11 research outputs found

    Flight experience and executive functions predict unlike professional pilots who are limited by the FAA's age rule, no age limit is defined in general aviation (GA)

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    Unlike professional pilots who are limited by the FAA's age rule, no age limit is defined in general aviation (GA). Some studies revealed significant aging issues on accident rates but these results are criticized. Our overall goal is to study how the effect of age on executive functions (EFs), high level cognitive abilities, impacts on the flying performance in GA pilots. This study relies on three components: EFs assessment, pilot characteristics (age, flight experience), and the navigation performance on a flight simulator. The results showed that contrary to age, reasoning, working memory (WM) and total flight experience were predictive of the flight performance. These results suggest that "cognitive age", derived in this study by the cognitive evaluation, is a better mean than "chronological age" consideration to predict the ability to pilot, in particular because of the inter-individual variability of aging impact and the beneficial effect of the flight experience

    Increased Lower Limb Spasticity but Not Strength or Function Following a Single-Dose Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor in Chronic Stroke

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of single doses of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) on lower limb voluntary and reflex function in individuals with chronic stroke. Design: Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial. Setting: Outpatient research setting. Participants: Individuals (N=10; 7 men; mean age ± SD, 57±10y) with poststroke hemiplegia of \u3e1 year duration who completed all assessments. Interventions: Patients were assessed before and 5 hours after single-dose, overencapsulated 10-mg doses of escitalopram (SSRI) or placebo, with 1 week between conditions. Main Outcome Measures: Primary assessments included maximal ankle and knee isometric strength, and velocity-dependent (30°/s–120°/s) plantarflexor stretch reflexes under passive conditions, and separately during and after 3 superimposed maximal volitional drive to simulate conditions of increased serotonin release. Secondary measures included clinical measures of lower limb coordination and locomotion. Results: SSRI administration significantly increased stretch reflex torques at higher stretch velocities (eg, 90°/s; P=.03), with reflexes at lower velocities enhanced by superimposed voluntary drive (P=.02). No significant improvements were seen in volitional peak torques or in clinical measures of lower limb function (lowest P=.10). Conclusions: Increases in spasticity but not strength or lower limb function were observed with single-dose SSRI administration in individuals with chronic stroke. Further studies should evaluate whether repeated dosing of SSRIs, or as combined with specific interventions, is required to elicit significant benefit of these agents on lower limb function poststroke

    Executive functions and pilot characteristics predict flight simulator performance in general aviation pilots

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    In general aviation, 85% of the crashes seem to be caused by pilots' errors (Li, Baker, Grabowski, & Rebok, 2001) and 46% of the crashes occur at airports (Li & Baker, 1999). It is important to determine if the same factors influence the flying performance and the landing decision making and to uncover which factors, among the pilot's cognitive status, personality traits, and experience, are the most predictive. We examined in 24 general aviation pilots the relationship between those factors and the flying performance and weather-related decision-making relevance. The cognitive assessment encompassed the three basic executive functions (Miyake et al., 2000), reasoning, and psychomotor velocity. The personal characteristics were age, flight experience, and level of impulsivity. Reasoning, updating in working memory, and flight experience were predictive of the flight performance. In addition, updating in working memory, flight experience, and level of impulsivity were linked with weather-related decision-making relevance

    Decreased thalamo-cortico connectivity during an implicit sequence motor learning task and 7 days escitalopram intake

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    Evidence suggests that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) reorganize neural networks via a transient window of neuroplasticity. While previous findings support an effect of SSRIs on intrinsic functional connectivity, little is known regarding the influence of SSRI-administration on connectivity during sequence motor learning. To investigate this, we administered 20 mg escitalopram or placebo for 1-week to 60 healthy female participants undergoing concurrent functional magnetic resonance imaging and sequence motor training in a double-blind randomized controlled design. We assessed task-modulated functional connectivity with a psycho-physiological interaction (PPI) analysis in the thalamus, putamen, cerebellum, dorsal premotor, primary motor, supplementary motor, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. Comparing an implicit sequence learning condition to a control learning condition, we observed decreased connectivity between the thalamus and bilateral motor regions after 7 days of escitalopram intake. Additionally, we observed a negative correlation between plasma escitalopram levels and PPI connectivity changes, with higher escitalopram levels being associated with greater thalamo-cortico decreases. Our results suggest that escitalopram enhances network-level processing efficiency during sequence motor learning, despite no changes in behaviour. Future studies in more diverse samples, however, with quantitative imaging of neurochemical markers of excitation and inhibition, are necessary to further assess neural responses to escitalopram

    Emotionsverarbeitung und Arbeitsgedächtnisdefizite in der bipolaren Störung: Interaktionen und Veränderungen im Verlauf der Erkrankung

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    BD is a severe and highly prevalent psychiatric illness characterized by oscillating mood episodes, where patients express either depressed mood, anhedonia, decreased activation along with concentration difficulties and sleep disturbances, or elevated mood with hyperactivity and loss of inhibitions. Between mood episodes, patients return to a relatively normal state of functioning without mood symptoms. Previous research on underlying neuronal mechanisms has led to a model of neuronal dysfunction in BD which states that BD arises from disruption in early development within brain networks that modulate emotional behavior. These abnormalities in the structure and function of key emotional control networks then lead to decreased connectivity among ventral prefrontal networks and limbic brain regions. This in turn creates a loss of emotional homeostasis, putting bipolar patients at risk for developing extreme mood states and switching among mood states. Two core components for BD have been identified, a hyperactive emotion processing system and a hypoactive cognitive functions system. It is controversial whether these deficits are still detectable in euthymia, so it is unclear if hyper- and hypoactivations represent state or trait-like characteristics. The aim of this study was to research both core components of BD with a paradigm eliciting differential activations in both cognitive and emotion processing networks. For this, an emotional word working memory paradigm was constructed to test for differences between manic, depressive, and remitted patients as well as a healthy control group. Differences were assessed in behavior, brain activation (as a correlate for the hypoactive cognitive functions system), measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and electrophysiological changes in the late positive potential (as a correlate for the hyperactive emotion processing system), an event-related potential (ERP) measured with electroencephalography. 47 patients in the acutely ill phase and 45 healthy controls were measured. Of the 47 patients, 18 returned to the clinic for a second testing while in remission for at least 3 months. Acutely ill patients were classified into 4 groups according to their disorder status: a mildly depressed group, a depressed group, a manic group, and a mixed group along DSM-IV criteria. Analyses were calculated for 3 load conditions (1-back, 2-back and 3-back) and 3 valence conditions (negative, neutral, positive) for behavioral measures reaction time and omission errors, for brain activation and event related potential changes. Results indicate that ill patients differed from controls in their behavioral performance, but the difference in performance was modulated by the mood state they were in. Depressed patients showed the most severe differences in all behavioral measures, while manic and mixed patients differed from controls only upon different valence conditions. Brain activation changes were most pronounced in mildly depressed and manic patients, depressed patients and mixed patients did not differ as much from controls. ERP changes showed a significant difference only between mixed patients and controls, where mixed patients had an overall much higher ERP amplitude. When remitted patients were compared to controls, no differences in behavior, brain activation or ERP amplitude could be found. However, the same was true for differences in patients between acutely ill and remitted state. When looking at the overall data, the following conclusion can be drawn: assuming that the brain activation seen in the prefrontal cortex is part of the dorsal cognitive system, then this is the predominantly disturbed system in depressed patients who show only small changes in the ERP. In contrast, the predominantly disturbed system in manic and mixed patients is the ventral emotion processing system, which can be seen in a hyper-activation of ERP related neural correlates in mixed and hypo-activated neural correlates of the LPP in manic patients. When patients are remitted, the cognitive system regains temporary stability, and can be compared to that of healthy controls, while the emotion processing system remains dysfunctional and underlies still detectable performance deficits.Die bipolare Störung ist eine schwere und hochprävalente psychiatrische Erkrankung, welche gekennzeichnet ist durch oszillierende Stimmungsepisoden, in denen Patienten entweder unter Anhedonie leiden, über Aktivitätsverlust und Konzentrationsstörungen klagen und Schlafstörungen haben, oder in deutlich aufgehellter Stimmung sind, hyperaktiv werden und soziale Hemmungen verlieren. Zwischen diesen Stimmungs-extremen durchlaufen die Patienten Phasen mit Stimmungsnormalisierung, oft ohne weitere schwere kognitive Defizite. Bisherige Studien über die zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Mechanismen haben ein Model hervorgebracht, welches von einer Störung der frühen Entwicklung in Hirnregionen, die emotionales Verhalten regulieren, ausgeht. Diese Anomalitäten in Struktur und Funktion von Kernkomponenten der Emotionskontrolle führen dann zu einem Verlust der Konnektivität in ventralen präfrontalen und limbischen Netzwerken. Dieser Verlust wiederum verursacht einen Verlust an emotionaler Homöostase, welches die Patienten dem Risiko aussetzt, extreme Stimmungsschwankungen zu erfahren. Zwei Kernkomponenten der bipolaren Störung wurden aufgrund dieses Modells definiert: ein hyperaktives Emotionsverarbeitungssystem, und ein hypoaktives kognitives Funktionssystem. Es ist bis jetzt nicht klar, in welcher Art und Weise diese emotionalen und kognitiven Dysfunktionen auch im euthymen Zustand weiterbestehen. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die beiden Kernkomponenten der Dysfunktion in der bipolaren Störung mit einem Paradigma zu untersuchen, welche beide Komponenten erfasst. Es wurde dazu ein emotionales Arbeitsgedächtnis Paradigma entwickelt, um Unterschiede zwischen akut kranken Patienten, gesunden Kontrollen und denselben Patienten im remittierten Zustand zu erfassen. Die Unterschiede sollten als Unterschiede der Reaktionszeit und Auslassungsfehler im Verhalten erfasst werden, ebenso als Unterschiede der Hirnaktivierung, gemessen mit funktionaler Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie, und als Unterschiede in einem neurophysiologischen Korrelat, des „Late Positive Potential“ (LPP) betrachtet werden. 47 Patienten wurden rekrutiert, und eingeteilt nach dem Pol ihrer aktuellen Stimmungsepisode in schwer depressive Patienten, Patienten mit einer mittleren Depression, manische Patienten und Patienten im Mischzustand. Von den 47 akut kranken Patienten konnten 18 im remittierten Zustand wiederum gemessen werden. Anschließend wurden Gruppenunterschiede in 3 kognitiven Variablen (1-back, 2-back und 3-back) und 3 emotionalen Variablen (positiv, neutral, negativ) für Verhalten, Hirnaktivierung und Amplitudenänderung in der LPP berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dass akut kranke Patienten sich in ihrem Verhalten von Kontrollen unterscheiden, jedoch wurden diese Unterschiede von der Art der aktuellen Stimmungsepisode moduliert. Schwer depressive Patienten zeigten die deutlichsten Unterschiede, während manische Patienten und Patienten im Mischzustand nur in den emotionalen Variablen Unterschiede zeigten. Die Hirnaktivierungsunterschiede waren am deutlichsten zwischen Patienten mit einer mittelschweren Depression und manischen Patienten, bei schwer depressiven Patienten und Patienten im Mischzustand waren diese Unterschiede deutlich schwächer ausgeprägt. Die LPP Analysen zeigten deutliche Unterschiede nur zwischen Patienten mit Mischbild und Kontrollen, die Patienten hatten hierbei eine deutlich erhöhte LPP Amplitude. Die Untersuchung der Unterschiede zwischen remittierten Patienten und Kontrollen ergab keine signifikanten Ergebnisse, ebenso die Analysen der Unterschiede zwischen akut kranken und remittierten Patienten. Alle Ergebnisse zusammengenommen, ergibt sich folgendes Bild: Wenn die Hirnaktivierung als Korrelat eines gestörten kognitiven Systems gesehen werden kann, und die LPP als Korrelat eines gestörten Emotionsverarbeitungssystems, dann könnte für Patienten mit einer mittleren oder schweren Depression das kognitive System das Hauptproblem darstellen, während für manische Patienten und Patienten im Mischzustand das Emotionsverarbeitungssystem das dominante Problem darstellt. Wenn die Patienten dann remittieren, erhält das kognitive System eine vorübergehende Stabilität zurück, das Emotionsverarbeitungssystem jedoch bleibt dysfunktional, und ist verantwortlich für die bestehenden emotionalen und kognitiven Defizite

    A Critical Window? Longitudinal Changes in Plasticity in Motor Cortex following Ischaemic Stroke

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    While spontaneous recovery occurs in most patients following stroke, it is often incomplete. Recovery seems to be mostly confined to the first 6 months. Data from animal models suggest there is a critical period of enhanced plasticity similar to that seen in early development. Evidence for such a critical period has not yet been established in humans. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a suitable tool for measuring changes in plasticity in human motor cortex. However, its long-term test-retest reliability has not been widely studied. Experiment 1 19 younger (average 29.9 years) and 20 older (average 65.9 years) subjects had repeat sessions of spaced cTBS to motor cortex 6 months apart. Change in average MEPs over 30 minutes post spaced cTBS showed fair intraclass correlation across 6 months in young (0.458 CI [-0.406, 0.791]) and older (0.572 [95%CI -0.08, 0.83]) subjects. This is broadly equivalent to other forms of plasticity-modulating non-invasive brain stimulation. Experiment 2 29 subjects (average 68.2 years) had repeat spaced cTBS to contralesional motor cortex at 2, 4, 6 and 26 weeks following ischaemic stroke. There was a significant decrease in LTDlike plasticity across sessions (p<0.01). There was no change in resting motor threshold in either hemisphere and no change in intracortical excitability. Small vessel disease measured on MRI did not influence response to spaced cTBS. Experiment 3 To complement the expansion in clinical research examining the benefits of fluoxetine in enhancing post-stroke plasticity, 31 healthy volunteers (average age 26.3 years) received fluoxetine 20mg or placebo prior to undergoing spaced cTBS in a double-blind randomised cross-over trial. There was no effect of fluoxetine on response to cTBS (p=0.472). Conclusions There is a decrease in LTD-like plasticity in the 6 months following a stroke in humans. 20mg of fluoxetine had no effect on LTD-like plasticity in healthy subjects