5,652 research outputs found

    Modelling the Interfacial Flow of Two Immiscible Liquids in Mixing Processes

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    This paper presents an interface tracking method for modelling the flow of immiscible metallic liquids in mixing processes. The methodology can provide an insight into mixing processes for studying the fundamental morphology development mechanisms for immiscible interfaces. The volume-of-fluid (VOF) method is adopted in the present study, following a review of various modelling approaches for immiscible fluid systems. The VOF method employed here utilises the piecewise linear for interface construction scheme as well as the continuum surface force algorithm for surface force modelling. A model coupling numerical and experimental data is established. The main flow features in the mixing process are investigated. It is observed that the mixing of immiscible metallic liquids is strongly influenced by the viscosity of the system, shear forces and turbulence. The numerical results show good qualitative agreement with experimental results, and are useful for optimisating the design of mixing casting processes

    Coalescence of Liquid Drops: Different Models Versus\ud Experiment

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    The process of coalescence of two identical liquid drops is simulated numerically in the framework of two essentially different mathematical models, and the results are compared with experimental data on the very early stages of the coalescence process reported recently. The first model tested is the ‘conventional’ one, where it is assumed that coalescence as the formation of a single body of fluid occurs by an instant appearance of a liquid bridge smoothly connecting the two drops, and the subsequent process is the evolution of this single body of fluid driven by capillary forces. The second model under investigation considers coalescence as a process where a section of the free surface becomes trapped between the bulk phases as the drops are pressed against each other, and it is the gradual disappearance of this ‘internal interface’ that leads to the formation of a single body of fluid and the conventional model taking over. Using the full numerical solution of the problem in the framework of each of the two models, we show that the recently reported electrical measurements probing the very early stages of the process are better described by the interface formation/disappearance model. New theory-guided experiments are suggested that would help to further elucidate the details of the coalescence phenomenon. As a by-product of our research, the range of validity of different ‘scaling laws’ advanced as approximate solutions to the problem formulated using the conventional model is\ud established

    One-dimensional modelling of mixing, dispersion and segregation of multiphase fluids flowing in pipelines

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    The flow of immiscible liquids in pipelines has been studied in this work in order to formulate a one-dimensional model for the computer analysis of two-phase liquid-liquid flow in horizontal pipes. The model simplifies the number of flow patterns commonly encountered in liquid-liquid flow to stratified flow, fully dispersed flow and partial dispersion with the formation of one or two different emulsions. The model is based on the solution of continuity equations for dispersed and continuous phase; correlations available in the literature are used for the calculation of the maximum and mean dispersed phase drop diameter, the emulsion viscosity, the phase inversion point, the liquid-wall friction factors, liquid-liquid friction factors at interface and the slip velocity between the phases. In absence of validated models for entrainment and deposition in liquid-liquid flow, two entrainment rate correlations and two deposition models originally developed for gas-liquid flow have been adapted to liquid-liquid flow. The model was applied to the flow of oil and water; the predicted flow regimes have been presented as a function of the input water fraction and mixture velocity and compared with experimental results, showing an overall good agreement between calculation and experiments. Calculated values of oil-in-water and water-in-oil dispersed fractions were compared against experimental data for different oil and water superficial velocities, input water fractions and mixture velocities. Pressure losses calculated in the full developed flow region of the pipe, a crucial quantity in industrial applications, are reasonably close to measured values. Discrepancies and possible improvements of the model are also discussed. The model for two-phase flow was extended to three-phase liquid-liquid-gas flow within the framework of the two-fluid model. The two liquid phases were treated as a unique liquid phase with properly averaged properties. The model for three-phase flow thus developed was implemented in an existing research code for the simulation of three-phase slug flow with the formation of emulsions in the liquid phase and phase inversion phenomena. Comparisons with experimental data are presented

    Thermocapillary flows and interface deformations produced by localized laser heating in confined environment

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    The deformation of a fluid-fluid interface due to the thermocapillary stress induced by a continuous Gaussian laser wave is investigated analytically. We show that the direction of deformation of the liquid interface strongly depends on the viscosities and the thicknesses of the involved liquid layers. We first investigate the case of an interface separating two different liquid layers while a second part is dedicated to a thin film squeezed by two external layers of same liquid. These results are predictive for applications fields where localized thermocapillary stresses are used to produce flows or to deform interfaces in presence of confinement, such as optofluidics

    Center for low-gravity fluid mechanics and transport phenomena

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    Research projects in several areas are discussed. Mass transport in vapor phase systems, droplet collisions and coalescence in microgravity, and rapid solidification of undercooled melts are discussed

    Bubble formation during the collision of a sessile drop with a meniscus

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    The impact of a sessile droplet with a moving meniscus, as encountered in processes such as dip-coating, generically leads to the entrapment of small air bubbles. Here we experimentally study this process of bubble formation by looking through the liquid using high-speed imaging. Our central finding is that the size of the entrapped bubble crucially depends on the location where coalescence between the drop and the moving meniscus is initiated: (i) at a finite height above the substrate, or (ii) exactly at the contact line. In the first case, we typically find bubble sizes of the order of a few microns, independent of the size and speed of the impacting drop. By contrast, the bubbles that are formed when coalescence starts at the contact line become increasingly large, as the size or the velocity of the impacting drop is increased. We show how these observations can be explained from a balance between the lubrication pressure in the air layer and the capillary pressure of the drop
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