7 research outputs found

    Molecular fMRI

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    Comprehensive analysis of brain function depends on understanding the dynamics of diverse neural signaling processes over large tissue volumes in intact animals and humans. Most existing approaches to measuring brain signaling suffer from limited tissue penetration, poor resolution, or lack of specificity for well-defined neural events. Here we discuss a new brain activity mapping method that overcomes some of these problems by combining MRI with contrast agents sensitive to neural signaling. The goal of this “molecular fMRI” approach is to permit noninvasive whole-brain neuroimaging with specificity and resolution approaching current optical neuroimaging methods. In this article, we describe the context and need for molecular fMRI as well as the state of the technology today. We explain how major types of MRI probes work and how they can be sensitized to neurobiological processes, such as neurotransmitter release, calcium signaling, and gene expression changes. We comment both on past work in the field and on challenges and promising avenues for future development.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grants R21-MH102470 and U01-NS09045)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Simons Center for the Social Brain (Seed Grant

    Circulating bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation reduces flow in brain-irrigating arteries independently from cerebrovascular prostaglandin production

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    International audienceBrain dysfunction is a frequent complication of the systemic inflammatory response to bacterial infection or sepsis. In the present work, the effects of intravenous bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration on cere-bral arterial blood flow were assessed with time-of-flight (TOF)-based magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in mice. Cerebral expression of the transcription factors nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-jB) and c-Fos and that of enzymes synthesizing vasoactive mediators, such as pros-taglandins and nitric oxide, known to be increased under inflammatory conditions, were studied in the same animals. Time-resolved TOF MRA revealed no differences in blood flow in the internal carotids upstream of the circle of Willis, but indicated lower flow in its lateral parts as well as in the middle and anterior cerebral arteries after intravenous LPS injection as compared to saline administration. Although LPS did not increase c-Fos expression in ventral forebrain structures of these animals, it did induce NF-jB in meningeal blood vessels. LPS also increased cerebral expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E syn-thase mRNAs, but de novo expression occurred in veins rather than in arteries. In conclusion, our work indicates that LPS-induced systemic inflammation does not necessarily affect filling of the circle of the Willis from the periphery, but that circulating LPS alters outflow from the circle of Willis to the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. These modifications in arterial flow were not related to increased cerebral synthesis of prostaglandins, but may instead be the consequence of the action of circulating prostaglandins and other vasoactive mediators on brain-irrigating arteries during systemic inflammation

    La combinación de atorvastatina y meloxicam inhibe la neuroinflamación y atenúa el daño celular en la isquemia cerebral experimental por embolia arterial

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    Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the first cause of disability in the world, with more than 85% of the cases having ischemic origin.Objective: To evaluate in an embolism model of stroke the effect of atorvastatin and meloxicam on neurons, astrocytes and microglia. This evaluation was done administering each medication individually and in association.Materials and methods: Wistar rats were subjected to carotid arterial embolism and treatment with meloxicam and atorvastatin at 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Using immunohistochemistry, we evaluated the immunoreactivity of COX-2 protein, GFAP and OX-42 in neurons, astrocytes and microglia by densitometric and morphological studies. Data were evaluated by variance analysis and non-parametric multiple comparison.Results: Cerebral ischemia by arterial embolism increased significantly the reactivity of microglia and astrocytes (p<0.001), whereas it was reduced by atorvastatin, meloxicam and their association. Ischemia produced astrocytic shortening, cellular thickening, protoplasmic rupture expansions (clasmatodendrosis) and microglial morphological changes characteristic of various activity stages. In perifocal areas, immunoreactivity of COX-2 was increased and in the ischemic focus it was reduced, while meloxicam and atorvastatin significantly reduced (p<0.001) perifocal immunoreactivity, restoring the marking of cyclooxygenase in the ischemic focus.Conclusion: These results suggest that the meloxicam-atorvastatin association attenuates astrocytic and microglial response in the inflammatory process after cerebral ischemia by arterial embolism, reducing neurodegeneration and restoring the morphological and functional balance of nervous tissue.Introducción. El accidente cerebrovascular es la segunda causa de muerte y la primera de discapacidad en el mundo, y más de 85 % es de origen isquémico.Objetivo. Evaluar en un modelo de infarto cerebral por embolia arterial el efecto de la atorvastatina y el meloxicam, administrados por separado y de forma conjunta, sobre la respuesta neuronal, los astrocitos y la microglia.Materiales y métodos. Se sometieron ratas Wistar a embolia de la arteria carótida y a tratamiento con meloxicam y atorvastatina, administrados por separado y conjuntamente, a las 6, 24, 48 y 72 horas. Se evaluó la reacción de las proteínas COX-2, GFAP y OX-42 en las neuronas, los astrocitos y la microglia mediante inmunohistoquímica y estudios morfológicos y de densitometría. Los datos obtenidos se evaluaron por medio de un análisis de varianza y de pruebas no paramétricas de comparación múltiple.Resultados. La isquemia cerebral por embolia arterial incrementó significativamente (p<0,001) la reacción de los astrocitos y la microglia, en tanto que la atorvastatina y el meloxicam, administrados por separado y de forma conjunta, la redujeron. La isquemia produjo acortamiento de las proyecciones de los astrocitos, engrosamiento celular, ruptura de las expansiones protoplásmicas (clasmatodendrosis) y cambios morfológicos en la microglia propios de diversas etapas de actividad. En las zonas circundantes del foco se incrementó la reacción inmunológica de la COX-2 y se redujo en el foco isquémico, en tanto que el meloxicam y la atorvastatina redujeron significativamente (p<0,001) la reacción inmunológica en la zona circundante del foco, restableciendo la marcación de la ciclooxigenasa en el foco isquémico.Conclusión. La combinación de meloxicam y atorvastatina atenúa la respuesta de los astrocitos y la microglia en el proceso inflamatorio posterior a la isquemia cerebral por embolia arterial, reduciendo la degeneración neuronal y restableciendo el equilibrio morfológico y funcional del tejido nervioso

    Molecular fMRI

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    Cyclooxygenase inhibition in ischemic brain injury

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    Neuroinflammation is one of the key pathological events involved in the progression of brain damage caused by cerebral ischemia. Metabolism of arachidonic acid through cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes is known to be actively involved in the neuroinflammatory events leading to neuronal death after ischemia. Two isoforms of COX, termed COX-1 and COX-2, have been identified. Unlike COX-1, COX-2 expression is dramatically induced by ischemia and appears to be an effector of tissue damage. This review article will focus specifically on the involvement of COX isozymes in brain ischemia. We will discuss issues related to the biochemistry and selective pharmacological inhibition of COX enzymes, and further refer to their expression in the brain under normal conditions and following excitotoxicity and ischemic cerebral injury. We will review present knowledge of the relative contribution of each COX isoform to the brain ischemic pathology, based on data from investigations utilizing selective COX-1/COX-2 inhibitors and genetic knockout mouse models. The mechanisms of neurotoxicity associated with increased COX activity after ischemia will also be examined. Finally, we will provide a critical evaluation of the therapeutic potential of COX inhibitors in cerebral ischemia and discuss new targets downstream of COX with potential neuroprotective ability

    Quantification methods for brain imaging with novel and repurposed PET tracers

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    The number of people suffering from brain disorders is annually increasing. Knowledge about the molecular processes in the healthy and diseased brain is essential for a better understanding of disease conditions, treatment selection, and drug development. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a noninvasive imaging technique that can be used to acquire information about processes that are essential for normal brain functioning, but are altered in neurodegenerative diseases. Quantitative information about specific targets inside the brain, such as the density, activity, or occupancy of particular enzymes, transporters, or receptors, can be obtained by pharmacokinetic modeling of PET data. In the present study, we assessed quantification methods for brain imaging with novel and repurposed PET tracers. A PET tracer for inflammation in the brain, called [11C]SC-560, was evaluated, but overexpression of the inflammatory marker COX-1, could not be detected in the inflamed rat brain. Thus, more efforts to find an appropriate tracer are required. Next, we determined the optimal method for quantification of histamine H3 receptors in the rat brain, using PET and the radiotracer [11C]GSK-189254. Blockade of these receptors may improve cognition in patients with dementia. [11C]GSK-189254 PET and [11C]raclopride PET were subsequently used to measure the dose-dependent occupancy of histamine H3 and dopamine D2 receptors in the brain of living rats by the investigational drug AG-0029. D2 receptors play an important role in motor control. Since AG-0029 blocks histamine H3 receptors and stimulates dopamine D2 receptors, AG-0029 is a candidate drug for treatment of Parkinson disease. Finally, we evaluated the feasibility of quantifying the expression of estrogen receptors in the brains of post-menopausal women with [18F]FES PET. We were able to detect estrogen receptors in brain regions with a high density of the receptor (i.e., the pituitary). The methods described in this study may be used to enhance knowledge about the brain, the treatment of brain diseases and the development of novel drugs