108,529 research outputs found

    Formal modelling for Ada implementations: tasking Event-B

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    This paper describes a formal modelling approach, where Ada code is automatically generated from the modelling artefacts. We introduce an implementation-level specification, Tasking Event-B, which is an extension to Event-B. Event-B is a formal method, that can be used to model safety-, and business-critical systems. The work may be of interest to a section of the Ada community who are interested in applying formal modelling techniques in their development process, and automatically generating Ada code from the model. We describe a streamlined process, where the abstract modelling artefacts map easily to Ada language constructs. Initial modelling takes place at a high level of abstraction. We then use refinement, decomposition, and finally implementation-level annotations, to generate Ada code. We provide a brief introduction to Event-B, before illustrating the new approach using small examples taken from a larger case study

    Shared Event Composition/Decomposition in Event-B

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    The construction of specifications is often a combination of smaller sub-components. Composition and decomposition are techniques that support reuse and allow us to formally combine sub-components through refinement steps while reusing their properties. Sub-components can result from a design or architectural goal and a refinement framework should allow further parallel development over the sub-components. We propose the definition of composition and decomposition in the Event-B formalism following a shared event approach where sub-components interact via synchronisation over shared events and shared states are not allow. We define the necessary proof obligations to ensure a valid composition or decomposition. We also show that shared event composition preserves refinement proofs for sub-components, that is, in order to maintain refinement of compositions, it is sufficient to prove refinement between corresponding subcomponents. A case study applying these two techniques is illustrated using Rodin, the Event-B toolset

    On Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Real-Time Systems

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    This paper motivates the need for a formalism for the modelling and analysis of dynamic reconfiguration of dependable real-time systems. We present requirements that the formalism must meet, and use these to evaluate well established formalisms and two process algebras that we have been developing, namely, Webpi and CCSdp. A simple case study is developed to illustrate the modelling power of these two formalisms. The paper shows how Webpi and CCSdp represent a significant step forward in modelling adaptive and dependable real-time systems.Comment: Presented and published at DEPEND 201

    Event-B Patterns for Specifying Fault-Tolerance in Multi-Agent Interaction

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    Interaction in a multi-agent system is susceptible to failure. A rigorous development of a multi-agent system must include the treatment of fault-tolerance of agent interactions for the agents to be able to continue to function independently. Patterns can be used to capture fault-tolerance techniques. A set of modelling patterns is presented that specify fault-tolerance in Event-B specifications of multi-agent interactions. The purpose of these patterns is to capture common modelling structures for distributed agent interaction in a form that is re-usable on other related developments. The patterns have been applied to a case study of the contract net interaction protocol

    A systematic approach to atomicity decomposition in Event-B

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    Event-B is a state-based formal method that supports a refinement process in which an abstract model is elaborated towards an implementation in a step-wise manner. One weakness of Event-B is that control flow between events is typically modelled implicitly via variables and event guards. While this fits well with Event-B refinement, it can make models involving sequencing of events more difficult to specify and understand than if control flow was explicitly specified. New events may be introduced in Event-B refinement and these are often used to decompose the atomicity of an abstract event into a series of steps. A second weakness of Event-B is that there is no explicit link between such new events that represent a step in the decomposition of atomicity and the abstract event to which they contribute. To address these weaknesses, atomicity decomposition diagrams support the explicit modelling of control flow and refinement relationships for new events. In previous work,the atomicity decomposition approach has been evaluated manually in the development of two large case studies, a multi media protocol and a spacecraft sub-system. The evaluation results helped us to develop a systematic definition of the atomicity decomposition approach, and to develop a tool supporting the approach. In this paper we outline this systematic definition of the approach, the tool that supports it and evaluate the contribution that the tool makes

    On the Notion of Abstract Platform in MDA Development

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    Although platform-independence is a central property in MDA models, the study of platform-independence has been largely overlooked in MDA. As a consequence, there is a lack of guidelines to select abstraction criteria and modelling concepts for platform-independent design. In addition, there is little methodological support to distinguish between platform-independent and platform-specific concerns, which could be detrimental to the beneficial exploitation of the PIM-PSM separation-of-concerns adopted by MDA. This work is an attempt towards clarifying the notion of platform-independent modelling in MDA development. We argue that each level of platform-independence must be accompanied by the identification of an abstract platform. An abstract platform is determined by the platform characteristics that are relevant for applications at a certain level of platform-independence, and must be established by balancing various design goals. We present some methodological principles for abstract platform design, which forms a basis for defining requirements for design languages intended to support platform-independent design. Since our methodological framework is based on the notion of abstract platform, we pay particular attention to the definition of abstract platforms and the language requirements to specify abstract platforms. We discuss how the concept of abstract platform relates to UML

    Distributed Individual-Based Environmental Simulation

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    This paper describes the development and construction of a distributed model allowing the simulation of a large population. Particular attention will be paid to allowing the modelling of an individual's behaviour, communication and interaction with a shared environment. Individual based modelling is not a new concept, nor is the idea of distributed simulations, the system detailed here offers a means of combining these two paradigms into one large-scale modelling environment. A key concept in this system is that each individual being modelled is implemented as a separate process. This atomisation of the model allows the simulation a greater flexibility, individuals can be rapidly developed and the simulation can be spread over a wide number of machines of varying architectures. In an attempt to produce a flexible, extensible, individual based model of a large number of individual subjects the client-server paradigm has been employed. Combining the individual-based modelling techniques with a client-server network architecture has been found to be quite straightforward with the added bonus of having communication between individuals included for free. The idea of considering the problem as one of interaction between an individual and the environment means that the problems normally associated with distributed simulations, those of continuity of world-views for different clients and of communication between clients, are easily solved. Although this system has been developed originally to allow simulations of the Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla Beringe) population, the modelling methods employed have meant that almost any entity can be simulated with very little change to the basic simulation processes
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