64,763 research outputs found

    A double-edged sword: Use of computer algebra systems in first-year Engineering Mathematics and Mechanics courses

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    Many secondary-level mathematics students have experience with graphical calculators from high school. For the purposes of this paper we define graphical calculators as those able to perform rudimentary symbolic manipulation and solve complicated equations requiring very modest user knowledge. The use of more advanced computer algebra systems e.g. Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad, Matlab/MuPad is becoming more prevalent in tertiary-level courses. This paper explores our students’ experience using one such system (MuPad) in first-year tertiary Engineering Mathematics and Mechanics courses. The effectiveness of graphical calculators and computer algebra systems in mathematical pedagogy has been investigated by a multitude of educational researchers (e.g. Ravaglia et al. 1998). Most of these studies found very small or no correlation between student use of graphical calculators or exposure to computer algebra systems with future achievement in mathematics courses (Buteau et al. 2010). In this paper we focus instead on students’ attitude towards a more advanced standalone computer algebra system (MuPad), and whether students’ inclination to use the system is indicative of their mathematical understanding. Paper describing some preliminary research into use of computer algebra systems for teaching engineering mathematics

    Feynman-diagram evaluation in the electroweak theory with computer algebra

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    The evaluation of quantum corrections in the theory of the electroweak and strong interactions via higher-order Feynman diagrams requires complicated and laborious calculations, which however can be structured in a strictly algorithmic way. These calculations are ideally suited for the application of computer algebra systems, and computer algebra has proven to be a very valuable tool in this field already over several decades. It is sketched how computer algebra is presently applied in evaluating the predictions of the electroweak theory with high precision, and some recent results obtained in this way are summarized.Comment: 7 pages, updated version of proceedings contribution to ACAT 2000, Fermilab, October 200

    Gravity, torsion, Dirac field and computer algebra using MAPLE and REDUCE

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    The article presents computer algebra procedures and routines applied to the study of the Dirac field on curved spacetimes. The main part of the procedures is devoted to the construction of Pauli and Dirac matrices algebra on an anholonomic orthonormal reference frame. Then these procedures are used to compute the Dirac equation on curved spacetimes in a sequence of special dedicated routines. A comparative review of such procedures obtained for two computer algebra platforms (REDUCE + EXCALC and MAPLE + GRTensorII) is carried out. Applications for the calculus of Dirac equation on specific examples of spacetimes with or without torsion are pointed out.Comment: 20 pages, Late

    Towards topological quantum computer

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    One of the principal obstacles on the way to quantum computers is the lack of distinguished basis in the space of unitary evolutions and thus the lack of the commonly accepted set of basic operations (universal gates). A natural choice, however, is at hand: it is provided by the quantum R-matrices, the entangling deformations of non-entangling (classical) permutations, distinguished from the points of view of group theory, integrable systems and modern theory of non-perturbative calculations in quantum field and string theory. Observables in this case are (square modules of) the knot polynomials, and their pronounced integrality properties could provide a key to error correction. We suggest to use R-matrices acting in the space of irreducible representations, which are unitary for the real-valued couplings in Chern-Simons theory, to build a topological version of quantum computing.Comment: 14 page

    Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems

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    Digital mathematical libraries assemble the knowledge of years of mathematical research. Numerous disciplines (e.g., physics, engineering, pure and applied mathematics) rely heavily on compendia gathered findings. Likewise, modern research applications rely more and more on computational solutions, which are often calculated and verified by computer algebra systems. Hence, the correctness, accuracy, and reliability of both digital mathematical libraries and computer algebra systems is a crucial attribute for modern research. In this paper, we present a novel approach to verify a digital mathematical library and two computer algebra systems with one another by converting mathematical expressions from one system to the other. We use our previously eveloped conversion tool (referred to as LaCASt) to translate formulae from the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions to the computer algebra systems Maple and Mathematica. The contributions of our presented work are as follows: (1) we present the most comprehensive verification of computer algebra systems and digital mathematical libraries with one another; (2) we significantly enhance the performance of the underlying translator in terms of coverage and accuracy; and (3) we provide open access to translations for Maple and Mathematica of the formulae in the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
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