5 research outputs found

    Categorical Term Rewriting: Monads and Modularity

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    Laboratory for Foundations of Computer ScienceTerm rewriting systems are widely used throughout computer science as they provide an abstract model of computation while retaining a comparatively simple syntax and semantics. In order to reason within large term rewriting systems, structuring operations are used to build large term rewriting systems from smaller ones. Of particular interest is whether key properties are modular, that is, if the components of a structured term rewriting system satisfy a property, then does the term rewriting system as a whole? A body of literature addresses this problem, but most of the results and proofs depend on strong syntactic conditions and do not easily generalize. Although many specific modularity results are known, a coherent framework which explains the underlying principles behind these results is lacking. This thesis posits that part of the problem is the usual, concrete and syntax-oriented semantics of term rewriting systems, and that a semantics is needed which on the one hand elides unnecessary syntactic details but on the other hand still possesses enough expressive power to model the key concepts arising from the term structure, such as substitutions, layers, redexes etc. Drawing on the concepts of category theory, such a semantics is proposed, based on the concept of a monad, generalising the very elegant treatment of equational presentations in category theory. The theoretical basis of this work is the theory of enriched monads. It is shown how structuring operations are modelled on the level of monads, and that the semantics is compositional (it preserves the structuring operations). Modularity results can now be obtained directly at the level of combining monads without recourse to the syntax at all. As an application and demonstration of the usefulness of this approach, two modularity results for the disjoint union of two term rewriting systems are proven, the modularity of confluence (Toyama's theorem) and the modularity of strong normalization for a particular class of term rewriting systems (non-collapsing term rewriting systems). The proofs in the categorical setting provide a mild generalisation of these results

    Nested Term Graphs (Work In Progress)

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    We report on work in progress on 'nested term graphs' for formalizing higher-order terms (e.g. finite or infinite lambda-terms), including those expressing recursion (e.g. terms in the lambda-calculus with letrec). The idea is to represent the nested scope structure of a higher-order term by a nested structure of term graphs. Based on a signature that is partitioned into atomic and nested function symbols, we define nested term graphs both in a functional representation, as tree-like recursive graph specifications that associate nested symbols with usual term graphs, and in a structural representation, as enriched term graph structures. These definitions induce corresponding notions of bisimulation between nested term graphs. Our main result states that nested term graphs can be implemented faithfully by first-order term graphs. keywords: higher-order term graphs, context-free grammars, cyclic lambda-terms, higher-order rewrite systemsComment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2014, arXiv:1505.0681

    Combining word problems through rewriting in categories with products

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    We give an algorithm solving combined word problems (over non-necessarily disjoint signatures) based on rewriting of equivalence classes of terms. The canonical rewriting system we introduce consists of few transparent rules and is obtained by applying Knuth\u2013Bendix completion procedure to presentations of pushouts among categories with products. It applies to pairs of theories which are both constructible over their common reduct (on which we do not make any special assumption)

    Categorical semantics and composition of tree transducers

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    In this thesis we see two new approaches to compose tree transducers and more general to fuse functional programs. The first abroach is based on initial algebras. We prove a new variant of the acid rain theorem for mutually recursive functions where the build function is substituted by a concrete functor. Moreover, we give a symmetric form (i.e. consumer and producer have the same syntactic form) of our new acid rain theorem where fusion is composition in a category and thus in particular associative. Applying this to compose top-down tree transducers yields the same result (on a syntactic level) as the classical top-down tree transducer composition. The second approach is based on free monads and monad transformers. In the same way as monoids are used in the theory of character string automata, we use monads in the theory of tree transducers. We generalize the notion of a tree transducer defining the monadic transducer, and we prove an according fusion theorem. Moreover, we prove that homomorphic monadic transducers are semantically equivalent. The latter makes it possible to compose syntactic classes of tree transducers (or particular functional programs) by simply composing endofunctors

    Monads and modularity

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    Abstract. This paper argues that the core of modularity problems is an understanding of how individual components of a large system interact with each other, and that this interaction can be described by a layer structure. We propose a uniform treatment of layers based upon the concept of a monad. The combination of different systems can be described by the coproduct of monads. Concretely, we give a construction of the coproduct of two monads and show how the layer structure in the coproduct monad can be used to analyse layer structures in three different application areas, namely term rewriting, denotational semantics and functional programming.