5 research outputs found

    Modeling ping times in first person shooter games

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    In First Person Shooter (FPS) games the Round Trip Time (RTT), i.e., the sum of the network delay from client to server and the network delay from server to client, impacts the game

    Impact of Service Time Distribution on the Performances of Internet Node

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    U radu su analizirane performanse internetskog čvora neke višeuslužne mreže izražene prosječnim vremenima čekanja i boravka u sustavu. Ulazni podaci simulacije generirani su korištenjem dostupnih internetskih alata. Pri tom su korištene različite razdiobe za opis vremena trajanja posluživanja paketa (normalna, eksponencijalna, konstantna i Pareto). Ovisno o značajkama ulaznog toka te vremenu trajanja posluživanja, u analizi performansi upotrjebljen je odgovarajući podvorbeni model //1. Za dane ulazne podatke, rezultati ukazuju kako su najbolje performanse ostvarene za konstantnu razdiobu i to zbog odsustva varijabilnosti duljine paketa, a samim time i trajanja posluživanja. Osim toga, radom je pokazana važnost utjecaja pojedine razdiobe trajanja posluživanja, budući da se dobiveni rezultati uvelike razlikuju iako su ostali parametri bili približno jednaki za sve četiri razdiobe (broj analiziranih paketa, kapacitet odlaznog linka, prosječna duljina paketa te prosječno prometno opterećenje).The paper analyzes the performance of multi-service Internet node expressed by mean waiting time and mean sojourn time. The data for the simulations were generated using the available online tools. Different distributions have been used to describe the distribution of packet service times (normal, exponential, constant and Pareto). Depending on the characteristics of the input flow and service time, the appropriate model //1 has been used for performance analysis. For a given input data, the results show that the best performance is achieved by constant distribution of service times due to the lack of variability in the lengths of the packages, and thus the service time. In addition, the work shows the importance of each service time distribution as the results obtained differ greatly even though the other parameters were approximately equal for all four distributions (number of analyzed packets, output link capacity, average packet length and average traffic load)

    Modeling ping times in first person shooter games.

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