4 research outputs found

    Remote control by body movement in synchrony with orbiting widgets: an evaluation of TraceMatch

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    In this work we consider how users can use body movement for remote control with minimal effort and maximum flexibility. TraceMatch is a novel technique where the interface displays available controls as circular widgets with orbiting targets, and where users can trigger a control by mimicking the displayed motion. The technique uses computer vision to detect circular motion as a uniform type of input, but is highly appropriable as users can produce matching motion with any part of their body. We present three studies that investigate input performance with different parts of the body, user preferences, and spontaneous choice of movements for input in realistic application scenarios. The results show that users can provide effective input with their head, hands and while holding objects, that multiple controls can be effectively distinguished by the difference in presented phase and direction of movement, and that users choose and switch modes of input seamlessly

    Models for rested touchless gestural interaction.

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    Touchless mid-air gestural interaction has gained mainstream attention with the emergence of off-the-shelf commodity devices such as the Leap Motion and the Xbox Kinect. One of the issues with this form of interaction is fatigue, a problem colloquially known as the "Gorilla Arm Syndrome.'' However, by allowing interaction from a rested position, whereby the elbow is rested on a surface, this problem can be limited in its effect. In this paper we evaluate 3 possible methods for performing touchless mid-air gestural interaction from a rested position: a basic rested interaction, a simple calibrated interaction which models palm positions onto a hyperplane, and a more complex calibration which models the arm's interaction space using the angles of the forearm as input. The results of this work found that the two modeled interactions conform to Fitts's law and also demonstrated that implementing a simple model can improve interaction by improving performance and accuracy