8,341 research outputs found

    Research trends in customer churn prediction: A data mining approach

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    This study aims to present a very recent literature review on customer churn prediction based on 40 relevant articles published between 2010 and June 2020. For searching the literature, the 40 most relevant articles according to Google Scholar ranking were selected and collected. Then, each of the articles were scrutinized according to six main dimensions: Reference; Areas of Research; Main Goal; Dataset; Techniques; outcomes. The research has proven that the most widely used data mining techniques are decision tree (DT), support vector machines (SVM) and Logistic Regression (LR). The process combined with the massive data accumulation in the telecom industry and the increasingly mature data mining technology motivates the development and application of customer churn model to predict the customer behavior. Therefore, the telecom company can effectively predict the churn of customers, and then avoid customer churn by taking measures such as reducing monthly fixed fees. The present literature review offers recent insights on customer churn prediction scientific literature, revealing research gaps, providing evidences on current trends and helping to understand how to develop accurate and efficient Marketing strategies. The most important finding is that artificial intelligence techniques are are obviously becoming more used in recent years for telecom customer churn prediction. Especially, artificial NN are outstandingly recognized as a competent prediction method. This is a relevant topic for journals related to other social sciences, such as Banking, and also telecom data make up an outstanding source for developing novel prediction modeling techniques. Thus, this study can lead to recommendations for future customer churn prediction improvement, in addition to providing an overview of current research trends.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Customer Churn Prediction in Telecom Sector: A Survey and way a head

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    © 2021 International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The telecommunication (telecom)industry is a highly technological domain has rapidly developed over the previous decades as a result of the commercial success in mobile communication and the internet. Due to the strong competition in the telecom industry market, companies use a business strategy to better understand their customers’ needs and measure their satisfaction. This helps telecom companies to improve their retention power and reduces the probability to churn. Knowing the reasons behind customer churn and the use of Machine Learning (ML) approaches for analyzing customers' information can be of great value for churn management. This paper aims to study the importance of Customer Churn Prediction (CCP) and recent research in the field of CCP. Challenges and open issues that need further research and development to CCP in the telecom sector are exploredPeer reviewe

    Mass Customization in Wireless Communication Services: Individual Service Bundles and Tariffs

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    This paper presents results on mass customization of wireless communications services and tariffs. It advocates for a user-centric view of wireless service configuration and pricing as opposed to present-day service catalog options. The focus is on design methodology and tools for such individual services and tariffs, using altogether information compression, negotiation algorithms, and risk portfolio analysis. We first analyze the user and supplier needs and aspirations. We then introduce the systematic design-oriented approach which can be applied. The implications of this approach for users and suppliers are discussed based on an end-user survey and on model-based calculations. It is shown that users can achieve desired service bundle cost reduction, while suppliers can improve significantly their risk-profit equilibrium points, reduce churn and simplify provisioning.negotiation;mass customization;service configuration;mobile communication services;individual tariffs

    Customer retention

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, May 2018The aim of this study is to model the probability of a customer to attrite/defect from a bank where, for example, the bank is not their preferred/primary bank for salary deposits. The termination of deposit inflow serves as the outcome parameter and the random forest modelling technique was used to predict the outcome, in which new data sources (transactional data) were explored to add predictive power. The conventional logistic regression modelling technique was used to benchmark the random forest’s results. It was found that the random forest model slightly overfit during the training process and loses predictive power during validation and out of training period data. The random forest model, however, remains predictive and performs better than logistic regression at a cut-off probability of 20%.MT 201

    Supplier Selection and Relationship Management: An Application of Machine Learning Techniques

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    Managing supply chains is an extremely challenging task due to globalization, short product life cycle, and recent advancements in information technology. These changes result in the increasing importance of managing the relationship with suppliers. However, the supplier selection literature mainly focuses on selecting suppliers based on previous performance, environmental and social criteria and ignores supplier relationship management. Moreover, although the explosion of data and the capabilities of machine learning techniques in handling dynamic and fast changing environment show promising results in customer relationship management, especially in customer lifetime value, this area has been untouched in the upstream side of supply chains. This research is an attempt to address this gap by proposing a framework to predict supplier future value, by incorporating the contract history data, relationship value, and supply network properties. The proposed model is empirically tested for suppliers of public works and government services Canada. Methodology wise, this thesis demonstrates the application of machine learning techniques for supplier selection and developing effective strategies for managing relationships. Practically, the proposed framework equips supply chain managers with a proactive and forward-looking approach for managing supplier relationship

    Advanced Algorithm for Prediction of Churn in Various Industries in the Fast Growing World

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    In the study it has been proven that the cost of acquisition of a new customer is much more then thecost of the retention of the existing customer. Also, it becomes very easy for the organizations if they come to know of the customers that are likely to get churn in advance studying the behavioral aspects so that they can take appropriate measures to keep the customer in their own territory. So, there has been a lot of study on the existing algorithms to understand which can provide the better accuracy in terms of the prediction analysis of their customers. This can be very useful for the service providers to in order to maintain trust and loyaltytowards their customers and in good will against their competitors

    Cross-company customer churn prediction in telecommunication: A comparison of data transformation methods

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Cross-Company Churn Prediction (CCCP) is a domain of research where one company (target) is lacking enough data and can use data from another company (source) to predict customer churn successfully. To support CCCP, the cross-company data is usually transformed to a set of similar normal distribution of target company data prior to building a CCCP model. However, it is still unclear which data transformation method is most effective in CCCP. Also, the impact of data transformation methods on CCCP model performance using different classifiers have not been comprehensively explored in the telecommunication sector. In this study, we devised a model for CCCP using data transformation methods (i.e., log, z-score, rank and box-cox) and presented not only an extensive comparison to validate the impact of these transformation methods in CCCP, but also evaluated the performance of underlying baseline classifiers (i.e., Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Gradient Boosted Tree (GBT), Single Rule Induction (SRI) and Deep learner Neural net (DP)) for customer churn prediction in telecommunication sector using the above mentioned data transformation methods. We performed experiments on publicly available datasets related to the telecommunication sector. The results demonstrated that most of the data transformation methods (e.g., log, rank, and box-cox) improve the performance of CCCP significantly. However, the Z-Score data transformation method could not achieve better results as compared to the rest of the data transformation methods in this study. Moreover, it is also investigated that the CCCP model based on NB outperform on transformed data and DP, KNN and GBT performed on the average, while SRI classifier did not show significant results in term of the commonly used evaluation measures (i.e., probability of detection, probability of false alarm, area under the curve and g-mean)

    Facilitating insight into a simulation model using visualization and dynamic model previews

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    This paper shows how model simplification, by replacing iterative steps with unitary predictive equations, can enable dynamic interaction with a complex simulation process. Model previews extend the techniques of dynamic querying and query previews into the context of ad hoc simulation model exploration. A case study is presented within the domain of counter-current chromatography. The relatively novel method of insight evaluation was applied, given the exploratory nature of the task. The evaluation data show that the trade-off in accuracy is far outweighed by benefits of dynamic interaction. The number of insights gained using the enhanced interactive version of the computer model was more than six times higher than the number of insights gained using the basic version of the model. There was also a trend for dynamic interaction to facilitate insights of greater domain importance

    A comparative study of tree-based models for churn prediction : a case study in the telecommunication sector

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMIn the recent years the topic of customer churn gains an increasing importance, which is the phenomena of the customers abandoning the company to another in the future. Customer churn plays an important role especially in the more saturated industries like telecommunication industry. Since the existing customers are very valuable and the acquisition cost of new customers is very high nowadays. The companies want to know which of their customers and when are they going to churn to another provider, so that measures can be taken to retain the customers who are at risk of churning. Such measures could be in the form of incentives to the churners, but the downside is the wrong classification of a churners will cost the company a lot, especially when incentives are given to some non-churner customers. The common challenge to predict customer churn will be how to pre-process the data and which algorithm to choose, especially when the dataset is heterogeneous which is very common for telecommunication companies’ datasets. The presented thesis aims at predicting customer churn for telecommunication sector using different decision tree algorithms and its ensemble models