18 research outputs found

    Parameterized Verification of Safety Properties in Ad Hoc Network Protocols

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    We summarize the main results proved in recent work on the parameterized verification of safety properties for ad hoc network protocols. We consider a model in which the communication topology of a network is represented as a graph. Nodes represent states of individual processes. Adjacent nodes represent single-hop neighbors. Processes are finite state automata that communicate via selective broadcast messages. Reception of a broadcast is restricted to single-hop neighbors. For this model we consider a decision problem that can be expressed as the verification of the existence of an initial topology in which the execution of the protocol can lead to a configuration with at least one node in a certain state. The decision problem is parametric both on the size and on the form of the communication topology of the initial configurations. We draw a complete picture of the decidability and complexity boundaries of this problem according to various assumptions on the possible topologies.Comment: In Proceedings PACO 2011, arXiv:1108.145

    Graph- versus Vector-Based Analysis of a Consensus Protocol

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    The Paxos distributed consensus algorithm is a challenging case-study for standard, vector-based model checking techniques. Due to asynchronous communication, exhaustive analysis may generate very large state spaces already for small model instances. In this paper, we show the advantages of graph transformation as an alternative modelling technique. We model Paxos in a rich declarative transformation language, featuring (among other things) nested quantifiers, and we validate our model using the GROOVE model checker, a graph-based tool that exploits isomorphism as a natural way to prune the state space via symmetry reductions. We compare the results with those obtained by the standard model checker Spin on the basis of a vector-based encoding of the algorithm.Comment: In Proceedings GRAPHITE 2014, arXiv:1407.767

    D-SAR: A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time, Closed-Loop Control in Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

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    Current wireless standards and protocols for industrial applications such as WirelessHART and ISA100.11a typically use centralized network management techniques for communication scheduling and route establishment. However, large-scale centralized systems can have several drawbacks. They have difficulty in coping with disturbances or changes within the network in real-time. Large-scale centralized systems can also have highly variable latencies thus making them unsuitable for closed-loop control applications. To address these problems, this paper describes D-SAR, a distributed resource reservation algorithm which would allow source nodes to meet the Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of the application in real-time, when carrying out peer-to-peer communication. The presented solution uses concepts derived from relevant networking-related domains such as circuit switching and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks and applies them to wireless sensor and actuator networks

    Model Checking Paxos in Spin

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    We present a formal model of a distributed consensus algorithm in the executable specification language Promela extended with a new type of guards, called counting guards, needed to implement transitions that depend on majority voting. Our formalization exploits abstractions that follow from reduction theorems applied to the specific case-study. We apply the model checker Spin to automatically validate finite instances of the model and to extract preconditions on the size of quorums used in the election phases of the protocol.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Distributed Parametric and Statistical Model Checking

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    Statistical Model Checking (SMC) is a trade-off between testing and formal verification. The core idea of the approach is to conduct some simulations of the system and verify if they satisfy some given property. In this paper we show that SMC is easily parallelizable on a master/slaves architecture by introducing a series of algorithms that scale almost linearly with respect to the number of slave computers. Our approach has been implemented in the UPPAAL SMC toolset and applied on non-trivial case studies.Comment: In Proceedings PDMC 2011, arXiv:1111.006

    A Probabilistic Model of the LMAC Protocol for Concurrent Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Modelling and Verification of Large-Scale Sensor Network Infrastructures

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    Large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSN) are increasingly deployed and an open question is how they can support multiple applications. Networks and sensing devices are typically heterogeneous and evolving: topologies change, nodes drop in and out of the network, and devices are reconfigured. The key question we address is how to verify that application requirements are met, individually and collectively, and can continue to be met, in the context of large-scale, evolving network and device configurations. We define a modelling and verification framework based on Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS) for modelling, with bigraph patterns and temporal logic properties for specifying application requirements. The bigraph diagrammatic notation provides an intuitive representation of concepts such as hierarchies, communication, events and spatial relationships, which are fundamental to WSNs. We demonstrate modelling and verification through a real-life urban environmental monitoring case-study. A novel contribution is automated online verification using BigraphER and replay of real-life sensed data streams and network events by the Cooja network simulator. Performance results for verification of two application properties running on a WSN with up to 200 nodes indicate our framework is capable of handling WSNs of that scale