544,431 research outputs found

    Accelerating science with human-aware artificial intelligence

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) models trained on published scientific findings have been used to invent valuable materials and targeted therapies, but they typically ignore the human scientists who continually alter the landscape of discovery. Here we show that incorporating the distribution of human expertise by training unsupervised models on simulated inferences cognitively accessible to experts dramatically improves (up to 400%) AI prediction of future discoveries beyond those focused on research content alone, especially when relevant literature is sparse. These models succeed by predicting human predictions and the scientists who will make them. By tuning human-aware AI to avoid the crowd, we can generate scientifically promising "alien" hypotheses unlikely to be imagined or pursued without intervention until the distant future, which hold promise to punctuate scientific advance beyond questions currently pursued. Accelerating human discovery or probing its blind spots, human-aware AI enables us to move toward and beyond the contemporary scientific frontier

    Large Language Models are Zero Shot Hypothesis Proposers

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    Significant scientific discoveries have driven the progress of human civilisation. The explosion of scientific literature and data has created information barriers across disciplines that have slowed the pace of scientific discovery. Large Language Models (LLMs) hold a wealth of global and interdisciplinary knowledge that promises to break down these information barriers and foster a new wave of scientific discovery. However, the potential of LLMs for scientific discovery has not been formally explored. In this paper, we start from investigating whether LLMs can propose scientific hypotheses. To this end, we construct a dataset consist of background knowledge and hypothesis pairs from biomedical literature. The dataset is divided into training, seen, and unseen test sets based on the publication date to control visibility. We subsequently evaluate the hypothesis generation capabilities of various top-tier instructed models in zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning settings, including both closed and open-source LLMs. Additionally, we introduce an LLM-based multi-agent cooperative framework with different role designs and external tools to enhance the capabilities related to generating hypotheses. We also design four metrics through a comprehensive review to evaluate the generated hypotheses for both ChatGPT-based and human evaluations. Through experiments and analyses, we arrive at the following findings: 1) LLMs surprisingly generate untrained yet validated hypotheses from testing literature. 2) Increasing uncertainty facilitates candidate generation, potentially enhancing zero-shot hypothesis generation capabilities. These findings strongly support the potential of LLMs as catalysts for new scientific discoveries and guide further exploration.Comment: Instruction Workshop @ NeurIPS 202

    The Future of Fundamental Science Led by Generative Closed-Loop Artificial Intelligence

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    Recent advances in machine learning and AI, including Generative AI and LLMs, are disrupting technological innovation, product development, and society as a whole. AI's contribution to technology can come from multiple approaches that require access to large training data sets and clear performance evaluation criteria, ranging from pattern recognition and classification to generative models. Yet, AI has contributed less to fundamental science in part because large data sets of high-quality data for scientific practice and model discovery are more difficult to access. Generative AI, in general, and Large Language Models in particular, may represent an opportunity to augment and accelerate the scientific discovery of fundamental deep science with quantitative models. Here we explore and investigate aspects of an AI-driven, automated, closed-loop approach to scientific discovery, including self-driven hypothesis generation and open-ended autonomous exploration of the hypothesis space. Integrating AI-driven automation into the practice of science would mitigate current problems, including the replication of findings, systematic production of data, and ultimately democratisation of the scientific process. Realising these possibilities requires a vision for augmented AI coupled with a diversity of AI approaches able to deal with fundamental aspects of causality analysis and model discovery while enabling unbiased search across the space of putative explanations. These advances hold the promise to unleash AI's potential for searching and discovering the fundamental structure of our world beyond what human scientists have been able to achieve. Such a vision would push the boundaries of new fundamental science rather than automatize current workflows and instead open doors for technological innovation to tackle some of the greatest challenges facing humanity today.Comment: 35 pages, first draft of the final report from the Alan Turing Institute on AI for Scientific Discover

    A.I., Scientific Discovery, and Realism

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    none1Epistemologists have debated at length whether scientific discovery is a rational and logical process. If it is, according to the Artificial Intelligence hypothesis, it should be possible to write computer programs able to discover laws or theories; and if such programs were written, this would definitely prove the existence of a logic of discovery. This far, however, all attempts in this direction have been unsuccessful: the programs written by Herbert Simon’s group, indeed, infer famous laws of physics and chemistry; but having found no new law, they cannot properly be considered discovery machines. The programs written in the “Turing tradition”, instead, produced new and useful empirical generalization, but no theoretical discovery, thus failing to prove the logical character of the most significant kind of discoveries. A new cognitivist and connectionist approach by Holland, Holyoak, Nisbett and Thagard, looks more promising. They picture scientific discovery as the construction of mental models of natural systems through analogical and abductive inferences, activated and constrained by an undetermined number of inputs and feedbacks from the environment. The connectionist architecture of mind accounts for the open-ended and intrinsically complex character which makes scientific discovery non programmable and unpredictable. At the same time, the assumption that by analogy and induction we can achieve faithful representations of nature explains the rationality and success of theorization. Reflection on this meta-research program, therefore, shows that a scientific-realist interpretation of scientific practice is required to account for both the rationality of discovery processes and the failure of past attempts to mechanize them. In fact, it might be argued that the Baconian and Millian belief in a logic of discovery was abandoned by logical positivists precisely because they lacked on the one hand a fully realist and cognitivist approach, and on the other hand a sufficiently wide conception of “logic”: they couldn’t foresee procedures which are rule-governed but complex and holistic because influenced but numberless factors escaping human control.anche al sito: http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0924-6495/contentsopenAlai, MarioAlai, Mari

    The relevance of non-human primate and rodent malaria models for humans

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    At the 2010 Keystone Symposium on "Malaria: new approaches to understanding Host-Parasite interactions", an extra scientific session to discuss animal models in malaria research was convened at the request of participants. This was prompted by the concern of investigators that skepticism in the malaria community about the use and relevance of animal models, particularly rodent models of severe malaria, has impacted on funding decisions and publication of research using animal models. Several speakers took the opportunity to demonstrate the similarities between findings in rodent models and human severe disease, as well as points of difference. The variety of malaria presentations in the different experimental models parallels the wide diversity of human malaria disease and, therefore, might be viewed as a strength. Many of the key features of human malaria can be replicated in a variety of nonhuman primate models, which are very under-utilized. The importance of animal models in the discovery of new anti-malarial drugs was emphasized. The major conclusions of the session were that experimental and human studies should be more closely linked so that they inform each other, and that there should be wider access to relevant clinical material

    Toward Human-AI Co-creation to Accelerate Material Discovery

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    There is an increasing need in our society to achieve faster advances in Science to tackle urgent problems, such as climate changes, environmental hazards, sustainable energy systems, pandemics, among others. In certain domains like chemistry, scientific discovery carries the extra burden of assessing risks of the proposed novel solutions before moving to the experimental stage. Despite several recent advances in Machine Learning and AI to address some of these challenges, there is still a gap in technologies to support end-to-end discovery applications, integrating the myriad of available technologies into a coherent, orchestrated, yet flexible discovery process. Such applications need to handle complex knowledge management at scale, enabling knowledge consumption and production in a timely and efficient way for subject matter experts (SMEs). Furthermore, the discovery of novel functional materials strongly relies on the development of exploration strategies in the chemical space. For instance, generative models have gained attention within the scientific community due to their ability to generate enormous volumes of novel molecules across material domains. These models exhibit extreme creativity that often translates in low viability of the generated candidates. In this work, we propose a workbench framework that aims at enabling the human-AI co-creation to reduce the time until the first discovery and the opportunity costs involved. This framework relies on a knowledge base with domain and process knowledge, and user-interaction components to acquire knowledge and advise the SMEs. Currently,the framework supports four main activities: generative modeling, dataset triage, molecule adjudication, and risk assessment.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, NeurIPS 2022 WS: AI4Scienc

    Pre-clinical models to study abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)

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    Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is a common debilitating condition that significantly reduces quality of life of women across the reproductive age span. AUB creates significant morbidity, medical, social, and economic problems for women, their families, workplace, and health services. Despite the profoundly negative effects of AUB on public health, advancement in understanding the pathophysiology of AUB and the discovery of novel effective therapies is slow due to lack of reliable pre-clinical models. This review discusses currently available laboratory-based pre-clinical scientific models and how they are used to study AUB. Human and animal in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo models will be described along with advantages and limitations of each method

    Large-scale Foundation Models and Generative AI for BigData Neuroscience

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    Recent advances in machine learning have made revolutionary breakthroughs in computer games, image and natural language understanding, and scientific discovery. Foundation models and large-scale language models (LLMs) have recently achieved human-like intelligence thanks to BigData. With the help of self-supervised learning (SSL) and transfer learning, these models may potentially reshape the landscapes of neuroscience research and make a significant impact on the future. Here we present a mini-review on recent advances in foundation models and generative AI models as well as their applications in neuroscience, including natural language and speech, semantic memory, brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), and data augmentation. We argue that this paradigm-shift framework will open new avenues for many neuroscience research directions and discuss the accompanying challenges and opportunities

    Conference highlights of the 15th international conference on human retrovirology: HTLV and related retroviruses, 4-8 june 2011, Leuven, Gembloux, Belgium

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    The June 2011 15th International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses marks approximately 30 years since the discovery of HTLV-1. As anticipated, a large number of abstracts were submitted and presented by scientists, new and old to the field of retrovirology, from all five continents. The aim of this review is to distribute the scientific highlights of the presentations as analysed and represented by experts in specific fields of epidemiology, clinical research, immunology, animal models, molecular and cellular biology, and virology

    Transformers and Large Language Models for Chemistry and Drug Discovery

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    Language modeling has seen impressive progress over the last years, mainly prompted by the invention of the Transformer architecture, sparking a revolution in many fields of machine learning, with breakthroughs in chemistry and biology. In this chapter, we explore how analogies between chemical and natural language have inspired the use of Transformers to tackle important bottlenecks in the drug discovery process, such as retrosynthetic planning and chemical space exploration. The revolution started with models able to perform particular tasks with a single type of data, like linearised molecular graphs, which then evolved to include other types of data, like spectra from analytical instruments, synthesis actions, and human language. A new trend leverages recent developments in large language models, giving rise to a wave of models capable of solving generic tasks in chemistry, all facilitated by the flexibility of natural language. As we continue to explore and harness these capabilities, we can look forward to a future where machine learning plays an even more integral role in accelerating scientific discovery