10 research outputs found

    Fast GPU-Based Seismogram Simulation From Microseismic Events in Marine Environments Using Heterogeneous Velocity Models

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    A novel approach is presented for fast generation of synthetic seismograms due to microseismic events, using heterogeneous marine velocity models. The partial differential equations (PDEs) for the 3D elastic wave equation have been numerically solved using the Fourier domain pseudo-spectral method which is parallelizable on the graphics processing unit (GPU) cards, thus making it faster compared to traditional CPU based computing platforms. Due to computationally expensive forward simulation of large geological models, several combinations of individual synthetic seismic traces are used for specified microseismic event locations, in order to simulate the effect of realistic microseismic activity patterns in the subsurface. We here explore the patterns generated by few hundreds of microseismic events with different source mechanisms using various combinations, both in event amplitudes and origin times, using the simulated pressure and three component particle velocity fields via 1D, 2D and 3D seismic visualizations.Shell Projects and Technolog

    Multi-GPU acceleration of a DGTD method for modeling human exposure to electromagnetic waves

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    We present a high performance computing methodology for the simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in biological tissues and its application to the numerical evaluation of radio frequency absorption in head tissues as they are exposed to radiation from a cellular phone. For this purpose, the system of time-domain Maxwell equations is discretized in space by a discontinuous Galerkin method which is formulated on a tetrahedral mesh and which relies on a high order interpolation of the electromagnetic field components within a mesh element. The semi-discretized equations are then time integrated by a second order leap-frog scheme. The resulting numerical methodology is adapted to modern parallel computing systems with multiple GPU acceleration cards by adopting a hybrid strategy that combines a coarse grain SPMD programming model for inter-GPU parallelization and a fine grain SIMD programming model for intra-GPU parallelization. The performance improvement thanks to multiple-GPU acceleration is demonstrated through large-scale simulations that are performed on a cluster of GPUs using realistic heterogeneous models of head tissues built from medical images

    Effect of seismogenic depth and background stress on physical limits of earthquake rupture across fault step-overs

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    Earthquakes can rupture geometrically complex fault systems by breaching fault step overs. Quantifying the likelihood of rupture jump across step overs is important to evaluate earthquake hazard and to understand the interactions between dynamic rupture and fault growth processes. Here we investigate the role of seismogenic depth and background stress on physical limits of earthquake rupture across fault step overs. Our computational and theoretical study is focused on the canonical case of two parallel strike-slip faults with large aspect ratio, uniform prestress and friction properties. We conduct a systematic set of 3-D dynamic rupture simulations with different seismogenic depth, step over distance, and initial stresses. We find that the maximum step over distance H_c that a rupture can jump depends on seismogenic depth W and strength excess to stress drop ratio S, commonly used to evaluate probable rupture velocity, as H_c ∝ W/S^n, where n = 2 when H_c/W 1.5) and n = 1 otherwise. The critical nucleation size, largely controlled by frictional properties, has a second-order effect on H_c. Rupture on the secondary fault is mainly triggered by the stopping phase emanated from the rupture end on the primary fault. Asymptotic analysis of the peak amplitude of stopping phases sheds light on the mechanical origin of the relations between H_c, W, and S, and leads to the scaling regime with n = 1 in far field and n = 2 in near field. The results suggest that strike-slip earthquakes on faults with large seismogenic depth or operating at high shear stresses can jump wider step overs than observed so far in continental interplate earthquakes

    Accelerating a 3D finite-difference wave propagation code using GPU graphics cards

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    International audienceWe accelerate a three-dimensional finite-difference in the time domain (FDTD) wave propagation code by a factor between about 20 and 60 compared to a serial implementation using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computing on NVIDIA graphics cards with the CUDA programming language. We describe the implementation of the code in CUDA to simulate the propagation of seismic waves in a heterogeneous elastic medium. We also implement Convolution Perfectly Matched Layers (CPMLs) on the graphics cards to efficiently absorb outgoing waves on the fictitious edges of the grid. We show that the code that runs on a graphics card gives the expected results by comparing our results to those obtained by running the same simulation on a classical processor core. The methodology that we present can be used for Maxwell's equations as well because their form is similar to that of the seismic wave equation written in velocity vector and stress tensor

    Finite Element Algorithms and Data Structures on Graphical Processing Units

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    The finite element method (FEM) is one of the most commonly used techniques for the solution of partial differential equations on unstructured meshes. This paper discusses both the assembly and the solution phases of the FEM with special attention to the balance of computation and data movement. We present a GPU assembly algorithm that scales to arbitrary degree polynomials used as basis functions, at the expense of redundant computations. We show how the storage of the stiffness matrix affects the performance of both the assembly and the solution. We investigate two approaches: global assembly into the CSR and ELLPACK matrix formats and matrix-free algorithms, and show the trade-off between the amount of indexing data and stiffness data. We discuss the performance of different approaches in light of the implicit caches on Fermi GPUs and show a speedup over a two-socket 12-core CPU of up to 10 times in the assembly and up to 6 times in the solution phase. We present our sparse matrix-vector multiplication algorithms that are part of a conjugate gradient iteration and show that a matrix-free approach may be up to two times faster than global assembly approaches and up to 4 times faster than NVIDIA’s cuSPARSE library, depending on the preconditioner used

    Multiscale Method for Elastic Wave Propagation in the Heterogeneous, Anisotropic Media

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    Seismic wave simulation in realistic Earth media with full wavefield methods is a fundamental task in geophysical studies. Conventional approaches such as the finite-difference method and the finite-element method solve the wave equation in geological models represented with discrete grids and elements. When the Earth model includes complex heterogeneities at multiple spatial scales, the simulation requires fine discretization and therefore a system with many degrees of freedom, which often exceeds current computational abilities. In this dissertation, I address this problem by proposing new multiscale methods for simulating elastic wave propagation based on previously developed algorithms for solving the elliptic partial differential equations and the acoustic wave equation. The fundamental motivation for developing the multiscale method is that it can solve the wave equation on a coarsely discretized mesh by incorporating the effects of fine-scale medium properties using so-called multiscale basis functions. This can greatly reduce computation time and degrees of freedom compared with conventional methods. I first derive a numerical homogenization method for arbitrarily heterogeneous, anisotropic media that utilizes the multiscale basis functions determined from a local linear elasticity equation to compute effective, anisotropic properties, and these equivalent elastic medium parameters can be used directly in existing elastic modeling algorithms. Then I extend the approach by constructing multiple basis functions using two types of appropriately defined local spectral linear elasticity problems. Given the eigenfunctions determined from local spectral problems, I develop a generalized multiscale finite-element method (GMsFEM) for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous, anisotropic media in both continuous Galerkin (CG) and discontinuous Galerkin (DG) formulations. The advantage of the multiscale basis functions is they are model-dependent, unlike the predefined polynomial basis functions applied in conventional finite-element methods. For this reason, the GMsFEM can effectively capture the influence of fine-scale variation of the media. I present results for several numerical experiments to verify the effectiveness of both the numerical homogenization method and GMsFEM. These tests show that the effectiveness of the multiscale method relies on the appropriate choice of boundary conditions that are applied for the local problem in numerical homogenization method and on the selection of basis functions from a large set of eigenfunctions contained in local spectral problems in GMsFEM. I develop methods for solving both these problems, and the results confirm that the multiscale method can be powerful tool for providing accurate full wavefield solutions in heterogeneous, anisotropic media, yet with reduced computation time and degrees of freedom compared with conventional full wavefield modeling methods. Specially, I applied the DG-GMsFEM to the Marmousi-2 elastic model, and find that DG-GMsFEM can greatly reduce the computation time compared with continuous Galerkin (CG) FEM

    Numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation in underground mines.

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    The phenomenon of rockburst damage localization, which is not well understood, has been observed in deep underground mines. Analysis of seismic wave propagation in underground mines is of great interest for improved understanding of the dynamic rock failure problem. This thesis aims at making a contribution for improving understanding of the seismic wave propagation in deep underground mines. Advanced numerical modeling tools are used and new modeling techniques are developed to attain this goal. In this thesis, research is emphasized on the ground motion around excavations due to seismic wave propagation that results from a fault-slip seismic event in the far-field and the near-field. It is found that moment tensor point source model seems to be suitable for the source representation in the far-field and the non-point source model (such as kinematic rupture source model) seems to be suitable for the source representation in the near-field. The modeling results confirm that ground motion is influenced by many factors such as target-source distance, slip direction, spatial location, and geometrical and geological conditions. Influence of wavelength-to-excavation span (/D) ratio on the wavefield is investigated to gain insights of ground motion behavior under both quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. It is revealed that PPV (peak particle velocity) values increase as the /D ratio increases and the amplification effect increases as the /D ratio decreases. The loading condition maybe changed from the dynamic loading to the quasi-static condition when the /D is larger than 30. Strong dynamic loading should be considered when the /D ratio is small (less than 10, with a shear wavelength less than 50 m and an excavation span greater than 5 m) for most underground excavations. A method is proposed to estimate the quality factor (a measure of energy loss per oscillation cycle) for shear waves propagating in underground hard rocks so as to gain insight into the influence of internal attenuation on seismic wave propagation. A proper shear wave quality factor can be obtained by comparing modeling results with that from a scaling law, even if there are no high quality data for quality factor back analysis. Furthermore, the influence of different geological structures on seismic wave propagation is studied. It is shown that wave propagation patterns around an excavation can be altered and PPV amplification and shielding effect can occur near the excavation boundaries amongst other reasons due to heterogeneities such as tunnels, open and backfilled stopes, and dykes in underground mines. Finally, a coupled numerical procedure, which couples FLAC and SPECFEM2D, is developed to consider the excavation effect on ground motion. The FLAC model considers the excavationinduced stress change and rock mass failure, and passes the input data to SPECFEM2D by invoking FISH scripts. In addition, a new nonlinear velocity model that considers the influence of confinement and rock mass failure on wave velocity is presented. This nonlinear velocity model and the coupled numerical technique are used to model a simple stope excavation problem. It is found that there is a large difference in the wavefields and ground motions between the results from the uniform and non-uniform velocity models. A relatively stronger amplification is observed in the low confinement zones and on the excavation surface in the non-uniform velocity models. Because stress redistribution and rock mass failure around an excavation are considered, a realistic non-uniform velocity field can be obtained. The proposed coupled numerical procedure offers a method to improve the understanding of the site amplification effect and ground motion near excavation boundaries. This thesis presents some insights with regard to seismic wave propagation due to fault-slip seismic events in underground mines. If seismic wave propagation in underground mines can be modeled properly using techniques such as these presented in this thesis, then it is possible to conduct forensic analysis after a large seismic event so as to explain one of many factors that caused rockburst damage localization. Alternatively, the modeling approach may provide valuable inputs for decision-making with regard to strengthening high risk areas to prevent rockburst, thus improving mine safety.Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Natural Resources Engineerin