289 research outputs found

    Exhuming the Meso-Cenozoic Kyrgyz Tianshan and Siberian Altai-Sayan : a review based on low-temperature thermochronology

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    Thermochronological datasets for the Kyrgyz Tianshan and Siberian Altai-Sayan within Central Asia reveal a punctuated exhumation history during the Meso-Cenozoic. In this paper, the datasets for both regions are collectively reviewed in order to speculate on the links between the Meso-Cenozoic exhumation of the continental Eurasian interior and the prevailing tectonic processes at the plate margins. Whereas most of the thermochronological data across both regions document late Jurassic-Cretaceous regional basement cooling, older landscape relics and dissecting fault zones throughout both regions preserve Triassic and Cenozoic events of rapid cooling, respectively. Triassic cooling is thought to reflect the Qiangtang-Eurasia collision and/or rifting/subsidence in the West Siberian basin. Alternatively, this cooling signal could be related with the terminal terrane-amalgamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. For the Kygyz Tianshan, late Jurassic-Cretaceous regional exhumation and Cenozoic fault reactivations can be linked with specific tectonic events during the closure of the Palaeo-Tethys and Neo-Tethys Oceans, respectively. The effect of the progressive consumption of these oceans and the associated collisions of Cimmeria and India with Eurasia probably only had a minor effect on the exhumation of the Siberian Altai-Sayan. More likely, tectonic forces from the east (present-day coordinates) as a result of the building and collapse of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogen and rifting in the Baikal region shaped the current Siberian Altai-Sayan topography. Although many of these hypothesised links need to be tested further, they allow a first-order insight into the dynamic response and the stress propagation pathways from the Eurasian margin into the continental interior

    Bureya-Jiamusi Superterrane: Tectonic and Geodynamic Processes in Late Mesozoic - Cenozoic

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    Bureya-Jiamusi superterrane (BJS) is a component of the Amur plate. This is one of the most complex and controversial structures of the eastern Asia. The bulk of the “body” superterrane is located in China, where it is actively researched by the Chinese scientists. The northern border of the structure is directly on the territory of the Amur region and is defined by the boundary of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt. By Parfenov, the superterrane is bordered by the Paleozoic-early Mesozoic orogenic belts and the North China plate. But there are other ideas about the spatial location of the BJS. All the suggested geodynamic reconstructions of the studied region take into account the interdependence between North-Asian and China-Korea plates and plates of the Pacific basin oceanic crust. The suggested work attempts to show the dependence of the evolution of the Bureya-Jiamusi superterrane on the surrounding geological objects in the late Cretaceous-Cenozoic interval

    Mesozoic subducted slabs under Siberia

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    Recent results from seismic tomography demonstrate that subducted oceanic lithosphere can be observed globally as slabs of relatively high seismic velocity in the upper as well as lower mantle(1,2). The Asian mantle is no exception, with high-velocity slabs being observed downwards from the west Pacific subduction zones under the Kurile Islands, Japan and farther south(3-5), as well as under Asia's ancient Tethyan margin. Here we present evidence for the presence of slab remnants of Jurassic age that were subducted when the Mongol-Okhotsk and Kular-Nera oceans closed between Siberia, the combined Mongolia-North China blocks and the Omolon block(6-8). We identify these proposed slab remnants in the lower mantle west of Lake Baikal down to depths of at least 2,500 km, where they join what has been interpreted as a 'graveyard'(9) of subducted lithosphere at the bottom of the mantle. Our interpretation implies that slab remnants in the mantle can still be recognized some 150 million years or more after they have been subducted and that such structures may be useful in associating geodynamic to surface-tectonic processes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62524/1/397246a0.pd

    Reconstruction of northeast Asian deformation integrated with western Pacific plate subduction since 200 Ma

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    The configuration and kinematics of continental deformation and its marginal plate tectonics on the Earth's surface are intrinsic manifestations of plate-mantle coupling. The complex interactions of plate boundary forces result in plate motions that are dominated by slab pull and ridge push forces and the effects of mantle drag; these interactions also result in continental deformation with a complex basin-mountain architecture and evolution. The kinematics and evolution of the western Pacific subduction and northeast Asian continental-margin deformation represent a first-order tectonic process whose nature and chronology remains controversial. This paper implements a “deep-time” reconstruction of the western Pacific subduction, continental accretion or collision and basin-mountain deformation in northeast Asia since 200 Ma based on a newly revised global plate model. We use GPlates software to examine strain recovery, geological and seismic tomography constraints for the western Pacific plate subduction, and sequentially backward rotations of deforming features. The results indicate a NW–SE-oriented shortening from 200 to 137 Ma, a NWW–SEE-oriented extension from 136 to 101 Ma, a nearly N–S-oriented extension and uplift with a short-term NWW–SEE-oriented compressional inversion in northeast China from 100 to 67 Ma, and a NW–SE- and nearly N–S-oriented extension from 66 Ma to the present day. The western Pacific oceanic plate subducted forward under East Asia along Mudanjiang-Honshu Island during the Jurassic, and the trenches retreated to the Sikhote-Alin, North Shimanto, and South Shimanto zones from ca. 137–128 Ma, ca. 130–90 Ma, and in ca. 60 Ma, respectively. Our time-dependent analysis of plate motion and continental deformation coupling suggests that the multi-plate convergent motion and ocean-continent convergent orogeny were induced by advance subduction during the Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous. Our analysis also indicates that intra-continent rifting and back-arc extension were triggered by trench retreat during the Cretaceous and that the subduction of the oceanic ridge and arc were triggered by trench retreat during the Cenozoic. Therefore, reconstructing the history of plate motion and subduction and tracing the geological and deformation records in continents play a significant role in revealing the effects of complex plate motions and the interactions of plate boundary forces on plate-mantle coupling and plate motion-intracontinental deformation coupling

    Circum-Arctic mantle structure and long-wavelength topography since the Jurassic

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    The circum-Arctic is one of the most tectonically complex regions of the world, shaped by a history of ocean basin opening and closure since the Early Jurassic. The region is characterized by contemporaneous large-scale Cenozoic exhumation extending from Alaska to the Atlantic, but its driving force is unknown. We show that the mantle flow associated with subducted slabs of the South Anuyi, Mongol-Okhotsk, and Panthalassa oceans have imparted long-wavelength deflection on overriding plates. We identify the Jurassic-Cretaceous South Anuyi slab under present-day Greenland in seismic tomography and numerical mantle flow models. Under North America, we propose the “Farallon” slab results from Andean-style ocean-continent convergence around ~30°N and from a combination of ocean-continent and intraoceanic subduction north of 50°N. We compute circum-Arctic dynamic topography through time from subduction-driven convection models and find that slabs have imparted on average <1–16 m/Myr of dynamic subsidence across the region from at least 170 Ma to ~50 Ma. With the exception of Siberia, the main phase of circum-Arctic dynamic subsidence has been followed either by slowed subsidence or by uplift of <1–6 m/Myr on average to present day. Comparing these results to geological inferences suggest that subduction-driven dynamic topography can account for rapid Middle to Late Jurassic subsidence in the Slave Craton and North Slope (respectively, <15 and 21 m/Myr, between 170 and 130 Ma) and for dynamic subsidence (<7 m/Myr, ~170–50 Ma) followed by dynamic uplift (<6 m/Myr since 50 Ma) of the Barents Sea region. Combining detailed kinematic reconstructions with geodynamic modeling and key geological observations constitutes a powerful tool to investigate the origin of vertical motion in remote regions


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    We performed a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of self‐similarity of seismicity and the fault network within the Sikhote Alin orogenic belt and the adjacent areas. It has been established that the main features of seismicity are controlled by the crustal earthquakes. Differentiation of the study area according to the density of earthquake epicenters and the fractal dimension of the epicentral field of earthquakes (De) shows that the most active crustal areas are linked to the Kharpi‐Kur‐Priamurye zone, the northern Bureya massif and the Mongol‐Okhotsk folded system. The analysis of the earthquake recurrence plot slope values reveals that the highest b‐values correlate with the areas of the highest seismic activity of the northern part of the Bureya massif and, to a less extent, of the Mongol‐Okhotsk folded system. The increased fractal dimension values for the fault network (Df) correlate with the folded systems (Sikhote Alin and Mongol‐Okhotsk), while the decreased values conform to the depressions and troughs (Middle Amur, Uda and Torom). A comparison of the fractal analysis results for the fault network with the recent stress‐strain data gives evidence of their general confineness to the contemporary areas of intense compression. The correspondence between the field of the parameter b‐value for the upper crustal earthquakes and the fractal dimension value for the fault network (Df) suggests a general consistency between the self‐similar earthquake magnitude (energy) distribution and the fractal distribution of the fault sizes. The analysis results demonstrate that the selfsimilarity parameters provide an important quantitative characteristic in seismotectonics and can be used for the neotectonic and geodynamic analyses.Проведен комплексный анализ характеристик самоподобия сейсмичности и сети разломов в пределах Сихотэ‐Алиньского орогенного пояса и прилегающих территорий. Установлено, что основные осо‐ бенности сейсмичности определяются коровыми землетрясениями. Дифференциация исследуемой территории по плотности эпицентров и величине фрактальной размерности поля эпицентров (De) показывает, что наиболее активные участки земной коры связаны с Харпийско‐Курско‐Приамурской зоной, с северной частью Буреинского массива и Монголо‐Охотской складчатой системой. Анализ значений наклона графика повторяемости землетрясений (b) показывает, что наибольшие его величины соответствует районам наибольшей сейсмической активности: северной части Буреинского массива и, в меньшей степени, – Монголо‐Охотской системе. Повышенные значения фрактальной размерности разломной сети (Df) соответствуют складчатым системам (Сихотэ‐Алиньской и Монголо‐Охотской), а пониженные – впадинам и прогибам (Среднеамурская, Удский и Торомский). Сопоставление результатов фрактального анализа сети разломов с данными по современному напряженно‐деформированному состоянию показывает их общую приуроченность к областям интенсивного современного сжатия. Соответствие поля параметра b для верхнекоровых землетрясений и поля размерности сети разломов Df указывает на общую согласованность самоподобного распределения магнитуды (энергии) землетрясений и фрактального распределения размеров разрывных нарушений. Полученные результаты показывают, что параметры самоподобия являются важной количественной характеристикой в сейсмотектонике и могут использоваться при неотектоническом и геодинамическом анализе

    Thrusting and exhumation of the southern Mongolian Plateau: Joint thermochronological constraints from the Langshan Mountains, western Inner Mongolia, China

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    The Mongolian Plateau has undergone multi-stage denudation since the Late Triassic, and the NE-trending Langshan Mountains in the southern margin of the Mongolian Plateau is crucial to unraveling the Meso-Cenozoic cooling and exhumation history of the Mongolian Plateau. The Langshan Mountains are dominated by Precambrian gneiss and Permian–Middle Triassic granitic plutons crosscut by a set of NE-striking thrust faults. A joint thermochronological study was conducted on 31 granitic and gneissic samples along the HQ and CU transects across the Langshan Mountains and other two samples from the BQ in the north of the Langshan Mountains. Four biotite/muscovite and three K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages range from 205 ± 1 to 161 ± 1 and 167 ± 1 to 131 ± 1 Ma, respectively. Thirty-three apatite fission track (AFT) ages are between 184 ± 11 and 79 ± 4 Ma, with mean track lengths from 11.1 ± 1.8 to 13.1 ± 1.4 μm of mostly unimodal distributions. Thirty-one single-grain raw AHe ages are in a range of 134 ± 8 to 21 ± 1 Ma. The AFT ages decrease monotonously from NW to SE until thrust faults along the two transects, with an age-jump across thrust F35. Joint thermal history modelling shows a three-stage cooling history as a result of denudation, especially with spatial differentiation in the first stage. Relative slow cooling at c. 0.6–1.0 °C/Ma occurred in the BQ and the northern part of the HQ transect during 220–100 Ma and the northern part of the CU transect during 160–100 Ma, respectively, with an amount of c. 2–3 km denudation between 160 and 100 Ma, implying little movement along the thrusts F13 and F33. In the middle and southern parts of the HQ transect and the southern part of the CU transect, rapid cooling at c. 4.0–7.0 °C/Ma, with c. 6–9 km denudation during 170–130 or 160–100 Ma, respectively, is probably influenced by thrusting of F35, F38 and F42 and the resultant tilting. A combination of thrusting, tilting, and denudation led to the youngering trends towards thrusts in different parts. However, there was no significant denudation across the Langshan Mountains in the second stage from c. 100 or 80 Ma until the last stage of rapid denudation (c. 2 km) since 20–10 Ma, which is simultaneous with the rapid uplift of the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau at c. 15 Ma. A youngering trend of AFT ages from the inner to the peripherals of the Mongolian Plateau implies the outward propagation of the Mongolian Plateau since the Mesozoic