681 research outputs found

    CMOS Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communication Systems

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    Energy Efficient RF Transmitter Design using Enhanced Breakdown Voltage SOI-CMOS Compatible MESFETs

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    abstract: The high cut-off frequency of deep sub-micron CMOS technologies has enabled the integration of radio frequency (RF) transceivers with digital circuits. However, the challenging point is the integration of RF power amplifiers, mainly due to the low breakdown voltage of CMOS transistors. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs) have been introduced to remedy the limited headroom concern in CMOS technologies. The MESFETs presented in this thesis have been fabricated on different SOI-CMOS processes without making any change to the standard fabrication steps and offer 2-30 times higher breakdown voltage than the MOSFETs on the same process. This thesis explains the design steps of high efficiency and wideband RF transmitters using the proposed SOI-CMOS compatible MESFETs. This task involves DC and RF characterization of MESFET devices, along with providing a compact Spice model for simulation purposes. This thesis presents the design of several SOI-MESFET RF power amplifiers operating at 433, 900 and 1800 MHz with ~40% bandwidth. Measurement results show a peak power added efficiency (PAE) of 55% and a peak output power of 22.5 dBm. The RF-PAs were designed to operate in Class-AB mode to minimize the linearity degradation. Class-AB power amplifiers lead to poor power added efficiency, especially when fed with signals with high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) such as wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA). Polar transmitters have been introduced to improve the efficiency of RF-PAs at backed-off powers. A MESFET based envelope tracking (ET) polar transmitter was designed and measured. A low drop-out voltage regulator (LDO) was used as the supply modulator of this polar transmitter. MESFETs are depletion mode devices; therefore, they can be configured in a source follower configuration to have better stability and higher bandwidth that MOSFET based LDOs. Measurement results show 350 MHz bandwidth while driving a 10 pF capacitive load. A novel polar transmitter is introduced in this thesis to alleviate some of the limitations associated with polar transmitters. The proposed architecture uses the backgate terminal of a partially depleted transistor on SOI process, which relaxes the bandwidth and efficiency requirements of the envelope amplifier in a polar transmitter. The measurement results of the proposed transmitter demonstrate more than three times PAE improvement at 6-dB backed-off output power, compared to the traditional RF transmitters.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    A digital polar transmitter for multi-band OFDM Ultra-WideBand

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    Linear power amplifiers used to implement the Ultra-Wideband standard must be backed off from optimum power efficiency to meet the standard specifications and the power efficiency suffers. The problem of low efficiency can be mitigated by polar modulation. Digital polar architectures have been employed on numerous wireless standards like GSM, EDGE, and WLAN, where the fractional bandwidths achieved are only about 1%, and the power levels achieved are often in the vicinity of 20 dBm. Can the architecture be employed on wireless standards with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements and yet achieve good power efficiency? To answer these question, this thesis studies the application of a digital polar transmitter architecture with parallel amplifier stages for UWB. The concept of the digital transmitter is motivated and inspired by three factors. First, unrelenting advances in the CMOS technology in deep-submicron process and the prevalence of low-cost Digital Signal processing have resulted in the realization of higher level of integration using digitally intensive approaches. Furthermore, the architecture is an evolution of polar modulation, which is known for high power efficiency in other wireless applications. Finally, the architecture is operated as a digital-to-analog converter which circumvents the use of converters in conventional transmitters. Modeling and simulation of the system architecture is performed on the Agilent Advanced Design System Ptolemy simulation platform. First, by studying the envelope signal, we found that envelope clipping results in a reduction in the peak-to-average power ratio which in turn improves the error vector magnitude performance (figure of merit for the study). In addition, we have demonstrated that a resolution of three bits suffices for the digital polar transmitter when envelope clipping is performed. Next, this thesis covers a theoretical derivation for the estimate of the error vector magnitude based on the resolution, quantization and phase noise errors. An analysis on the process variations - which result in gain and delay mismatches - for a digital transmitter architecture with four bits ensues. The above studies allow RF designers to estimate the number of bits required and the amount of distortion that can be tolerated in the system. Next, a study on the circuit implementation was conducted. A DPA that comprises 7 parallel RF amplifiers driven by a constant RF phase-modulated signal and 7 cascode transistors (individually connected in series with the bottom amplifiers) digitally controlled by a 3-bit digitized envelope signal to reconstruct the UWB signal at the output. Through the use of NFET models from the IBM 130-nm technology, our simulation reveals that our DPA is able to achieve an EVM of - 22 dB. The DPA simulations have been performed at 3.432 GHz centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 528 MHz, which translates to a fractional bandwidth of 15.4%. Drain efficiencies of 13.2/19.5/21.0% have been obtained while delivering -1.9/2.5/5.5 dBm of output power and consuming 5/9/17 mW of power. In addition, we performed a yield analysis on the digital polar amplifier, based on unit-weighted and binary-weighted architecture, when gain variations are introduced in all the individual stages. The dynamic element matching method is also introduced for the unit-weighted digital polar transmitter. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that when the gain of the amplifiers are allowed to vary at a mean of 1 with a standard deviation of 0.2, the binary-weighted architecture obtained a yield of 79%, while the yields of the unit-weighted architectures are in the neighbourhood of 95%. Moreover, the dynamic element matching technique demonstrates an improvement in the yield by approximately 3%. Finally, a hardware implementation for this architecture based on software-defined arbitrary waveform generators is studied. In this section, we demonstrate that the error vector magnitude results obtained with a four-stage binary-weighted digital polar transmitter under ideal combining conditions fulfill the European Computer Manufacturers Association requirements. The proposed experimental setup, believed to be the first ever attempted, confirm the feasibility of a digital polar transmitter architecture for Ultra-Wideband. In addition, we propose a number of power combining techniques suitable for the hardware implementation. Spatial power combining, in particular, shows a high potential for the digital polar transmitter architecture. The above studies demonstrate the feasibility of the digital polar architecture with good power efficiency for a wideband wireless standard with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements

    Information Power Efficiency Tradeoffs in Mixed Signal CMOS Circuits

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    Increasingly sensors for biological applications are implemented using mixed signal CMOS technologies. As feature sizes in modern technologies decrease with each generation, the power supply voltage also decreases, but the intrinsic noise level increases or remains the same. The performance of any sensor is quantified by the weakest detectable signal, and noise limits the ability of a sensor to detect the signal. In order to explore the trade-offs among incoming signal, the intrinsic physical noise of the circuit, and the available power resources, we apply basic concepts from information theory to CMOS circuits. In this work the circuits are modeled as communication channels with additive colored Gaussian noise and the signal transfer characteristics and noise properties are used to determine the classical Shannon capacity of the system. The waterfilling algorithm is applied to these circuits to obtain the information rate and the bit energy is subsequently calculated. In this dissertation we restricted our attention to operational transconductance amplifiers, a basic building block for many circuits and sensors and oftentimes a major source of noise in a sensor system. It is shown that for typical amplifiers the maximum information rate occurs at bandwidths above the dominant pole of the amplifier where the intrinsic physical circuit noise is diminished, but at the same time the output signal is attenuated. Thus these techniques suggest a methodology for the optimal use of the amplifier, but in many cases it is not practical to use an amplifier in this manner, that is at frequencies above its 3dB cutoff. Further, a direct consequence of applying the classic waterfilling algorithm leads to the idea of using modulation techniques to optimize system performance by shifting signals internally to higher frequencies, providing a practical means to achieve the information rates predicted by waterfilling and at the same time maintaining the real world application of these amplifiers. In addition, the information rates and bit energy for basic CMOS amplifier configurations are studied and compared across configurations and processes. Further the additional design constraints formed by adding the information rate and the bit energy to traditional design characteristics is explored

    Wideband integrated circuits for optical communication systems

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    The exponential growth of internet traffic drives datacenters to constantly improvetheir capacity. Several research and industrial organizations are aiming towardsTbps Ethernet and beyond, which brings new challenges to the field of high-speedbroadband electronic circuit design. With datacenters rapidly becoming significantenergy consumers on the global scale, the energy efficiency of the optical interconnecttransceivers takes a primary role in the development of novel systems. Furthermore,wideband optical links are finding application inside very high throughput satellite(V/HTS) payloads used in the ever-expanding cloud of telecommunication satellites,enabled by the maturity of the existing fiber based optical links and the hightechnology readiness level of radiation hardened integrated circuit processes. Thereare several additional challenges unique in the design of a wideband optical system.The overall system noise must be optimized for the specific application, modulationscheme, PD and laser characteristics. Most state-of-the-art wideband circuits are builton high-end semiconductor SiGe and InP technologies. However, each technologydemands specific design decisions to be made in order to get low noise, high energyefficiency and adequate bandwidth. In order to overcome the frequency limitationsof the optoelectronic components, bandwidth enhancement and channel equalizationtechniques are used. In this work various blocks of optical communication systems aredesigned attempting to tackle some of the aforementioned challenges. Two TIA front-end topologies with 133 GHz bandwidth, a CB and a CE with shunt-shunt feedback,are designed and measured, utilizing a state-of-the-art 130 nm InP DHBT technology.A modular equalizer block built in 130 nm SiGe HBT technology is presented. Threeultra-wideband traveling wave amplifiers, a 4-cell, a single cell and a matrix single-stage, are designed in a 250 nm InP DHBT process to test the limits of distributedamplification. A differential VCSEL driver circuit is designed and integrated in a4x 28 Gbps transceiver system for intra-satellite optical communications based in arad-hard 130nm SiGe process

    A +20dBm highly efficient linear outphasing Class-E PA without AM/AM and AM/PM characterization requirements

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    Outphasing Class-E Power Amplifiers (OEPAs) using isolating power combiners and an inverse cosine signal component separator are inherently linear but suffer from low efficiency at power back-off. For high efficiency both at maximum output power and at power back-off, non-isolating power combiners are required. In this work the linearity of OEPAs using nonisolating power combiners is studied theoretically and validated by measurement of a 1.8GHz 20dBm OEPA implemented in a standard 65nm CMOS technology using an off-chip transmissionline based combiner. The developed theoretical model for the linearity is then employed to define digital pre-distortion (DPD) parameters for the implemented OEPA. Using this theory-based DPD and without any AM/AM and AM/PM characterizations, -31dB RMS EVM level and below -30dB ACLR were measured for a 13.1dBm 6.25MHz 30Mbit/s 7dB PAPR 64QAM signal with 41.8% drain efficiency and 33.6% power added efficiency

    Low-Noise Micro-Power Amplifiers for Biosignal Acquisition

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    There are many different types of biopotential signals, such as action potentials (APs), local field potentials (LFPs), electromyography (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), etc. Nerve action potentials play an important role for the analysis of human cognition, such as perception, memory, language, emotions, and motor control. EMGs provide vital information about the patients which allow clinicians to diagnose and treat many neuromuscular diseases, which could result in muscle paralysis, motor problems, etc. EEGs is critical in diagnosing epilepsy, sleep disorders, as well as brain tumors. Biopotential signals are very weak, which requires the biopotential amplifier to exhibit low input-referred noise. For example, EEGs have amplitudes from 1 μV [microvolt] to 100 μV [microvolt] with much of the energy in the sub-Hz [hertz] to 100 Hz [hertz] band. APs have amplitudes up to 500 μV [microvolt] with much of the energy in the 100 Hz [hertz] to 7 kHz [hertz] band. In wearable/implantable systems, the low-power operation of the biopotential amplifier is critical to avoid thermal damage to surrounding tissues, preserve long battery life, and enable wirelessly-delivered or harvested energy supply. For an ideal thermal-noise-limited amplifier, the amplifier power is inversely proportional to the input-referred noise of the amplifier. Therefore, there is a noise-power trade-off which must be well-balanced by the designers. In this work I propose novel amplifier topologies, which are able to significantly improve the noise-power efficiency by increasing the effective transconductance at a given current. In order to reject the DC offsets generated at the tissue-electrode interface, energy-efficient techniques are employed to create a low-frequency high-pass cutoff. The noise contribution of the high-pass cutoff circuitry is minimized by using power-efficient configurations, and optimizing the biasing and dimension of the devices. Sufficient common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) are achieved to suppress common-mode interferences and power supply noises. Our design are fabricated in standard CMOS processes. The amplifiers’ performance are measured on the bench, and also demonstrated with biopotential recordings

    Broadband Receiver Electronic Circuits for Fiber-Optical Communication Systems

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    The exponential growth of internet traffic drives datacenters to constantly improve their capacity. As the copper based network infrastructure is being replaced by fiber-optical interconnects, new industrial standards for higher datarates are required. Several research and industrial organizations are aiming towards 400 Gb Ethernet and beyond, which brings new challenges to the field of high-speed broadband electronic circuit design. Replacing OOK with higher M-ary modulation formats and using higher datarates increases network capacity but at the cost of power. With datacenters rapidly becoming significant energy consumers on the global scale, the energy efficiency of the optical interconnect transceivers takes a primary role in the development of novel systems. There are several additional challenges unique in the design of a broadband shortreach fiber-optical receiver system. The sensitivity of the receiver depends on the noise performance of the PD and the electronics. The overall system noise must be optimized for the specific application, modulation scheme, PD and VCSEL characteristics. The topology of the transimpedance amplifier affects the noise and frequency response of the PD, so the system must be optimized as a whole. Most state-of-the-art receivers are built on high-end semiconductor SiGe and InP technologies. However, there are still several design decisions to be made in order to get low noise, high energy efficiency and adequate bandwidth. In order to overcome the frequency limitations of the optoelectronic components, bandwidth enhancement and channel equalization techniques are used. In this work several different blocks of a receiver system are designed and characterized. A broadband, 50 GHz bandwidth CB-based TIA and a tunable gain equalizer are designed in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. An ultra-broadband traveling wave amplifier is presented, based on a 250 nm InP DHBT technology demonstrating a 207 GHz bandwidth. Two TIA front-end topologies with 133 GHz bandwidth, a CB and a CE with shunt-shunt feedback, based on a 130 nm InP DHBT technology are designed and compared

    A Review of Watt-Level CMOS RF Power Amplifiers

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    Biosensors and CMOS Interface Circuits

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    abstract: Analysing and measuring of biological or biochemical processes are of utmost importance for medical, biological and biotechnological applications. Point of care diagnostic system, composing of biosensors, have promising applications for providing cheap, accurate and portable diagnosis. Owing to these expanding medical applications and advances made by semiconductor industry biosensors have seen a tremendous growth in the past few decades. Also emergence of microfluidics and non-invasive biosensing applications are other marker propellers. Analyzing biological signals using transducers is difficult due to the challenges in interfacing an electronic system to the biological environment. Detection limit, detection time, dynamic range, specificity to the analyte, sensitivity and reliability of these devices are some of the challenges in developing and integrating these devices. Significant amount of research in the field of biosensors has been focused on improving the design, fabrication process and their integration with microfluidics to address these challenges. This work presents new techniques, design and systems to improve the interface between the electronic system and the biological environment. This dissertation uses CMOS circuit design to improve the reliability of these devices. Also this work addresses the challenges in designing the electronic system used for processing the output of the transducer, which converts biological signal into electronic signal.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201
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