5,782 research outputs found

    Entropy, Decoherence and Spacetime Splitting

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    Objects in classical world model are in an "either/or" kind of state. A compass needle cannot point both north and south at the same time. The quantum world, by contrast, is "both/and" and a magnetic atom model has no trouble at pointing both directions at once. When that is the case, physicists say that a quantum object is in a "superposition" of states. In previous paper, we already discussed the major intrinsic limitations of "Science 1.0" arbitrary multi-scale (AMS) modeling and strategies to get better simulation results by "Science 2.0" approach. In 2014, Computational information conservation theory (CICT) has shown that even the most sophisticated instrumentation system is completely unable to reliably discriminate so called "random noise" (RN) from any combinatorically optimized encoded message (OECS, optimized exponential cyclic sequence), called "deterministic noise" (DN) by CICT. Unfortunately, the "probabilistic veil" can be quite opaque computationally, and misplaced precision leads to confusion. The "Science 2.0" paradigm has not yet been completely grasped by many contemporary scientific disciplines and current researchers, so that not all the implications of this big change have been realized hitherto, even less their related, vital applications. Thus, one of the key questions in understanding the quantum-classical transition is what happens to the superposition as you go up that atoms-to-apple scale. Exactly when and how does "both/and" become "either/or"? As an example, we present and discuss the observer space-time splitting case. In other words, we show spacetime mapping to classical system additive representation with entropy generation. It is exactly at this point that "both/and" becomes "either/or" representation by usual Science 1.0 approach. CICT new awareness of a discrete HG (hyperbolic geometry) subspace (reciprocal space) of coded heterogeneous hyperbolic structures, underlying the familiar Q Euclidean (direct space) surface representation can open the way to holographic information geometry (HIG) to recover system lost coherence and to overall system minimum entropy representation

    A posteriori error estimation and modeling of unsaturated flow in fractured porous media

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on three topics: (1) modeling of unsaturated flow in fractured porous media, (2) a posteriori error estimation for mixed-dimensional elliptic equations, and (3) contributions to open-source software for complex multiphysics processes in porous media. In our first contribution, following a Discrete-Fracture Matrix (DFM) approach, we propose a model where Richards' equation governs the water flow in the matrix, whereas fractures are represented as lower-dimensional open channels, naturally providing a capillary barrier to the water flow. Therefore, water in the matrix is only allowed to imbibe the fracture if the capillary barrier is overcome. When this occurs, we assume that the water inside the fracture flows downwards without resistance and, therefore, is instantaneously at hydrostatic equilibrium. This assumption can be justifiable for fractures with sufficiently large apertures, where capillary forces play no role. Mathematically, our model can be classified as a coupled PDE-ODE system of equations with variational inequalities, in which each fracture is considered a potential seepage face. Our second contribution deals with error estimation for mixed-dimensional (mD) elliptic equations, which, in particular, model single-phase flow in fractured porous media. Here, based on the theory of functional a posteriori error estimates, we derive guaranteed upper bounds for the mD primal and mD dual variables, and two-sided bounds for the mD primal-dual pair. Moreover, we improve the standard results of the functional approach by proposing four ways of estimating the residual errors based on the conservation properties of the approximations, that is, (1) no conservation, (2) subdomain conservation, (3) local conservation, and (4) pointwise conservation. This results in sharper and fully-computable bounds when mass is conserved either locally or exactly. To our knowledge, to date, no error estimates have been available for fracture networks, including fracture intersections and floating subdomains. Our last contribution is related to the development of open-source software. First, we present the implementation of a new multipoint finite-volume-based module for unsaturated poroelasticity, compatible with the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST). Second, we present a new Python-based simulation framework for multiphysics processes in fractured porous media, named PorePy. PorePy, by design, is particularly well-suited for handling mixed-dimensional geometries, and thus optimal for DFM models. The first two contributions discussed above were implemented in PorePy.Denne avhandlingen tar for seg tre emner: (1) modellering av flyt i umettet porøst medium med sprekker, (2) a posteriori feilestimater for blandet-dimensjonale elliptiske ligninger, og (3) bidrag til åpen kildekode for komplekse multifysikk-prosesser i porøse medier. I det første bidraget anvender vi en Discrete-Fracture Matrix (DFM) (Diskret-Sprekk Matrise) metode til å sette opp en modell hvor Richard's ligning modellerer vann-flyt i matrisen, og sprekkene representeres som lavere-dimensjonale åpne kanaler, som naturlig virker som kapillærbarrierer til vann-flyten. Derfor vil vann i matrisen kun få tilgang til sprekken når kapillærbarrieren blir brutt. Når det inntreffer, antar vi at vannet i sprekken flyter nedover uten motstand, og at hydrostatisk ekvilibrium derfor inntreffer øyeblikkelig. Slike antakelser kan rettferdiggjøres for sprekker med tilstrekkelig stor apertur (åpning), hvor kapillærkrefter ikke har noen innvirkning. Fra et matematisk standpunkt kan modellen klassifiseres som en sammenkoblet PDE-ODE med variasjonelle ulikheter hvor hver sprekk behandles som en filtreringsfase. Det andre bidraget tar for seg feilestimater for blandet-dimensjonale elliptiske ligninger, som modellerer en-fase flyt i porøse medier med sprekker. Her anvender vi teorien for "funksjonal a posteriori feilestimater" til å finne øvre skranker for primær og dual variablene, samt øvre og nedre skranker for primær-dual paret. Dessuten viser vi at vi kan forbedre standardresultatene fra "funksjonal a posteriori feilestimater" ved å foreslå fire måte å estimere residualfeilen basert på bevaringsegenskapene til diskretiseringen. De fire forskjellige bevaringsegenskapene er; ingen bevaringsegenskap, under- domene bevaring, lokal bevaring og punktvis bevaring. Dette fører til skarpere skranker som er mulige å beregne når masse er bevart enten lokalt, eller eksakt. Vi kjenner ikke til andre tilgjengelige feilestimater for sprekknettverk som inkluderer snitt av sprekker og sprekkrender som ligger innenfor domenets rand. Det siste bidraget omhandler utvikling av åpen kildekode. Først presenterer vi imple- menteringen av en multipunktfluks-basert modul for flyt i umettet deformerbart porøst medium som er kompatibelt med "Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox"(MRST). I tillegg presenterer vi et nytt Python-basert rammeverk for simulering av multifysikkprosesser i porøse medier med sprekker, som heter PorePy. Dette rammeverket er designet for å håndtere geometrier med blandede dimensjoner og er derfor optimalt for DFM modeller. De to første bidragene i avhandlingen (nevnt over) er implementert i PorePy.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Simulation of Impedance Spectroscopy in Electroceramics Using a Finite Element Method

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    Dynamical Systems on Networks: A Tutorial

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    We give a tutorial for the study of dynamical systems on networks. We focus especially on "simple" situations that are tractable analytically, because they can be very insightful and provide useful springboards for the study of more complicated scenarios. We briefly motivate why examining dynamical systems on networks is interesting and important, and we then give several fascinating examples and discuss some theoretical results. We also briefly discuss dynamical systems on dynamical (i.e., time-dependent) networks, overview software implementations, and give an outlook on the field.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure, submitted, more examples and discussion than original version, some reorganization and also more pointers to interesting direction
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