2 research outputs found

    Performance comparison between 802.11 and 802.11p for high speed vehicle in VANET

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) technology has been emerged as a critical research area. Being ad-hoc in nature, VANET is a type of networks that is created from the concept of establishing a network of cars for a specific need or situation. Communication via routing packets over the high-speed vehicles is a challenging task. Vehicles mobility, speed can vary depending on the road specification. However, on highway, the speed can be increase up to 120 – 200 Km/H. Moving at high speed can affect the efficiency of data delivery. In particular V2I traffic where moving car trying to deliver data to fixed space units which are designed to collect and process data from vehicles. Different protocols have been proposed to be implemented for VANET infrastructure, including 802.11 and 802.11p. In this paper, the performance of the most widely deployed MAC protocols for handling wireless communication which is 802.11 and the 802.11p have been compared, which is a customized version for high speed modes. Performance is investigated in term of data delivery evaluation metrics including network throughput, delay and packet delivery ration. Results show that 802.11p has efficiently enhanced the network performance where network throughput is increased, delay is decreased, and packet delivery ratio is increased as well

    RĂ©seaux de capteurs ubiquitous dans l'environnement NGN

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    Ubiquités Sensor Network (USN) is a conceptual network built over existing physical networks. It makes use of sensed data and provides knowledge services to anyone, anywhere and at anytime, and where the information is generated by using context awareness. Smart wearable devices and USNs are emerging rapidly providing many reliable services facilitating people life. Those very useful small end terminals and devices require a global communication substrate to provide a comprehensive global end user service. In 2010, the ITU-T provided the requirements to support USN applications and services in the Next Génération Network (NGN) environment to exploit the advantages of the core network. One of the main promising markets for the USN application and services is the e-Health. It provides continuous patients’ monitoring and enables a great improvement in medical services. On the other hand, Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETwork (VANET) is an emerging technology, which provides intelligent communication between mobile vehicles. Integrating VANET with USN has a great potential to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. Most VANET applications are applied in real time and they are sensitive to delay, especially those related to safety and health. In this work, we propose to use IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) as a service controller sub-layer in the USN environment providing a global substrate for a comprehensive end-to-end service. Moreover, we propose to integrate VANETs with USN for more rich applications and facilities, which will ease the life of humans. We started studying the challenges on the road to achieve this goalUbiquitous Sensor Network (USN) est un réseau conceptuel construit sur des réseaux physiques existantes. Il se sert des données détectées et fournit des services de connaissances à quiconque, n'importe où et à tout moment, et où l'information est générée en utilisant la sensibilité au contexte. Dispositifs et USN portables intelligents émergent rapidement en offrant de nombreux services fiables facilitant la vie des gens. Ces petits terminaux et terminaux très utiles besoin d'un substrat de communication globale pour fournir un service complet de l'utilisateur final global. En 2010, ITU -T a fourni les exigences pour supporter des applications et services USN dans le Next Generation Network (NGN) de l'environnement d'exploiter les avantages du réseau de base. L'un des principaux marchés prometteurs pour l'application et les services USN est la e- santé. Il fournit le suivi des patients en continu et permet une grande amélioration dans les services médicaux. D'autre part, des Véhicules Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) est une technologie émergente qui permet une communication intelligente entre les véhicules mobiles. Intégrer VANET avec USN a un grand potentiel pour améliorer la sécurité routière et la fluidité du trafic. La plupart des applications VANET sont appliqués en temps réel et ils sont sensibles à retarder, en particulier ceux liés à la sécurité et à la santé. Dans ce travail, nous proposons d'utiliser l'IP Multimédia Subsystem (IMS) comme une sous- couche de contrôle de service dans l'environnement USN fournir un substrat mondiale pour un service complet de bout en bout. De plus, nous vous proposons d'intégrer VANETs avec USN pour des applications et des installations riches plus, ce qui facilitera la vie des humains. Nous avons commencé à étudier les défis sur la route pour atteindre cet objecti