637 research outputs found

    Facilitating inner-strength building in adolescent girls with depressive symptoms through ego state therapy and creative expressive art in therapy

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    Abstract : Depression has become an epidemic in the 21th century, and the age of those presenting with depressive symptoms continues to drop to early adolescence. Research and statistics have also shown that adolescent girls are more susceptible to experience depression than adolescent boys. As the current approaches to the treatment of depression have some short-comings, this research study proposed an additional framework to the treatment of depression in adolescents. This framework was based on the implementation of the Ericksonian principle of utilisation, namely, utilising and building upon the client’s assets and strengths in therapy. It was also based on the SARI model of ego state therapy as it expanded on phase one of the SARI model and enhanced its implementation in dealing with adolescent girls with depressive symptoms. Part of Phase 1 of the SARI model includes hypnosis for inner strength building. Hypnosis is a technique which has been used in this study. This framework was further based on the implementation of creative expressive art in therapy. The objectives of this study were to develop and describe a framework which aimed at facilitating inner strength building in adolescent girls with depressive symptoms, as well as to propose guidelines for the implementation of this framework. Inner strength is defined as that part of the psyche that remains intact, vibrant and resourceful, even as the client presents with symptoms of distress. Due to the lack of research regarding the building of inner strength in adolescent girls with depressive symptoms through ego state therapy and creative expressive art in therapy, this study aspired to address this gap. A qualitative approach has been used for this study. The design employed was that of multiple case study. The data was collected from five different sources, namely, audio recordings and transcriptions, observation, reflections, documentation and artefacts. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the material. For the purpose of the research, three participants were chosen. Each participant attended nine therapeutic sessions based on the framework suggested by this study. It became evident at the outcome of the sessions, that throughout the process, the participants felt that their inner strength grew and their depressive symptoms diminished. This research contributed to the world of theory and practice by proposing a unique, practical and brief framework for the treatment of depression in adolescent girls. It is recommended that further research be conducted in order to evaluate this framework in different conditions.D.Ed. (Educational Psychology

    Creative management: theoretical foundations

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    У сучасному динамічному житті нові непередбачувані події, що відбуваються все більше і більше, повалюють, або приносять успіх і процвітання, або порушують життєвий шлях та діяльність багатьох людей, організацій, країн, регіонів. Наша неспроможність сприймати випадкові непрограмовані події обумовлена ​​тим, що результатом традиційної освіти є вміння логічно відображати та аналізувати інформацію. Для успішної роботи в умовах збільшення непередбачуваності та розбіжностей соціально-економічного розвитку необхідно, крім інфологічної парадигми сприйняття навколишнього світу, оволодіти парадигмою осягнення та творчої роботи. У цьому креативному менеджменті є способи та методи переключення тренінгів менеджерів, інженерів, підприємців на рівень конструктивного креативного мислення та активності шляхом поєднання логіки та евристичності. Монографія призначена для студентів та аспірантів, докторантів, керівників інструкторів та практиків менеджменту в економічній сфері, інженерних кадрів, усіх, хто хоче активно та цілеспрямовано працювати для процвітання своєї організації та творчого розвитку особистості. Це оригінальний ключ до розуміння сучасності та бачення майбутнього сучасної організації та соціально-економічного розвитку в цілому шляхом активізації гуманної творчої діяльності людини.В современной динамичной жизни происходят новые непредсказуемые события, все более свершающие, либо приносящие успех и процветание, либо нарушающие жизненный путь и деятельность многих людей, организаций, стран, регионов. Наша неготовность воспринимать случайные непрограммируемые события обусловлена ​​тем, что результатом традиционного образования является способность логически отражать и анализировать информацию. Для того, чтобы успешно работать в условиях повышения непредсказуемости и несоответствия социально-экономического развития, помимо парадигмы восприятия окружающего мира необходимо освоить парадигму понимания и творчества. В этом креативном менеджменте есть способы и способы переключения обучения менеджеров, инженеров, предпринимателей на уровень конструктивного творческого мышления и деятельности посредством сочетания логики и эвристики. Монография, предназначенная для студентов и аспирантов, докторантов, управленческих инструкторов и практиков менеджмента в экономической сфере, инженерных кадров, всех, кто хочет активно и целенаправленно работать ради процветания своей организации и творческого развития личности. Это оригинальный ключ к пониманию настоящего и видению будущего современной организации и социально-экономического развития в целом за счет активизации гуманной творческой деятельности человека.In a modern dynamic life new unpredictable events occurring more and more, overthrowing, either bringing success and prosperity or breaking a course of life and activity of many people, organizations, countries, regions. Our unreadiness to perceive random nonprogrammable events is caused by that the result of traditional education is ability to logically reflect and analyze the information. In order to work successfully under the conditions of increase of unpredictability and discrepancy of social and economic development, it is necessary besides infological paradigm of perception of the world around to master the paradigm of comprehension and creative work. In this creative management there are ways and methods of switching over of training of managers, engineers, entrepreneurs to level of constructive creative thinking and activity by way of combination of logic and heuristicity. The monograph meant for under- and postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, management instructors and practitioners of management in the economic sphere, engineering personnel, everybody who wants to work actively and purposefully for prosperity of one’s organization and personality creative development. This is an original key to understanding of the present and vision of the future of a modern organization and socioeconomic development on the whole through activation of humane creative activity of the person

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Russian version of self-evaluation instruments for the evaluation of soft skills, future expectations and positivity of high-school students

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    Lo studio è dedicato all'adattamento interculturale e alla convalida della versione russa degli strumenti per studiare l'autovalutazione, le aspettative dal futuro e la positività degli studenti delle scuole superiori. Nella parte teorica, c'è uno studio dell'immagine del futuro, le aspettative dal futuro, così come le soft skills per studiare l'autovalutazione. Nella parte preliminare, è stato condotto uno studio pilota per tradurre, adattare e validare gli strumenti selezionati per il test delle ipotesi. Nella parte principale, è stata effettuata una rianalisi degli strumenti tradotti e sono state testate le ipotesi dello studio. In conclusione, vengono presentati i risultati degli obiettivi e vengono tratte conclusioni sulle prospettive di ulteriore studio dell'autovalutazione, delle aspettative sul futuro e della positività degli studenti delle scuole superiori. Le ipotesi dello studio erano: livelli più elevati di soft skill sono positivamente associati a positività e aspettative future ottimistiche; una maggiore positività è positivamente associata a aspettative future positive; attraverso il background culturale e il genere, i partecipanti differiscono nel loro modo di percepire il futuro. Gli obiettivi della ricerca sono stati: adattamento culturale e validazione del questionario sulle aspettative future degli studenti al contesto educativo russo; adattamento culturale e validazione del questionario di autovalutazione delle soft skill (3SQ) al contesto educativo russo; adattamento culturale e validazione della scala di positività (scala P) al contesto educativo russo; indagare su come i livelli di soft skill più elevati siano positivamente associati alla positività e alle aspettative future ottimistiche; indagare su come una positività più elevata sia positivamente associata alle aspettative future positive; indagare su come attraverso il background culturale e il genere, i partecipanti differiscano nel loro modo di percepire il futuro; trarre conclusioni sulle prospettive future della ricerca in Russia per studiare l'immagine del futuro, l'autovalutazione delle soft skills e l'associazione di positività. Il campione target era costituito da 339 studenti delle scuole superiori. Ci si aspettava di presentare la coerenza interna e l'affidabilità della versione russa degli strumenti. Le analisi EFA e CFA sono state utilizzate per testare la bontà della misura. Il criterio di Pearson e l'analisi 2-way ANOVA sono stati impiegati per testare le ipotesi. Tutti gli obiettivi sono stati raggiunti, le conclusioni fatte e le opinioni tratte sulle prospettive dell'ulteriore studio


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    TB is the most deadly infectious disease in the world, and stigma continues to play a significant role in worsening the epidemic. Stigma and discrimination not only stop people from seeking care but also make it more difficult for those on treatment to continue, both of which make the disease more difficult to treat in the long-term and mean those infected are more likely to transmit the disease to those around them. TB Stigma – Measurement Guidance is a manual to help generate enough information about stigma issues to design and monitor and evaluate efforts to reduce TB stigma. It can help in planning TB stigma baseline measurements and monitoring trends to capture the outcomes of TB stigma reduction efforts. This manual is designed for health workers, professional or management staff, people who advocate for those with TB, and all who need to understand and respond to TB stigma

    Ethical Transhumanism: How can a nudge approach to public health make human enhancement more ethical?

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    Transhumanism at once embodies our most modern thinking and our biggest longstanding problems. Transhumanism aims to enhance human core capacities: health-span, lifespan, and cognition. The thesis answers the following ethical challenges arising from transhumanist aims. First, whether transhumanism can be an ethical endeavour if it relies on authoritarian intervention by governments and governing bodies to change, generate and enforce behaviour, or to influence and enforce the uptake of medical procedures. Second, the thesis answers the challenge that it is unethical deliberately to encourage the uptake of and pursuit of medical transhumanism given the extent of accessibility and distributive issues that remain unresolved in existing medicine. Finally, the thesis addresses a particular mental health crisis that is often predicted for transhuman beings, namely loss of meaning from loss of death and vulnerability, resulting in widespread loss of social cohesion. The thesis argues that the right solution to the first two problems is a libertarian paternalist approach, viz. nudging, and that this approach will also neutralise the risk of widespread and inevitable boredom or alienation that might otherwise result from the widespread introduction of human enhancement if people are nudged to engage more and more reflectively in their enhancement choices. Additionally, lifestyle issues like obesity, heart disease, cancers, and inaccessibility of vaccines and birth control pose unresolved problems for existing general medicine, killing millions every year worldwide. As a result, another serious challenge for enhancement medicine, which I propose would be addressed by the nudge approach, is to justify its place in the professional domain of medicine

    Simultaneous Impact Of Juxtaposed Learning Theories On Learner Information Processing Ability For Cognitive Growth And Development

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    ThesisThe scientific knowledge base that undergirds and serves as a nexus to unravel the complexity of the ubiquitous but subtle factors to learn maximally is couched in the fields of educational psychology (specifically, cognitive psychology) and educational neuroscience. Within this ambit, the researcher sought to investigate the mental dynamics that are primary, draw, and necessitate attention prior to information becoming knowledge to learners in the classroom. Hence, the appropriate topic for the study as conceived by the researcher is, The simultaneous impact of juxtaposed learning theories on learner information processing ability for cognitive growth and development. The dynamics of learning studied and explained in this study, align with the researcher’s inquisitiveness regarding “How best to teach learners, so that they can learn best.” Thus, the study appeals to teachers for the need to take recourse to the required considerations of juxtaposed learning theories in the classroom towards the enhancement of learners’ information processing abilities. The considerations are encapsulated in the qualitative behaviours of learner’s conscious awareness, cognitive engagement, and metacognitive engagement. The study irradiated the research paradigm, research design, and the research survey method (sample, data collection, and data analysis) employed to answer the research questions and to statistically reject, or fail to accept, the stipulated hypotheses of the study. A questionnaire was designed as a research instrument to collect data. Furthermore, the validity and reliability tests, as well as tests for statistical assumptions were conducted. Inferential statistics were employed to test the Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) hypotheses and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) hypotheses. It is proper to conclude that from the researcher’s suggested model MEIPAC (Model to Engender Information Processing Ability in the Classroom), the variables germane to information processing by the learners, and the variables that undergird good and successful teachers in facilitating effective and efficient processing of information by learners, are paramount. The results, discussions, and recommendations of the study, therefore, attest to the latter, and the need for teachers to heed The simultaneous impact of juxtaposed learning theories on learner information processing ability for cognitive growth and development