story generation, the machine will try to generate a sequence of sentences that form a coherent story. This paper will focus on methods to improve the quality of each generated sentence. Each sentence is turned into an event which will be used to generate the next event. In this study, translating events to sentence using a Monte Carlo beam decoder will be explored. In Monte Carlo beam search, the beams which contain sentences will be reweighed based on if they contain certain words from the input event. This will allow a sentence with high matching that might have low score to become the top candidate.Undergraduat

    Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem

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    The paper considers solving the multiple sequence alignment, a combinatorial challenge in computational biology, where several DNA RNA, or protein sequences are to be arranged for high similarity. The proposal applies randomized Monte-Carlo tree search with nested rollouts and is able to improve the solution quality over time. Instead of learning the position of the letters, the approach learns a policy for the position of the gaps. The Monte-Carlo beam search algorithm we have implemented has a low memory overhead and can be invoked with constructed or known initial solutions. Experiments in the BAliBASE benchmark show promising results in improving state-of-the-art alignments