22 research outputs found

    DRIFT-ARID: A method for assessing environmental water requirements (EWRs) for non-perennial rivers

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    Environmental water requirement (EWR) assessment methods, for ascertaining how much water should be retained in rivers to sustain ecological functioning and desired levels of biodiversity, have mostly been developed for perennial rivers. Despite non-perennial rivers comprising about 30–50% of the world’s freshwater systems, data on their hydrology, biota and ecological functioning are sparse. Current EWR assessments require hydrological and other data that may not be available for such rivers and some adaptation in the methods used seems necessary. DRIFT is an EWR method for perennial (or near-perennial) rivers that has been developed in South Africa over the past two decades and is now widely applied nationally and internationally. When applied to the semi-permanent Mokolo River, challenges particular to, or accentuated by, non-perennial rivers included the reliable simulation of hydrological data, the extent of acceptable extrapolation of data, difficulties in predicting surface-water connectivity along the river, and the location and resilience of pools, as well as whether it was possible to identify a reference (natural) condition. DRIFT-ARID, reported on here, is an adaptation of the DRIFT approach to begin addressing these and other issues. It consists of 11 phases containing 29 activities.Keywords: EWR, non-perennial, DRIFT, DS

    Hydrology, sediment transport dynamics and geomorphology of a variable flow river : the Mfolozi River, South Africa

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    The co-efficient of variation for inter-annual streamflow of the Mfolozi River is extremely high at 79%. An analysis of flow frequency indicated that streamflow is skewed towards low-flow values, with a number of extremely large flood events occurring as outliers on the histogram. Streamflow variability in the Mfolozi River may be linked to multiple factors including a large catchment size, a seasonal climate of a dry winter and wet summer, evergreen vegetation in the catchment, variable precipitation and the occurrence of regionally pervasive climatic oscillations. This research aimed to address how streamflow variability impacted upon sediment transport and thus, geomorphology. It was found that sediment transport variability occurred at the intra-and inter-annual scale. Analysis of mean monthly sediment concentration and discharge showed a hysteresis effect, such that sediment concentration peaked prior to discharge in the early wet season. During the late wet season, peak discharges often had unexpectedly low sediment concentrations. Furthermore, data suggested the existence of long-term hysteresis that may be related to decadal-scale climatic oscillations that alter sediment availability and stream capacity, resulting in discharge peaking in 2000 and sediment concentration in 2005. However, more data are required to confirm this relationship. Variability in streamflow appears to share a causal relationship with sediment transport variability, as both are linked to variation in precipitation and the resultant impacts on vegetation growth and evapotranspiration rates. The variability of streamflow and sediment transport has implications for stream and floodplain geomorphology, and the hydrology of variable rivers should be considered when interpreting their geomorphology

    Soil biocrusts affect metabolic response to hydration on dunes in west Queensland, Australia

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    Soil biocrusts, formed from communities of microbes and their extracellular products are a common feature of dryland soil surfaces. Biocrust organisms are only intermittently metabolically active, but due to their ubiquity they make a significant contribution to the carbon cycle. Quantification of the controls and insights into the interlinked process of photosynthesis and respiration are essential to enhancing our understanding of the carbon cycle in the world’s drylands. Yet, there have been relatively few field studies investigating controls on both biocrust photosynthesis and respiration. We undertook field-based experiments at two dune sites during the dry season in Diamantina National Park in Queensland, Australia to determine how biocrust hydration and illumination affect soil CO2 flux and photosynthesis. Static chambers and an infra-red gas analyser were used to quantify soil CO2 flux, and a fluorometer and a CFImager were used to determine a range of photosynthetic parameters in the field and laboratory respectively. When dry, biocrust photosynthetic activity was not detected and soil CO2 flux was very low irrespective of biocrust cover. Hydration led to a large and immediate increase in CO2 flux, which was more pronounced in the presence of biocrusts and on the dune with thinner biocrusts. Hydration also initiated the onset of photosynthesis in some biocrusts, which was greatest under low light conditions and sustained with further hydration. There were only infrequent periods of net CO2 uptake to the soil, occurring when CO2 uptake due to photosynthetic activity was less than background soil CO2 flux. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging indicated biocrust spatial heterogeneity was evident at the cm scale where microtopography creates a myriad of environments for different crust organisms. Our findings demonstrate that biocrusts are highly spatially heterogenetic at both landscape and small scale, which suggests the maintenance of biocrust spatial diversity is likely to be key to imparting resilience to changing climate and disturbance. As well as reaffirming the importance of biocrusts for the carbon cycle in dryland dune soils the study demonstrates that biocrust respiration and photosynthesis respond differently to hydration and shading. This adds an unpredictability to the distribution of soil carbon stocks and the gaseous exchanges of CO2 between the surface and atmosphere. Future changes to precipitation and increased temperatures are likely to reduce soil moisture across much of the Australian interior and consequently biocrusts may experience a decline in biomass, structure, and function which could have significant repercussions beyond carbon stocks.Natural Environment Research Counci

    Dynamics and scales of transmission losses in dryland river systems: a meta-analysis

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    In this paper, 245 studies were reviewed to understand approaches used for estimating river channel transmission losses. Findings indicate that regression equations, differential equations, flow routing, experimental approaches and water balances are most widely used. Geographic Information Systems are becoming a convenient framework to display model results showing spatial variability of losses. In the United States, regression equations and experimental approaches involving controlled releases are widely used to assess transmission losses whereas in the dryland regions of Australia, water balance and flow routing approaches are popular. In Africa and Asia, regression equations and water balances are common approaches to estimate transmission losses. By using regression equations on data pooled from studies done in different dryland regions of the world, statistically significant (p<0.05) relationships were observed between transmission loss volume and, reach length, inflow, flow contributing area and runoff coefficient. Overall, the review underscores the importance of channel and catchment characteristics in shaping the dynamics of transmission losses. Two main limitations of the current approaches are that they are site-specific and require high amounts of data not always available in dryland regions due to sparse network of monitoring stations. The review also highlights existing knowledge gaps and future research needs

    Sources and pathways of dust during the Australian 'Millennium Drought' decade

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    From the late 1990s to mid-2010, Australia was affected by a prolonged period of drought, the “Millennium Drought,” during which numerous severe dust storms crossed the continent. We inspect this period to produce the first continental-scale climatology of air-parcel trajectories that is specific to dust and use it to gain new insights into dust transport dynamics over the eastern half of Australia. The analysis is based upon dust arrival times from airport meteorological observations made at nine mostly coastal cities for 2000–2009. The Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model was used to calculate 1.26 million backward trajectories from receptor cities, with only those trajectories associated with a dust storm observation considered in the analysis of dust transport. To tie dust trajectories from receptors to likely emission sources, trajectories were linked to six known major dust source regions in and around the Lake Eyre Basin. The Lake Eyre North ephemeral lake system, alluvial-dominated Channel Country, and agricultural Mallee-Riverina regions emerge as important sources for the period, providing variable contributions to different parts of the seaboard as controlled by different front-related wind systems. Our study also provides new detail regarding dust pathways from continental Australia. For the Millennium Drought we identify that the broadly established Southeast Dust Path may be more accurately subdivided into three active pathways, driven by prefrontal northerly winds and a variation in the influence of frontal westerlies. The detail of these pathways has implications for dust delivery from specific Australian sources to different marine environments

    Hydrology, sediment transport dynamics and geomorphology of a variable flow river: The Mfolozi River, South Africa

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    The co-efficient of variation for inter-annual streamflow of the Mfolozi River is extremely high at 79%. An analysis of flow frequency indicated that streamflow is skewed towards low-flow values, with a number of extremely large flood events occurring as outliers on the histogram. Streamflow variability in the Mfolozi River may be linked to multiple factors including a large catchment size, a seasonal climate of a dry winter and wet summer, evergreen vegetation in the catchment, variable precipitation and the occurrence of regionally pervasive climatic oscillations. This research aimed to address how streamflow variability impacted upon sediment transport and thus, geomorphology. It was found that sediment transport variability occurred at the intra- and inter-annual scale. Analysis of mean monthly sediment concentration and discharge showed a hysteresis effect, such that sediment concentration peaked prior to discharge in the early wet season. During the late wet season, peak discharges often had unexpectedly low sediment concentrations. Furthermore, data suggested the existence of long-term hysteresis that may be related to decadal-scale climatic oscillations that alter sediment availability and stream capacity, resulting in discharge peaking in 2000 and sediment concentration in 2005. However, more data are required to confirm this relationship. Variability in streamflow appears to share a causal relationship with sediment transport variability, as both are linked to variation in precipitation and the resultant impacts on vegetation growth and evapotranspiration rates. The variability of streamflow and sediment transport has implications for stream and floodplain geomorphology, and the hydrology of variable rivers should be considered when interpreting their geomorphology

    Quantifying the contribution of riparian total evaporation to streamflow transmission losses: preliminary investigations along the groot letaba river

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    The Groot Letaba River, situated in the semi-arid north-eastern region of South Africa is an example of a river system in which the uncertainty associated with transmission losses (TL) has limited the effective management of environmental water requirement (EWR) flows. TL along the river significantly impacts EWR flows, as it is often the case that specified EWR releases are not adequately received further downstream

    Quantifying the contribution of riparian total evaporation to streamflow transmission losses: Preliminary investigations along the Groot Letaba river

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    The Groot Letaba River, situated in the semi-arid north-eastern region of South Africa is an example of a river system in which the uncertainty associated with transmission losses (TL) has limited the effective management of environmental water requirement (EWR) flows. TL along the river significantly impacts EWR flows, as it is often the case that specified EWR releases are not adequately received further downstream. Due to the limited understanding of the magnitude of TL, as well as the dominant contributing processes to TL within the region, it remains a challenge to operate the river using downstream targets far from the source of operations. In an attempt to address this knowledge gap, detailed characterizations of hydrological processes were performed along the lower reaches of the river, which centred around the estimation of riparian total evaporation and quantifying the rapport between surface and subsurface water flow processes. Riparian total evaporation was estimated using the satellite-based surface energy balance system model, soil water evaporation measurements and open water evaporation estimates. Losses from the river to the adjacent aquifer were determined from the continuous monitoring of the groundwater phreatic surface and characterization of aquifer hydraulic properties. The results of these investigations indicated that present flows within the system are likely to be insufficient to satisfy gazetted median and extreme low flow targets. Overall, the study details key hydrological processes influencing TL along the river. It should, however, be noted that these observations only provide an understanding of the system over a limited observation period

    Blending Landsat and MODIS Data to Generate Multispectral Indices: A Comparison of “Index-then-Blend” and “Blend-then-Index” Approaches

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    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the accuracy of two advanced blending algorithms, Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM) and Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (ESTARFM) to downscale Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) indices to the spatial resolution of Landsat. We tested two approaches: (i) "Index-then-Blend" (IB); and (ii) "Blend-then-Index" (BI) when simulating nine indices, which are widely used for vegetation studies, environmental moisture assessment and standing water identification. Landsat-like indices, generated using both IB and BI, were simulated on 45 dates in total from three sites. The outputs were then compared with indices calculated from observed Landsat data and pixel-to-pixel accuracy of each simulation was assessed by calculating the: (i) bias; (ii) R; and (iii) Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD). The IB approach produced higher accuracies than the BI approach for both blending algorithms for all nine indices at all three sites. We also found that the relative performance of the STARFM and ESTARFM algorithms depended on the spatial and temporal variances of the Landsat-MODIS input indices. Our study suggests that the IB approach should be implemented for blending of environmental indices, as it was: (i) less computationally expensive due to blending single indices rather than multiple bands; (ii) more accurate due to less error propagation; and (iii) less sensitive to the choice of algorithm

    Soil biocrusts affect metabolic response to hydration on dunes in west Queensland, Australia

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    Soil biocrusts, formed from communities of microbes and their extracellular products are a common feature of dryland soil surfaces. Biocrust organisms are only intermittently metabolically active, but due to their ubiquity they make a significant contribution to the carbon cycle. Quantification of the controls and insights into the interlinked process of photosynthesis and respiration are essential to enhancing our understanding of the carbon cycle in the world’s drylands. Yet, there have been relatively few field studies investigating controls on both biocrust photosynthesis and respiration. We undertook field-based experiments at two dune sites during the dry season in Diamantina National Park in Queensland, Australia to determine how biocrust hydration and illumination affect soil CO2 flux and photosynthesis. Static chambers and an infra-red gas analyser were used to quantify soil CO2 flux, and a fluorometer and a CFImager were used to determine a range of photosynthetic parameters in the field and laboratory respectively. When dry, biocrust photosynthetic activity was not detected and soil CO2 flux was very low irrespective of biocrust cover. Hydration led to a large and immediate increase in CO2 flux, which was more pronounced in the presence of biocrusts and on the dune with thinner biocrusts. Hydration also initiated the onset of photosynthesis in some biocrusts, which was greatest under low light conditions and sustained with further hydration. There were only infrequent periods of net CO2 uptake to the soil, occurring when CO2 uptake due to photosynthetic activity was less than background soil CO2 flux. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging indicated biocrust spatial heterogeneity was evident at the cm scale where microtopography creates a myriad of environments for different crust organisms. Our findings demonstrate that biocrusts are highly spatially heterogenetic at both landscape and small scale, which suggests the maintenance of biocrust spatial diversity is likely to be key to imparting resilience to changing climate and disturbance. As well as reaffirming the importance of biocrusts for the carbon cycle in dryland dune soils the study demonstrates that biocrust respiration and photosynthesis respond differently to hydration and shading. This adds an unpredictability to the distribution of soil carbon stocks and the gaseous exchanges of CO2 between the surface and atmosphere. Future changes to precipitation and increased temperatures are likely to reduce soil moisture across much of the Australian interior and consequently biocrusts may experience a decline in biomass, structure, and function which could have significant repercussions beyond carbon stocks