13,243 research outputs found

    Ratcheted molecular-dynamics simulations identify efficiently the transition state of protein folding

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    The atomistic characterization of the transition state is a fundamental step to improve the understanding of the folding mechanism and the function of proteins. From a computational point of view, the identification of the conformations that build out the transition state is particularly cumbersome, mainly because of the large computational cost of generating a statistically-sound set of folding trajectories. Here we show that a biasing algorithm, based on the physics of the ratchet-and-pawl, can be used to identify efficiently the transition state. The basic idea is that the algorithmic ratchet exerts a force on the protein when it is climbing the free-energy barrier, while it is inactive when it is descending. The transition state can be identified as the point of the trajectory where the ratchet changes regime. Besides discussing this strategy in general terms, we test it within a protein model whose transition state can be studied independently by plain molecular dynamics simulations. Finally, we show its power in explicit-solvent simulations, obtaining and characterizing a set of transition--state conformations for ACBP and CI2

    A correspondence between solution-state dynamics of an individual protein and the sequence and conformational diversity of its family.

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    Conformational ensembles are increasingly recognized as a useful representation to describe fundamental relationships between protein structure, dynamics and function. Here we present an ensemble of ubiquitin in solution that is created by sampling conformational space without experimental information using "Backrub" motions inspired by alternative conformations observed in sub-Angstrom resolution crystal structures. Backrub-generated structures are then selected to produce an ensemble that optimizes agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs). Using this ensemble, we probe two proposed relationships between properties of protein ensembles: (i) a link between native-state dynamics and the conformational heterogeneity observed in crystal structures, and (ii) a relation between dynamics of an individual protein and the conformational variability explored by its natural family. We show that the Backrub motional mechanism can simultaneously explore protein native-state dynamics measured by RDCs, encompass the conformational variability present in ubiquitin complex structures and facilitate sampling of conformational and sequence variability matching those occurring in the ubiquitin protein family. Our results thus support an overall relation between protein dynamics and conformational changes enabling sequence changes in evolution. More practically, the presented method can be applied to improve protein design predictions by accounting for intrinsic native-state dynamics

    A model for the force stretching double-stranded chain molecules

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    We modify and extend the recently developed statistical mechanical model for predicting the thermodynamic properties of chain molecules having noncovalent double-stranded conformations, as in RNA or ssDNA, and Ξ²βˆ’\beta-sheets in protein, by including the constant force stretching at one end of molecules as in a typical single-molecule experiment. The conformations of double-stranded regions of the chain are calculated based on polymer graph-theoretic approach [S-J. Chen and K. A. Dill, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf109}, 4602(1998)], while the unpaired single-stranded regions are treated as self-avoiding walks. Sequence dependence and excluded volume interaction are taken into account explicitly. Two classes of conformations, hairpin and RNA secondary structure are explored. For the hairpin conformations, all possible end-to-end distances corresponding to the different types of double-stranded regions are enumerated exactly. For the RNA secondary structure conformations, a new recursive formula incorporating the secondary structure and end-to-end distribution has been derived. Using the model, we investigate the extension-force curves, contact and population distributions and re-entering phenomena, respectively. we find that the force stretching homogeneous chains of hairpin and secondary structure conformations are very different: the unfolding of hairpins is two-state, while unfolding the latter is one-state. In addition, re-entering transitions only present in hairpin conformations, but are not observed in secondary structure conformations.Comment: 19 pages, 28 figure

    Estimation of the infinitesimal generator by square-root approximation

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    For the analysis of molecular processes, the estimation of time-scales, i.e., transition rates, is very important. Estimating the transition rates between molecular conformations is -- from a mathematical point of view -- an invariant subspace projection problem. A certain infinitesimal generator acting on function space is projected to a low-dimensional rate matrix. This projection can be performed in two steps. First, the infinitesimal generator is discretized, then the invariant subspace is approxi-mated and used for the subspace projection. In our approach, the discretization will be based on a Voronoi tessellation of the conformational space. We will show that the discretized infinitesimal generator can simply be approximated by the geometric average of the Boltzmann weights of the Voronoi cells. Thus, there is a direct correla-tion between the potential energy surface of molecular structures and the transition rates of conformational changes. We present results for a 2d-diffusion process and Alanine dipeptide

    Protein folding tames chaos

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    Protein folding produces characteristic and functional three-dimensional structures from unfolded polypeptides or disordered coils. The emergence of extraordinary complexity in the protein folding process poses astonishing challenges to theoretical modeling and computer simulations. The present work introduces molecular nonlinear dynamics (MND), or molecular chaotic dynamics, as a theoretical framework for describing and analyzing protein folding. We unveil the existence of intrinsically low dimensional manifolds (ILDMs) in the chaotic dynamics of folded proteins. Additionally, we reveal that the transition from disordered to ordered conformations in protein folding increases the transverse stability of the ILDM. Stated differently, protein folding reduces the chaoticity of the nonlinear dynamical system, and a folded protein has the best ability to tame chaos. Additionally, we bring to light the connection between the ILDM stability and the thermodynamic stability, which enables us to quantify the disorderliness and relative energies of folded, misfolded and unfolded protein states. Finally, we exploit chaos for protein flexibility analysis and develop a robust chaotic algorithm for the prediction of Debye-Waller factors, or temperature factors, of protein structures
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