375 research outputs found

    A research survey: review of flexible job shop scheduling techniques

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    In the last 25 years, extensive research has been carried out addressing the flexible job shop scheduling (JSS) problem. A variety of techniques ranging from exact methods to hybrid techniques have been used in this research. The paper aims at presenting the development of flexible JSS and a consolidated survey of various techniques that have been employed since 1990 for problem resolution. The paper comprises evaluation of publications and research methods used in various research papers. Finally, conclusions are drawn based on performed survey results. A total of 404 distinct publications were found addressing the FJSSP. Some of the research papers presented more than one technique/algorithm to solve the problem that is categorized into 410 different applications. Selected time period of these research papers is between 1990 and February 2014. Articles were searched mainly on major databases such as SpringerLink, Science Direct, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, EBSCO, etc. and other web sources. All databases were searched for “flexible job shop” and “scheduling” in the title an

    A survey of scheduling problems with setup times or costs

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    Author name used in this publication: C. T. NgAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Demand-side management in industrial sector:A review of heavy industries

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    A review of reinforcement learning based approaches for industrial demand response

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    Industrial demand response plays a key role in mitigating the operational challenges of smart grid brought by massive proliferation of distributed energy resources. However, industrial plants have complex and intertwined processes, which provides barriers for their participation in industrial demand response programs. This is in part due to the complexity and uncertainties of approximating systems models. More recently, reinforcement learning has emerged as a data-driven control technique for sequential decision-making under uncertainty. This emergence is strongly coupled with the abundance of data offered by advanced information technologies. The potential of applying reinforcement learning in industrial demand response is identified in this work by comparing pivotal aspects of reinforcement learning with the requirements of industrial demand response schemes

    A dynamic scheduling model for construction enterprises

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    The vast majority of researches in the scheduling context focused on finding optimal or near-optimal predictive schedules under different scheduling problem characteristics. In the construction industry, predictive schedules are often produced in advance in order to direct construction operations and to support other planning activities. However, construction projects operate in dynamic environments subject to various real-time events, which usually disrupt the predictive optimal schedules, leading to schedules neither feasible nor optimal. Accordingly, the development of a dynamic scheduling model which can accommodate these real-time events would be of great importance for the successful implementation of construction scheduling systems. This research sought to develop a dynamic scheduling based solution which can be practically used for real time analysis and scheduling of construction projects, in addition to resources optimization for construction enterprises. The literature reviews for scheduling, dynamic scheduling, and optimization showed that despite the numerous researches presented and application performed in the dynamic scheduling field within manufacturing and other industries, there was dearth in dynamic scheduling literature in relation to the construction industry. The research followed two main interacting research paths, a path related to the development of the practical solution, and another path related to the core model development. The aim of the first path (or the proposed practical solution path) was to develop a computer-based dynamic scheduling framework which can be used in practical applications within the construction industry. Following the scheduling literature review, the construction project management community s opinions about the problem under study and the user requirements for the proposed solution were collected from 364 construction project management practitioners from 52 countries via a questionnaire survey and were used to form the basis for the functional specifications of a dynamic scheduling framework. The framework was in the form of a software tool fully integrated with current planning/scheduling practices with all core modelling which can support the integration of the dynamic scheduling processes to the current planning/scheduling process with minimal experience requirement from users about optimization. The second research path, or the dynamic scheduling core model development path, started with the development of a mathematical model based on the scheduling models in literature, with several extensions according to the practical considerations related to the construction industry, as investigated in the questionnaire survey. Scheduling problems are complex from operational research perspective; so, for the proposed solution to be functional in optimizing construction schedules, an optimization algorithm was developed to suit the problem's characteristics and to be used as part of the dynamic scheduling model's core. The developed algorithm contained few contributions to the scheduling context (such as schedule justification heuristics, and rectification to schedule generation schemes), as well as suggested modifications to the formulation and process of the adopted optimization technique (particle swarm optimization) leading to considerable improvement to this techniques outputs with respect to schedules quality. After the completion of the model development path, the first research path was concluded by combining the gathered solution's functional specifications and the developed dynamic scheduling model into a software tool, which was developed to verify & validate the proposed model s functionalities and the overall solution s practicality and scalability. The verification process started with an extensive testing of the model s static functionality using several well recognized scheduling problem sets available in literature, and the results showed that the developed algorithm can be ranked as one of the best state-of-the-art algorithms for solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems. To verify the software tool and the dynamic features of the developed model (or the formulation of data transfers from one optimization stage to the next), a case study was implemented on a construction entity in the Arabian Gulf area, having a mega project under construction, with all aspects to resemble an enterprise structure. The case study results showed that the proposed solution reasonably performed under large scale practical application (where all optimization targets were met in reasonable time) for all designed schedule preparation processes (baseline, progress updates, look-ahead schedules, and what-if schedules). Finally, to confirm and validate the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed solution, the solution's framework and the verification results were presented to field experts, and their opinions were collected through validation forms. The feedbacks received were very positive, where field experts/practitioners confirmed that the proposed solution achieved the main functionalities as designed in the solution s framework, and performed efficiently under the complexity of the applied case study

    Cost Factor Focused Scheduling and Sequencing: A Neoteric Literature Review

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    The hastily emergent concern from researchers in the application of scheduling and sequencing has urged the necessity for analysis of the latest research growth to construct a new outline. This paper focuses on the literature on cost minimization as a primary aim in scheduling problems represented with less significance as a whole in the past literature reviews. The purpose of this paper is to have an intensive study to clarify the development of cost-based scheduling and sequencing (CSS) by reviewing the work published over several parameters for improving the understanding in this field. Various parameters, such as scheduling models, algorithms, industries, journals, publishers, publication year, authors, countries, constraints, objectives, uncertainties, computational time, and programming languages and optimization software packages are considered. In this research, the literature review of CSS is done for thirteen years (2010-2022). Although CSS research originated in manufacturing, it has been observed that CSS research publications also addressed case studies based on health, transportation, railway, airport, steel, textile, education, ship, petrochemical, inspection, and construction projects. A detailed evaluation of the literature is followed by significant information found in the study, literature analysis, gaps identification, constraints of work done, and opportunities in future research for the researchers and experts from the industries in CSS

    Energy-aware coordination of machine scheduling and support device recharging in production systems

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    Electricity generation from renewable energy sources is crucial for achieving climate targets, including greenhouse gas neutrality. Germany has made significant progress in increasing renewable energy generation. However, feed-in management actions have led to losses of renewable electricity in the past years, primarily from wind energy. These actions aim to maintain grid stability but result in excess renewable energy that goes unused. The lost electricity could have powered a multitude of households and saved CO2 emissions. Moreover, feed-in management actions incurred compensation claims of around 807 million Euros in 2021. Wind-abundant regions like Schleswig-Holstein are particularly affected by these actions, resulting in substantial losses of renewable electricity production. Expanding the power grid infrastructure is a costly and time-consuming solution to avoid feed-in management actions. An alternative approach is to increase local electricity consumption during peak renewable generation periods, which can help balance electricity supply and demand and reduce feed-in management actions. The dissertation focuses on energy-aware manufacturing decision-making, exploring ways to counteract feed-in management actions by increasing local industrial consumption during renewable generation peaks. The research proposes to guide production management decisions, synchronizing a company's energy consumption profile with renewable energy availability for more environmentally friendly production and improved grid stability

    Scheduling With Alternatives Machine Using Fuzzy Inference System And Genetic Algorithm.

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    As the manufacturing activities in today's industries are getting more and more complex, it is required for the manufacturing company to have a good shop floor production scheduling to plan and schedule their production orders. Industri pengeluarcim kini telah berkembang pesat dan aktiviti pengeluarannya semakin kompleks, dengan itu syarikat pengeluar memerlukan jadual lantai pengeluaran (shop floor) yang terbaik untuk merancang permintaan pengeluaran (product)

    Surrogate-based optimization of a periodic rescheduling algorithm

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    Periodic rescheduling is an iterative method for real-time decision-making on industrial process operations. The design of such methods involves high-level when-to-schedule and how-to-schedule decisions, the optimal choices of which depend on the operating environment. The evaluation of the choices typically requires computationally costly simulation of the process, which-if not sufficiently efficient-may result in a failure to deploy the system in practice. We propose the continuous control parameter choices, such as the re-optimization frequency and horizon length, to be determined using surrogate-based optimization. We demonstrate the method on real-time rebalancing of a bike sharing system. Our results on three test cases indicate that the method is useful in reducing the computational cost of optimizing an online algorithm in comparison to the full factorial sampling.Peer reviewe