23,372 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Project Management Competences Based on the Semantic Networks

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    The paper presents the testing and evaluation facilities of the SinPers system. The SinPers is a web based learning environment in project management, capable of building and conducting a complete and personalized training cycle, from the definition of the learning objectives to the assessment of the learning results for each learner. The testing and evaluation facilities of SinPers system are based on the ontological approach. The educational ontology is mapped on a semantic network. Further, the semantic network is projected into a concept space graph. The semantic computability of the concept space graph is used to design the tests. The paper focuses on the applicability of the system in the certification, for the knowledge assessment, related to each element of competence. The semantic computability is used for differentiating between different certification levels.testing, assessment, ontology, semantic networks, certification.

    Handling privacy and concurrency in an online educational evaluation system

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    Nowadays, all academic institutions exhibit and distribute their material over Internet. Moreover, e-learning and e-evaluation products is one of the most rapidly expanding areas of education and training, with nearly 30% of U.S. college and university students now taking at least one online course. However, Internet increases the vulnerability of digital educational content exploitation since it is a potential hostile environment for secure data management. The challenge is that providing current online educational tools that are accessible by a large number of users, these educational environments handle data of varying sensitivity thus it is increasingly important to reason about and enforce information privacy guarantees in the presence of concurrency. The present paper provides a privacy preserving approach in a concurrent online educational evaluation system. It introduces a privacy preserving approach for utilizing online concurrent evaluation of acquired student competencies that handles the increasingly complex issues of designing, developing and e-competence evaluation systems suitable for educational and e-learning environments. The proposed architecture for an online competence evaluation system offers access control and protect users' private data while, it provides concurrent procedures for evaluating competencies. © 2019 International Press of Boston, Inc. All rights reserved.European Commission, ECThis work has been partially supported by the “Implementation of Software Engineering Com-petence Remote Evaluation for Master Program Graduates (iSECRET)” project No 2015-1-LVo1-KA203-013439 funded by ERASMUS+ of the European Commission

    Mining Competences of Expert Estimators

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    This paper reports on a study conducted with intention to identify competences of employees engaged on software development projects that are responsible for reliable effort estimation. Execution of assigned project tasks engages different human characteristics and effort estimation is integral part of development process. Competences are defined as knowledge , skills and abilities required to perform job assignments. As input data we used company internal classification and collection of employee competences together with data sets of task effort estimates from ten projects executed in a department of the company specialized for development of IT solutions in telecom domain. Techniques used for modeling are proven data mining methods, the neural network and decision tree algorithms. Results provided mapping of competences to effort estimates and represent valuable knowledge discovery that can be used in practice for selection and evaluation of expert effort estimators

    Enhancing food security in an era of global climate change

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    The goal of the workshop was to build a more strategic and integrated perspective on the threats and opportunities latent in the food / climate issue, and to discuss the hard challenges of moving forward toward common goals in a private, off-the-record setting. An executive session convened by the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and the Venice International University on June 6-9, 2010 attracted more than 25 of the world’s leading experts from the fields of policy, science, and business to San Servolo Island for an intensive three day session (see text for a list of the participants). The discussions were off-the-record, with each participant present in his or her own capacity, rather than representing an organization. The session was one in a series on Grand Challenges of the Sustainability Transition organized by the Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University with the generous support of the Italy’s Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea. This particular session was held in cooperation with the new Mega Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security being developed by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Earth System Science Partnership. This summary report of the session is our synthesis of the main points and arguments that emerged from the discussions. It does not represent a consensus document, since no effort was made at the Session to arrive at a single consensus view. Rather, we report here on what we heard to be the major themes discussed at the session. Any errors or misrepresentations remain solely our responsibility

    Parahyangan Catholic University Relationship Management Pilot Project at FISIP-UNPAR

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    Considering that relations with the students is really important as one of the approachesto get its competitive advantages, a university must knows exactly eachof the students so the university\u27s staffs can interact, communicate and fulfill thestudents needs personally. In order to maximize the effort, the university must use itsstudents\u27 database supported with information technology to create customer knowledgecompetence. To make the adequate CRM function with risk management fromthe beginning to reduce the risks which can be came up, the university must havecustomer mapping, employee commitment and re-organization

    Formation of Digital Literacy of Undergraduate Students in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals

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    The paper aims to develop a model of a training course aimed at forming undergraduate students’ digital literacy, considering the goals of sustainable development and the implementation of a competency-based approach. The tasks were to analyze digital literacy frameworks in the context of sustainable development goals, analysis of educational standards of higher education at the bachelor’s level, and modeling on this basis the content of the academic discipline, determining the methodological conditions of the learning process, and choosing instrumental solutions for designing the course and implementing academic discipline. In the process of identifying and analyzing the existing framework of digital competencies, international frameworks, and practical experience, we proposed a way to correlate these models with the tasks of implementing a competency-based approach and adapting these models to the national conditions for the implementation of educational programs at the higher education level. We developed a scientific concept and modeled the “Digital Culture” training course, aimed at developing digital literacy of students in all areas of training at the bachelor’s level

    Defending Against Firmware Cyber Attacks on Safety-Critical Systems

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    In the past, it was not possible to update the underlying software in many industrial control devices. Engineering teams had to ‘rip and replace’ obsolete components. However, the ability to make firmware updates has provided significant benefits to the companies who use Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), switches, gateways and bridges as well as an array of smart sensor/actuators. These updates include security patches when vulnerabilities are identified in existing devices; they can be distributed by physical media but are increasingly downloaded over Internet connections. These mechanisms pose a growing threat to the cyber security of safety-critical applications, which are illustrated by recent attacks on safety-related infrastructures across the Ukraine. Subsequent sections explain how malware can be distributed within firmware updates. Even when attackers cannot reverse engineer the code necessary to disguise their attack, they can undermine a device by forcing it into a constant upload cycle where the firmware installation never terminates. In this paper, we present means of mitigating the risks of firmware attack on safety-critical systems as part of wider initiatives to secure national critical infrastructures. Technical solutions, including firmware hashing, must be augmented by organizational measures to secure the supply chain within individual plants, across companies and throughout safety-related industries