13,468 research outputs found

    The Saito-Kurokawa lifting and Darmon points

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    Let E_{/_\Q} be an elliptic curve of conductor NpNp with p∤Np\nmid N and let ff be its associated newform of weight 2. Denote by f∞f_\infty the pp-adic Hida family passing though ff, and by F∞F_\infty its Λ\Lambda-adic Saito-Kurokawa lift. The pp-adic family F∞F_\infty of Siegel modular forms admits a formal Fourier expansion, from which we can define a family of normalized Fourier coefficients {A~T(k)}T\{\widetilde A_T(k)\}_T indexed by positive definite symmetric half-integral matrices TT of size 2×22\times 2. We relate explicitly certain global points on EE (coming from the theory of Stark-Heegner points) with the values of these Fourier coefficients and of their pp-adic derivatives, evaluated at weight k=2k=2.Comment: 14 pages. Title change

    Permutations of Massive Vacua

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    We discuss the permutation group G of massive vacua of four-dimensional gauge theories with N=1 supersymmetry that arises upon tracing loops in the space of couplings. We concentrate on superconformal N=4 and N=2 theories with N=1 supersymmetry preserving mass deformations. The permutation group G of massive vacua is the Galois group of characteristic polynomials for the vacuum expectation values of chiral observables. We provide various techniques to effectively compute characteristic polynomials in given theories, and we deduce the existence of varying symmetry breaking patterns of the duality group depending on the gauge algebra and matter content of the theory. Our examples give rise to interesting field extensions of spaces of modular forms.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figur

    Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials

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    We present and analyze two algorithms for computing the Hilbert class polynomial HDH_D . The first is a p-adic lifting algorithm for inert primes p in the order of discriminant D < 0. The second is an improved Chinese remainder algorithm which uses the class group action on CM-curves over finite fields. Our run time analysis gives tighter bounds for the complexity of all known algorithms for computing HDH_D, and we show that all methods have comparable run times

    The Saito-Kurokawa lifting and Darmon points

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    Hilbert modular surfaces for square discriminants and elliptic subfields of genus 2 function fields

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    We compute explicit rational models for some Hilbert modular surfaces corresponding to square discriminants, by connecting them to moduli spaces of elliptic K3 surfaces. Since they parametrize decomposable principally polarized abelian surfaces, they are also moduli spaces for genus-2 curves covering elliptic curves via a map of fixed degree. We thereby extend classical work of Jacobi, Hermite, Bolza etc., and more recent work of Kuhn, Frey, Kani, Shaska, V\"olklein, Magaard and others, producing explicit families of reducible Jacobians. In particular, we produce a birational model for the moduli space of pairs (C,E) of a genus 2 curve C and elliptic curve E with a map of degree n from C to E, as well as a tautological family over the base, for 2 <= n <= 11. We also analyze the resulting models from the point of view of arithmetic geometry, and produce several interesting curves on them.Comment: 36 pages. Final versio
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