3 research outputs found

    Control of cascaded DC-DC converter-based hybrid battery energy storage systems - Part I:stability Issue

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    There is an emerging application which uses a mixture of batteries within an energy storage system. These hybrid battery solutions may contain different battery types. A DC-side cascaded boost converters along with a module based distributed power sharing strategy has been proposed to cope with variations in battery parameters such as, state-of-charge and/or capacity. This power sharing strategy distributes the total power among the different battery modules according to these battery parameters. Each module controller consists of an outer voltage loop with an inner current loop where the desired control reference for each control loop needs to be dynamically varied according to battery parameters to undertake this sharing. As a result, the designed control bandwidth or stability margin of each module control loop may vary in a wide range which can cause a stability problem within the cascaded converter. This paper reports such a unique issue and thoroughly investigates the stability of the modular converter under the distributed sharing scheme. The paper shows that a cascaded PI control loop approach cannot guarantee the system stability throughout the operating conditions. A detailed analysis of the stability issue and the limitations of the conventional approach are highlighted. Finally in-depth experimental results are presented to prove the stability issue using a modular hybrid battery energy storage system prototype under various operating conditions

    Advanced Primary Controllers for Inverter Based Power Sources: Microgrids and Wind Power Plants

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present the research activity fulfilled during the Ph.D. studies. The research project of the candidate was focused on two main cores. The first core is centred in the microgrid area; in particular in islanded microgrid modelling and control. Firstly, the model was compared with experimental results collected in some facilities available at University of Genoa. Then traditional controllers for islanded microgrid are analysed and explored, proposing a new stability estimation procedure for droop controlled microgrid. Finally, a new control strategy based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) is proposed in order to collect many functionalities in just one control layer. MPC is widely used in MG environment, but just for power and energy management at tertiary level; instead here it is here proposed with an inedited use. Some experimental validations about this new methodology are obtained during a research period in Serbia and Denmark. The second core is related with synthetic inertia for wind turbine connected to the main grid, i.e. frequency support during under-frequency transients. This aspect is very important today because it represents a way to increase grid stability in low inertia power systems. The importance of this feature is shared by all the most important Transmitter System Operators (TSO) all over the world

    Cyber Physical System Security — DoS Attacks on Synchrophasor Networks in the Smart Grid

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    With the rapid increase of network-enabled sensors, switches, and relays, cyber-physical system security in the smart grid has become important. The smart grid operation demands reliable communication. Existing encryption technologies ensures the authenticity of delivered messages. However, commonly applied technologies are not able to prevent the delay or drop of smart grid communication messages. In this dissertation, the author focuses on the network security vulnerabilities in synchrophasor network and their mitigation methods. Side-channel vulnerabilities of the synchrophasor network are identified. Synchrophasor network is one of the most important technologies in the smart grid transmission system. Experiments presented in this dissertation shows that a DoS attack that exploits the side-channel vulnerability against the synchrophasor network can lead to the power system in stability. Side-channel analysis extracts information by observing implementation artifacts without knowing the actual meaning of the information. Synchrophasor network consist of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) use synchrophasor protocol to transmit measurement data. Two side-channels are discovered in the synchrophasor protocol. Side-channel analysis based Denial of Service (DoS) attacks differentiate the source of multiple PMU data streams within an encrypted tunnel and only drop selected PMU data streams. Simulations on a power system shows that, without any countermeasure, a power system can be subverted after an attack. Then, mitigation methods from both the network and power grid perspectives are carried out. From the perspective of network security study, side-channel analysis, and protocol transformation has the potential to assist the PMU communication to evade attacks lead with protocol identifications. From the perspective of power grid control study, to mitigate PMU DoS attacks, Cellular Computational Network (CCN) prediction of PMU data is studied and used to implement a Virtual Synchrophasor Network (VSN), which learns and mimics the behaviors of an objective power grid. The data from VSN is used by the Automatic Generation Controllers (AGCs) when the PMU packets are disrupted by DoS attacks. Real-time experimental results show the CCN based VSN effectively inferred the missing data and mitigated the negative impacts of DoS attacks. In this study, industry-standard hardware PMUs and Real-Time Digital Power System Simulator (RTDS) are used to build experimental environments that are as close to actual production as possible for this research. The above-mentioned attack and mitigation methods are also tested on the Internet. Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack of PMU traffic is performed with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) hijacking. A side-channel analysis based MITM attack detection method is also investigated. A game theory analysis is performed to give a broade