6 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal aspects of land use in the urban-rural fringe in china: a GIS approach

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    Since the reform in 1979, China's rural and urban economies have been extremely active. This has accelerated greatly the urbanisation process in the peripheral areas of metropolises. Urban regions extended into rural areas by way of urban sprawl and population concentration in the rural-urban fringe, in which the types and structures of land use changed rapidly. The rural-urban fringe has been an extremely active area in contemporary Chinese socio-economy. It is also a belt of concentration of development and construction of rural and urban kinds. In seeking to apply geographical information systems to such an important area of land use change, this research studies the general principles of the formation, evolution and development of rural-urban fringe with a case study in Tianhe District of Guangzhou Municipality, China. This research analyses the following three aspects of land use change. Firstly, the land use conditions and situations are discussed in the form of their fundamental characteristics in various years. Secondly, the spatial changes of land uses are characterised in terms of the distance from the city centre including the effects of the physical landscape. Finally, the main emphasis is put upon the impacts of policies on land use distribution. Three different time periods (1973, 1993 and predicted 2010) are applied to compare the changes of land use. According to the analysis of the trend of land use change in this study, the development of Tianhe District from a traditional rural area to a rural-urban fringe is a considered as result of the Guangzhou urban sprawl. Its specific location, economic development levels, population conditions and policy advantages have influenced this evolution process and brought about the spatial changes and spatial structure of land use. Keywords: Land use change, rural-urban fringe, China, GI

    Graafitietokantojen sovelluksia: systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Tässä työssä kartoitetaan akateemisessa tutkimuksessa esiintyviä graafitietokantoja, niiden sovellusaloja sekä niihin liitettyjä hyötyjä ja haittoja. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa tunnistettiin 111 kriteerit täyttävää artikkelia vuosilta 2017–2021. Artikkeleja analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Graafitietokantojen sovellusaloja tunnistettiin 25. Sovellusaloilla tieto on tyypillisesti mallinnettavissa kompleksisina verkkoina. Yleisimpiä aloja olivat bioinformatiikka, sosiaaliset verkostot, tietoverkot ja geografinen tieto. Yksittäisistä graafitietokannoista ylivoimaisesti käytetyin oli Neo4j: se oli käytössä valtaosassa artikkelien sovelluksista. Muut graafitietokannat olivat edustettuna vähäisessä määrin aineistossa. Graafitietokantojen käytölle tunnistettiin kymmenen hyötyä. Yleisimmin mainitut hyödyt olivat graafikyselyiden ja algoritmien hyödyntäminen sekä graafitietokantojen soveltuvuus verkottuneelle datalle. Näiden jälkeen yleisimpinä hyötyinä tulivat selitysvoima erilaisissa analyyseissa, suorituskyky, visualisointiominaisuudet, tietokantakaavion joustavuus ja graafitietomallin ymmärrettävyys. Eri haittoja puolestaan tunnistettiin yhdeksän: haittoja mainittiin kuitenkin ylipäänsä huomattavasti hyötyjä harvemmin. Yleisimmin mainitut haitat olivat suorituskyky ja graafitietokantojen opettelu: molemmat oli mainittu kohtalaisen usein myös hyötynä. Tätä voi selittää sillä, että graafitietokantojen suorituskyvyssä on eroja eri sovellusten välillä: graafitietokantojen ja -kyselykielten koettu vaikeustaso taas riippuu tutkijoiden näkemyksistä. Lisäksi harvemmin mainittuja haittoja olivat muun muassa graafitietokantojen soveltumattomuus tietynlaiselle datalle ja alempi kypsyysaste verrattuna relaatiotietokantoihin

    National freight transport planning: towards a Strategic Planning Extranet Decision Support System (SPEDSS)

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    This thesis provides a `proof-of-concept' prototype and a design architecture for a Object Oriented (00) database towards the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for the national freight transport planning problem. Both governments and industry require a Strategic Planning Extranet Decision Support System (SPEDSS) for their effective management of the national Freight Transport Networks (FTN). This thesis addresses the three key problems for the development of a SPEDSS to facilitate national strategic freight planning: 1) scope and scale of data available and required; 2) scope and scale of existing models; and 3) construction of the software. The research approach taken embodies systems thinking and includes the use of: Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/D) for problem encapsulation and database design; artificial neural network (and proposed rule extraction) for knowledge acquisition of the United States FTN data set; and an iterative Object Oriented (00) software design for the development of a `proof-of-concept' prototype. The research findings demonstrate that an 00 approach along with the use of 00 methodologies and technologies coupled with artificial neural networks (ANNs) offers a robust and flexible methodology for the analysis of the FTN problem domain and the design architecture of an Extranet based SPEDSS. The objectives of this research were to: 1) identify and analyse current problems and proposed solutions facing industry and governments in strategic transportation planning; 2) determine the functional requirements of an FTN SPEDSS; 3) perform a feasibility analysis for building a FTN SPEDSS `proof-of-concept' prototype and (00) database design; 4) develop a methodology for a national `internet-enabled' SPEDSS model and database; 5) construct a `proof-of-concept' prototype for a SPEDSS encapsulating identified user requirements; 6) develop a methodology to resolve the issue of the scale of data and data knowledge acquisition which would act as the `intelligence' within a SPDSS; 7) implement the data methodology using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) towards the validation of it; and 8) make recommendations for national freight transportation strategic planning and further research required to fulfil the needs of governments and industry. This thesis includes: an 00 database design for encapsulation of the FTN; an `internet-enabled' Dynamic Modelling Methodology (DMM) for the virtual modelling of the FTNs; a Unified Modelling Language (UML) `proof-of-concept' prototype; and conclusions and recommendations for further collaborative research are identified

    Data organization for routing on the multi-modal public transportation system: a GIS-T prototype of Hong Kong Island.

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    Yu Hongbo.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 130-138).Abstracts in English and Chinese.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH --- p.i-iiABSTRACT IN CHINESE --- p.iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.iv-vTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.vi-viiiLIST OF TABLES --- p.ixLIST OF FIGURES --- p.x-xiChapter CHAPTER I --- INTRODUCTIONChapter 1.1 --- Problem Statement --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Research Purpose --- p.5Chapter 1.3 --- Significance --- p.7Chapter 1.4 --- Methodology --- p.8Chapter 1.5 --- Outline of the Thesis --- p.9Chapter CHAPTER II --- LITERATURE REVIEWChapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.12Chapter 2.2 --- Origin of GIS --- p.12Chapter 2.3 --- Development of GIS-T --- p.15Chapter 2.4 --- Capabilities of GIS-T --- p.18Chapter 2.5 --- Structure of a GIS-T --- p.19Chapter 2.5.1 --- Data Models for GIS-T --- p.19Chapter 2.5.2 --- Relational DBMS and Dueker-Butler's Data Model for Transportation --- p.22Chapter 2.5.3 --- Objected-oriented Approach --- p.25Chapter 2.6 --- Main Techniques of GIS-T --- p.26Chapter 2.6.1 --- Linear Location Reference System --- p.26Chapter 2.6.2 --- Dynamic Segmentation --- p.27Chapter 2.6.3 --- Planar and Non-planar Networks --- p.28Chapter 2.6.4 --- Turn-table --- p.28Chapter 2.7 --- Algorithms for Finding Shortest Paths on a Network --- p.29Chapter 2.7.1 --- Overview of Routing Algorithms --- p.29Chapter 2.7.2 --- Dijkstra's Algorithm --- p.31Chapter 2.7.3 --- Routing Models for the Multi-modal Network --- p.32Chapter 2.8 --- Recent Researches on GIS Data Models for the Multi-modal Transportation System --- p.33Chapter 2.9 --- Main Software Packages for GIS-T --- p.36Chapter 2.10 --- Summary --- p.37Chapter CHAPTER III --- MODELING THE MULTI-MODAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMChapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.40Chapter 3.2 --- Elaborated Stages and Methods for GIS Modeling --- p.40Chapter 3.3 --- Application Domain: The Multi-modal Public Transportation System --- p.43Chapter 3.3.1 --- Definition of a Multi-modal Public Transportation System --- p.43Chapter 3.3.2 --- Descriptions of the Multi-modal Public transportation System --- p.44Chapter 3.3.3 --- Objective of the Modeling Work --- p.46Chapter 3.4 --- A Layer-cake Based Application Domain Model for the Multi- modal Public Transportation System --- p.46Chapter 3.5 --- A Conceptual Model for the Multi-modal Public Transportation System --- p.49Chapter 3.6 --- Logical and Physical Implementation of the Data Model for the Multi-modal Public Transportation System --- p.54Chapter 3.7 --- Criteria for Routing on the Multi-modal Public Transportation System --- p.57Chapter 3.7.1 --- Least-time Routing --- p.58Chapter 3.7.2 --- Least-fare Routing --- p.60Chapter 3.7.3 --- Least-transfer Routing --- p.60Chapter 3.8 --- Summary --- p.61Chapter CHAPTER IV --- DATA PREPARATION FOR THE STUDY AREAChapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.53Chapter 4.2 --- The Study Area: Hong Kong Island --- p.63Chapter 4.2.1 --- General Information of the Transportation System on Hong Kong Island --- p.63Chapter 4.2.2 --- Reasons for Choosing Hong Kong Island as the Study Area --- p.66Chapter 4.2.3 --- Mass Transit Routes Selected for the Prototype --- p.67Chapter 4.3 --- Data Source and Data Collection --- p.67Chapter 4.4 --- Geographical Data Preparation --- p.71Chapter 4.4.1 --- Data Conversion --- p.73Chapter 4.4.2 --- Geographical Data Input --- p.79Chapter 4.5 --- Attribute Data Input --- p.86Chapter 4.6 --- Summary --- p.88Chapter CHAPTER V --- IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROTOTYPEChapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.89Chapter 5.2 --- Construction of the Route Service Network --- p.89Chapter 5.2.1 --- Generation of the Geographical Network --- p.90Chapter 5.2.2 --- Setting Attribute Data for the Route Service Network --- p.95Chapter 5.3 --- A GIS-T Prototype for the Study Area --- p.102Chapter 5.4 --- General GIS Functions of the Prototype --- p.104Chapter 5.4.1 --- Information Retrieve --- p.104Chapter 5.4.2 --- Display --- p.105Chapter 5.4.3 --- Data Query --- p.105Chapter 5.5 --- Routing in the Prototype --- p.105Chapter 5.5.1 --- Routing Procedure --- p.108Chapter 5.5.2 --- Examples and Results --- p.110Chapter 5.5.3 --- Comparison and Analysis --- p.113Chapter 5.6 --- Summary --- p.118Chapter CHAPTER VI --- CONCLUSIONChapter 6.1 --- Research Findings --- p.123Chapter 6.2 --- Research Limitations --- p.126Chapter 6.3 --- Direction of Further Studies --- p.128BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.13