15 research outputs found

    Monitoring monthly surface water dynamics of Dongting Lake using Sentinel-1 data at 10 m

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    High temporal resolution water distribution maps are essential for surface water monitoring because surface water exhibits significant inner-annual variation. Therefore, high-frequency remote sensing data are needed for surface water mapping. Dongting Lake, the second-largest freshwater lake in China, is famous for the seasonal fluctuations of its inundation extents in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It is also greatly affected by the Three Gorges Project. In this study, we used Sentinel-1 data to generate surface water maps of Dongting Lake at 10 m resolution. First, we generated the Sentinel-1 time series backscattering coefficient for VH and VV polarizations at 10 m resolution by using a monthly composition method. Second, we generated the thresholds for mapping surface water at 10 m resolution with monthly frequencies using Sentinel-1 data. Then, we derived the monthly surface water distribution product of Dongting Lake in 2016, and finally, we analyzed the inner-annual surface water dynamics. The results showed that: (1) The thresholds were −21.56 and −15.82 dB for the backscattering coefficients for VH and VV, respectively, and the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficients were above 95.50% and 0.90, respectively, for the VH backscattering coefficient, and above 94.50% and 0.88, respectively, for the VV backscattering coefficient. The VV backscattering coefficient achieved lower accuracy due to the effect of the wind causing roughness on the surface of the water. (2) The maximum and minimum areas of surface water were 2040.33 km2 in July, and 738.89 km2 in December. The surface water area of Dongting Lake varied most significantly in April and August. The permanent water acreage in 2016 was 556.35 km2, accounting for 19.65% of the total area of Dongting Lake, and the acreage of seasonal water was 1525.21 km2. This study proposed a method to automatically generate monthly surface water at 10 m resolution, which may contribute to monitoring surface water in a timely manner

    Detection of temporarily flooded vegetation using time series of dual polarised C-band synthetic aperture radar data

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    The intense research of the last decades in the field of flood monitoring has shown that microwave sensors provide valuable information about the spatial and temporal flood extent. The new generation of satellites, such as the Sentinel-1 (S-1) constellation, provide a unique, temporally high-resolution detection of the earth's surface and its environmental changes. This opens up new possibilities for accurate and rapid flood monitoring that can support operational applications. Due to the observation of the earth's surface from space, large-scale flood events and their spatiotemporal changes can be monitored. This requires the adaptation of existing or the development of new algorithms, which on the one hand enable precise and computationally efficient flood detection and on the other hand can process a large amounts of data. In order to capture the entire extent of the flood area, it is essential to detect temporary flooded vegetation (TFV) areas in addition to the open water areas. The disregard of temporary flooded vegetation areas can lead to severe underestimation of the extent and volume of the flood. Under certain system and environmental conditions, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be utilized to extract information from under the vegetation cover. Due to multiple backscattering of the SAR signal between the water surface and the vegetation, the flooded vegetation areas are mostly characterized by increased backscatter values. Using this information in combination with a continuous monitoring of the earth's surface by the S-1 satellites, characteristic time series-based patterns for temporary flooded vegetation can be identified. This combination of information provides the foundation for the time series approach presented here. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant sensor and environmental parameters and their impact on the SAR signal regarding temporary open water (TOW) and TFV areas. In addition, existing methods for the derivation of flooded vegetation are reviewed and their benefits, limitations, methodological trends and potential research needs for this area are identified and assessed. The focus of the work lies in the development of a SAR and time series-based approach for the improved extraction of flooded areas by the supplementation of TFV and on the provision of a precise and rapid method for the detection of the entire flood extent. The approach developed in this thesis allows for the precise extraction of large-scale flood areas using dual-polarized C-band time series data and additional information such as topography and urban areas. The time series features include the characteristic variations (decrease and/or increase of backscatter values) on the flood date for the flood-related classes compared to the whole time series. These features are generated individually for each available polarization (VV, VH) and their ratios (VV/VH, VV-VH, VV+VV). The generation of the time series features was performed by Z-transform for each image element, taking into account the backscatter values on the flood date and the mean value and standard deviation of the backscatter values from the nonflood dates. This allowed the comparison of backscatter intensity changes between the image elements. The time series features constitute the foundation for the hierarchical threshold method for deriving flood-related classes. Using the Random Forest algorithm, the importance of the time series data for the individual flood-related classes was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that the dual-polarized time series features are particularly relevant for the derivation of TFV. However, this may differ depending on the vegetation type and other environmental conditions. The analyses based on S-1 data in Namibia, Greece/Turkey and China during large-scale floods show the effectiveness of the method presented here in terms of classification accuracy. Theiv supplementary integration of temporary flooded vegetation areas and the use of additional information resulted in a significant improvement in the detection of the entire flood extent. It could be shown that a comparably high classification accuracy (~ 80%) was achieved for the flood extent in each of study areas. The transferability of the approach due to the application of a single time series feature regarding the derivation of open water areas could be confirmed for all study areas. Considering the seasonal component by using time series data, the seasonal variability of the backscatter signal for vegetation can be detected. This allows for an improved differentiation between flooded and non-flooded vegetation areas. Simultaneously, changes in the backscatter signal can be assigned to changes in the environmental conditions, since on the one hand a time series of the same image element is considered and on the other hand the sensor parameters do not change due to the same acquisition geometry. Overall, the proposed time series approach allows for a considerable improvement in the derivation of the entire flood extent by supplementing the TOW areas with the TFV areas

    Remote Sensing of Surface Water Dynamics in the Context of Global Change - A Review

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    Inland surface water is often the most accessible freshwater source. As opposed to groundwater, surface water is replenished in a comparatively quick cycle, which makes this vital resource—if not overexploited—sustainable. From a global perspective, freshwater is plentiful. Still, depending on the region, surface water availability is severely limited. Additionally, climate change and human interventions act as large-scale drivers and cause dramatic changes in established surface water dynamics. Actions have to be taken to secure sustainable water availability and usage. This requires informed decision making based on reliable environmental data. Monitoring inland surface water dynamics is therefore more important than ever. Remote sensing is able to delineate surface water in a number of ways by using optical as well as active and passive microwave sensors. In this review, we look at the proceedings within this discipline by reviewing 233 scientific works. We provide an extensive overview of used sensors, the spatial and temporal resolution of studies, their thematic foci, and their spatial distribution. We observe that a wide array of available sensors and datasets, along with increasing computing capacities, have shaped the field over the last years. Multiple global analysis-ready products are available for investigating surface water area dynamics, but so far none offer high spatial and temporal resolution

    Rice crop detection using LSTM, Bi-LSTM, and machine learning models from sentinel-1 time series

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    The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) time series allows describing the rice phenological cycle by the backscattering time signature. Therefore, the advent of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 program expands studies of radar data (C-band) for rice monitoring at regional scales, due to the high temporal resolution and free data distribution. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model has reached state-of-the-art in the pattern recognition of time-sequenced data, obtaining a significant advantage at crop classification on the remote sensing images. One of the most used approaches in the RNN model is the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model and its improvements, such as Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM). Bi-LSTM models are more effective as their output depends on the previous and the next segment, in contrast to the unidirectional LSTM models. The present research aims to map rice crops from Sentinel-1 time series (band C) using LSTM and Bi-LSTM models in West Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). We compared the results with traditional Machine Learning techniques: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest (RF), k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), and Normal Bayes (NB). The developed methodology can be subdivided into the following steps: (a) acquisition of the Sentinel time series over two years; (b) data pre-processing and minimizing noise from 3D spatial-temporal filters and smoothing with Savitzky-Golay filter; (c) time series classification procedures; (d) accuracy analysis and comparison among the methods. The results show high overall accuracy and Kappa (>97% for all methods and metrics). Bi-LSTM was the best model, presenting statistical differences in the McNemar test with a significance of 0.05. However, LSTM and Traditional Machine Learning models also achieved high accuracy values. The study establishes an adequate methodology for mapping the rice crops in West Rio Grande do Sul

    REMOTE SENSING DATA ANALYSIS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND HUMANITARIAN PURPOSES. The automation of information extraction from free satellite data.

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    This work is aimed at investigating technical possibilities to provide information on environmental parameters that can be used for risk management. The World food Program (WFP) is the United Nations Agency which is involved in risk management for fighting hunger in least-developed and low-income countries, where victims of natural and manmade disasters, refugees, displaced people and the hungry poor suffer from severe food shortages. Risk management includes three different phases (pre-disaster, response and post disaster) to be managed through different activities and actions. Pre disaster activities are meant to develop and deliver risk assessment, establish prevention actions and prepare the operative structures for managing an eventual emergency or disaster. In response and post disaster phase actions planned in the pre-disaster phase are executed focusing on saving lives and secondly, on social economic recovery. In order to optimally manage its operations in the response and post disaster phases, WFP needs to know, in order to estimate the impact an event will have on future food security as soon as possible, the areas affected by the natural disaster, the number of affected people, and the effects that the event can cause to vegetation. For this, providing easy-to-consult thematic maps about the affected areas and population, with adequate spatial resolution, time frequency and regular updating can result determining. Satellite remote sensed data have increasingly been used in the last decades in order to provide updated information about land surface with an acceptable time frequency. Furthermore, satellite images can be managed by automatic procedures in order to extract synthetic information about the ground condition in a very short time and can be easily shared in the web. The work of thesis, focused on the analysis and processing of satellite data, was carried out in cooperation with the association ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action), a center of research which works in cooperation with the WFP in order to provide IT products and tools for the management of food emergencies caused by natural disasters. These products should be able to facilitate the forecasting of the effects of catastrophic events, the estimation of the extension and location of the areas hit by the event, of the affected population and thereby the planning of interventions on the area that could be affected by food insecurity. The requested features of the instruments are: • Regular updating • Spatial resolution suitable for a synoptic analysis • Low cost • Easy consultation Ithaca is developing different activities to provide georeferenced thematic data to WFP users, such a spatial data infrastructure for storing, querying and manipulating large amounts of global geographic information, and for sharing it between a large and differentiated community; a system of early warning for floods, a drought monitoring tool, procedures for rapid mapping in the response phase in a case of natural disaster, web GIS tools to distribute and share georeferenced information, that can be consulted only by means of a web browser. The work of thesis is aimed at providing applications for the automatic production of base georeferenced thematic data, by using free global satellite data, which have characteristics suitable for analysis at a regional scale. In particular the main themes of the applications are water bodies and vegetation phenology. The first application aims at providing procedures for the automatic extraction of water bodies and will lead to the creation and update of an historical archive, which can be analyzed in order to catch the seasonality of water bodies and delineate scenarios of historical flooded areas. The automatic extraction of phenological parameters from satellite data will allow to integrate the existing drought monitoring system with information on vegetation seasonality and to provide further information for the evaluation of food insecurity in the post disaster phase. In the thesis are described the activities carried on for the development of procedures for the automatic processing of free satellite data in order to produce customized layers according to the exigencies in format and distribution of the final users. The main activities, which focused on the development of an automated procedure for the extraction of flooded areas, include the research of an algorithm for the classification of water bodies from satellite data, an important theme in the field of management of the emergencies due to flood events. Two main technologies are generally used: active sensors (radar) and passive sensors (optical data). Advantages for active sensors include the ability to obtain measurements anytime, regardless of the time of day or season, while passive sensors can only be used in the daytime cloud free conditions. Even if with radar technologies is possible to get information on the ground in all weather conditions, it is not possible to use radar data to obtain a continuous archive of flooded areas, because of the lack of a predetermined frequency in the acquisition of the images. For this reason the choice of the dataset went in favor of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), optical data with a daily frequency, a spatial resolution of 250 meters and an historical archive of 10 years. The presence of cloud coverage prevents from the acquisition of the earth surface, and the shadows due to clouds can be wrongly classified as water bodies because of the spectral response very similar to the one of water. After an analysis of the state of the art of the algorithms of automated classification of water bodies in images derived from optical sensors, the author developed an algorithm that allows to classify the data of reflectivity and to temporally composite them in order to obtain flooded areas scenarios for each event. This procedure was tested in the Bangladesh areas, providing encouraging classification accuracies. For the vegetation theme, the main activities performed, here described, include the review of the existing methodologies for phenological studies and the automation of the data flow between inputs and outputs with the use of different global free satellite datasets. In literature, many studies demonstrated the utility of the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) indices for the monitoring of vegetation dynamics, in the study of cultivations, and for the survey of the vegetation water stress. The author developed a procedure for creating layers of phenological parameters which integrates the TIMESAT software, produced by Lars Eklundh and Per Jönsson, for processing NDVI indices derived from different satellite sensors: MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) AND SPOT (Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre) VEGETATION. The automated procedure starts from data downloading, calls in a batch mode the software and provides customized layers of phenological parameters such as the starting of the season or length of the season and many others

    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research

    REMOTE SENSING DATA ANALYSIS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND HUMANITARIAN PURPOSES. The automation of information extraction from free satellite data

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    This work is aimed at investigating technical possibilities to provide information on environmental parameters that can be used for risk management. The World food Program (WFP) is the United Nations Agency which is involved in risk management for fighting hunger in least-developed and low-income countries, where victims of natural and manmade disasters, refugees, displaced people and the hungry poor suffer from severe food shortages. Risk management includes three different phases (pre-disaster, response and post disaster) to be managed through different activities and actions. Pre disaster activities are meant to develop and deliver risk assessment, establish prevention actions and prepare the operative structures for managing an eventual emergency or disaster. In response and post disaster phase actions planned in the pre-disaster phase are executed focusing on saving lives and secondly, on social economic recovery. In order to optimally manage its operations in the response and post disaster phases, WFP needs to know, in order to estimate the impact an event will have on future food security as soon as possible, the areas affected by the natural disaster, the number of affected people, and the effects that the event can cause to vegetation. For this, providing easy-to-consult thematic maps about the affected areas and population, with adequate spatial resolution, time frequency and regular updating can result determining. Satellite remote sensed data have increasingly been used in the last decades in order to provide updated information about land surface with an acceptable time frequency. Furthermore, satellite images can be managed by automatic procedures in order to extract synthetic information about the ground condition in a very short time and can be easily shared in the web. The work of thesis, focused on the analysis and processing of satellite data, was carried out in cooperation with the association ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action), a center of research which works in cooperation with the WFP in order to provide IT products and tools for the management of food emergencies caused by natural disasters. These products should be able to facilitate the forecasting of the effects of catastrophic events, the estimation of the extension and location of the areas hit by the event, of the affected population and thereby the planning of interventions on the area that could be affected by food insecurity. The requested features of the instruments are: • Regular updating • Spatial resolution suitable for a synoptic analysis • Low cost • Easy consultation Ithaca is developing different activities to provide georeferenced thematic data to WFP users, such a spatial data infrastructure for storing, querying and manipulating large amounts of global geographic information, and for sharing it between a large and differentiated community; a system of early warning for floods, a drought monitoring tool, procedures for rapid mapping in the response phase in a case of natural disaster, web GIS tools to distribute and share georeferenced information, that can be consulted only by means of a web browser. The work of thesis is aimed at providing applications for the automatic production of base georeferenced thematic data, by using free global satellite data, which have characteristics suitable for analysis at a regional scale. In particular the main themes of the applications are water bodies and vegetation phenology. The first application aims at providing procedures for the automatic extraction of water bodies and will lead to the creation and update of an historical archive, which can be analyzed in order to catch the seasonality of water bodies and delineate scenarios of historical flooded areas. The automatic extraction of phenological parameters from satellite data will allow to integrate the existing drought monitoring system with information on vegetation seasonality and to provide further information for the evaluation of food insecurity in the post disaster phase. In the thesis are described the activities carried on for the development of procedures for the automatic processing of free satellite data in order to produce customized layers according to the exigencies in format and distribution of the final users. The main activities, which focused on the development of an automated procedure for the extraction of flooded areas, include the research of an algorithm for the classification of water bodies from satellite data, an important theme in the field of management of the emergencies due to flood events. Two main technologies are generally used: active sensors (radar) and passive sensors (optical data). Advantages for active sensors include the ability to obtain measurements anytime, regardless of the time of day or season, while passive sensors can only be used in the daytime cloud free conditions. Even if with radar technologies is possible to get information on the ground in all weather conditions, it is not possible to use radar data to obtain a continuous archive of flooded areas, because of the lack of a predetermined frequency in the acquisition of the images. For this reason the choice of the dataset went in favor of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), optical data with a daily frequency, a spatial resolution of 250 meters and an historical archive of 10 years. The presence of cloud coverage prevents from the acquisition of the earth surface, and the shadows due to clouds can be wrongly classified as water bodies because of the spectral response very similar to the one of water. After an analysis of the state of the art of the algorithms of automated classification of water bodies in images derived from optical sensors, the author developed an algorithm that allows to classify the data of reflectivity and to temporally composite them in order to obtain flooded areas scenarios for each event. This procedure was tested in the Bangladesh areas, providing encouraging classification accuracies. For the vegetation theme, the main activities performed, here described, include the review of the existing methodologies for phenological studies and the automation of the data flow between inputs and outputs with the use of different global free satellite datasets. In literature, many studies demonstrated the utility of the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) indices for the monitoring of vegetation dynamics, in the study of cultivations, and for the survey of the vegetation water stress. The author developed a procedure for creating layers of phenological parameters which integrates the TIMESAT software, produced by Lars Eklundh and Per Jönsson, for processing NDVI indices derived from different satellite sensors: MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) AND SPOT (Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre) VEGETATION. The automated procedure starts from data downloading, calls in a batch mode the software and provides customized layers of phenological parameters such as the starting of the season or length of the season and many other

    Comparison of sea-ice freeboard distributions from aircraft data and cryosat-2

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    The only remote sensing technique capable of obtain- ing sea-ice thickness on basin-scale are satellite altime- ter missions, such as the 2010 launched CryoSat-2. It is equipped with a Ku-Band radar altimeter, which mea- sures the height of the ice surface above the sea level. This method requires highly accurate range measure- ments. During the CryoSat Validation Experiment (Cry- oVEx) 2011 in the Lincoln Sea, Cryosat-2 underpasses were accomplished with two aircraft, which carried an airborne laser-scanner, a radar altimeter and an electro- magnetic induction device for direct sea-ice thickness re- trieval. Both aircraft flew in close formation at the same time of a CryoSat-2 overpass. This is a study about the comparison of the sea-ice freeboard and thickness dis- tribution of airborne validation and CryoSat-2 measure- ments within the multi-year sea-ice region of the Lincoln Sea in spring, with respect to the penetration of the Ku- Band signal into the snow